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NCAA Baseball Mod

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I have downloaded this mod.   However, I am running into a few issues.   When I run exploder it installs but I get a dialogue box saying many files could not be opened.   I can start the game, and I get all the intro screens, the music and all the teams and uniform options, but when I try to play a game, either in play now or exhibition the game continually crashes.   Anyone else had a similar experience?

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Hello! I am going to post this to you privately and out there just in case someone is having the same issue as you are having.

This is a very nice mod to play around in and it's my hope that you will be able to play this as soon as possible. I am going to refer you to a link that I created here many years ago on how to install multiple mods.

In a nutshell you need a clean (that means no mods installed on it) copy of Mvp 2005. Once you have that new copy of Mvp '05 installed run the installer that Jim825 created for this mod and point it at that new copy of Mvp '05. So maybe your NCAA mod will look something like this:

C:\Ncaa Baseball

Point the explodeme.exe file in that new directory where you have the unmodded copy of Mvp sitting. Let the program do its work and that will be that.

By the way, welcome back. You've been gone a long time and I hope you enjoy yourself and look around at all the new mods there are now.

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Yankee, I appreciate the help.  I am going to state here what I did in pm's with Y4L.   I do run a no-cd crack.  I know that is frowned up and you guys can get mad at me if you wish, but I paid a lot of money for this copy of MVP 2005 and I try not to break out my discs.   That being said I thought maybe that was the issue so I uninstalled MVP.  Then I got out my discs, reinstalled a brand new copy, then installed patch #2.   I am still having the same issue.  I can access both play now and exhibition mode team selection with no issues.   But once I try to play the game, from either no-cd or the disc itself, the game crashes on the loading screen.  

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Maybe this is normal, but this struck me as odd.  I tried to run this in compatibility mode, thinking that may be the issue.   When I try to run it under Windows XP SP3, it loads the original game and not the mod, even though I am accessing it from the folder where I have the NCAA mod installed.   Once I switch out of compatibility mode, it loads the NCAA mod.  Still crashing, but I thought that was odd. 

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Well I give up.  Looks like a great mod, but I have tried everything i can think of.  Running from the MVP disc itself, uninstalling and reinstalling numerous times, trying every possible compatibility mode option, running as admin, shutting down all applications (if Ram were a problem), and any other fix I could find on web and no dice.   Not sure what makes this mod so different than all the others I have, I counted I have 21, and I play all on occasion and never the slightest issue (other than that weird Ron Darling issue).

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This may be a stupid question, so forgive me ahead of time.. I only use the PC for what all red blooded american males do, playing MVP, trolling Hulk Hogan on twitter and watching porn so I have no idea about any modding.   

In order to try to isolate the issue with this mod, I have been comparing files in this mod with other mods I have that work fine.  I do notice that my models.big file in NCAA is only about 168k kb, while in another mod its over 247k.  I don't assume this would be a problem, but I am looking for someone with a lot more knowledge than myself to clarify. 

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The models.big file contains all of the uniforms and cyberfaces.  I haven't looked at the rosters in the NCAA mod, but if the players all have generic faces, then there will be much fewer extra faces in the models.big file.  That could account for some of the reduction in size.

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22 hours ago, MonkeysUncleByMarriage said:

In order to try to isolate the issue with this mod, I have been comparing files in this mod with other mods I have that work fine.  I do notice that my models.big file in NCAA is only about 168k kb, while in another mod its over 247k.  I don't assume this would be a problem, but I am looking for someone with a lot more knowledge than myself to clarify. 

Like Jim said, the file is smaller because there are no new cyberfaces.  

Not sure what your problem is.  I made, installed, and played the mod multiple times on Windows 10.  The only thing I could suggest is to try installing the game to the desktop instead of C:\.  That is where mine is and it seems to work.  Sorry I can't be more of a help. 

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