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@Yankee4Lifeyes, indeed.  Even would have lost last night's game as Matz was superb. Cole would have had to throw a shutout to win. Now with him out for awhile, and team not hitting, Blue Jays might move ahead this week in WC race. I liked the winning streak they had as any other Yankees fan, but it ended and team is back to where they were before the streak.

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10 hours ago, Ritchie said:

As I said all season: slip, sliding, away!!! A bunch of has beens.


You described them very well but people are not going to take you seriously and they are not going to take me seriously because the both of us have been angry at this team since a little after opening day. They underachieve, they don't hit, they don't pitch well, they suck at running the bases and their defense needs improving. Other than that they are fine. The only thing that this group of losers knows how to do very well is get hurt.

Now I know I have said a thousand times I don't care anymore and I'm done with this team but the truth is that I do care and I will never be done with this team no matter how lousy they play. I'm just frustrated and upset because I'm seeing the same thing over and over again. What did they do last year? They won ten in a row and they made everybody think that they were beginning to play good solid baseball. And then right after that winning streak they fell apart. And damned if the same thing happened again this year. Thirteen wins in a row seems like ages ago because now they have lost nine of their past eleven games and they have looked terrible in every single one of them.

As I said, the best thing for this group of overpaid losers is a hard dose of reality where they do not make the playoffs and they have to go home wondering about their jobs. Well, to hell with them. I brought up Severino before and it bears repeating. This guy has not played all year and I am convinced that he does not want to play. The Yankees should send him home today with the instructions that he plays winter ball just so he knows what real life competition is again. And then if he had so much as a headache this winter they should trade him to anyone stupid enough to take him.

Is there talent on this team? Of course there is but is overshadowed by lousy play, bad hitting and pitching, a ready-made bunch of excuses, the manager who seems to be afraid of calling out anyone on this team and the propensity to lead all of major league baseball in injuries year after year.

They do not play as a team. Look at the Giants and see what they did last year compared to right now. They did not make the playoffs in 2020 but right now they are one of the best teams in all of baseball. The Giants have been doing it all year and the Yankees have only done it for thirteen games.

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2 hours ago, Ritchie said:

Blue Jays taking another step closer to move 'Stinkees' out of WC race.  Slip, sliding, away!!!

You really do seem to be enjoying these Yankees losses. But then again, I guess all of you Blue Jays fans are enjoying them. 

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38 minutes ago, Jim825 said:

You really do seem to be enjoying these Yankees losses. But then again, I guess all of you Blue Jays fans are enjoying them. 


Ok Jim, never mind what he said for a minute. Did any of my post make sense to you? The similarities to last year are too much. They will straighten out again only to have another bad streak.  :sad:

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“I have a ton of confidence in that group in there and understand it’s been bad this week,” Boone said. “But we’ve got a great opportunity in front of us.”


                                                       -Yankee Manager Aaron Boone.


I had no idea he was going into stand-up comedy.

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@Jim825not I'm not enjoying these Yankees losses.  I said it way back in April they are a bunch of has beens but, I believe it was you, that said wait until May. Well May came and they were the same. Same for June, July, and part of August. Now, they're back to what this team is. A bunch of 'savages' to a bunch of weannies.  And now the Jays play the hapless O's , which the Yankees could not beat, and will probably move ahead in the WC standings this weekend.

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said Boone:  But we've been through this throughout the season. We're up against it again. We look forward to going out and turning this around tomorrow. We know it can turn just as quick as it's gone sideways here." 


                BUT CAN YOU????

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Saw on a video the tag by Sanchez: what the HELL was Sanchez doing/thinking regarding that play at plate in 1st inning?? Had the runner out easily but botched the tag. Get him out of the lineup!!!!!!!!!


And once again, Boone making excuses for the errors.


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I saw that play in the first inning and after that I knew they were going to lose. Just a feeling I had.


Can you imagine Sanchez playing for someone like Billy Martin? Holy sh**!! He'd of beaten up and benched this moron months ago.


You may as well not say slip, sliding away anymore. They've already slipped and they've slid away. They deserve all the scorn and ridicule that will be hurled on them. I have honestly had it.

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7 hours ago, Ritchie said:

@Yankee4LifeI was thinking about Billy Martin yesterday and how he would discipline this team the way they are right now.  Get back to playing baseball. It's his style of managing the Yankees need.


I got to thinking about that and it wouldn't work. These spineless crybabies will never play for Martin.


Good win tonight. Chapman almost lost it and if Sanchez was catching the Mets would have won.


In other news general manager Bryce Harper designated RHP Vince Velasquez for assignment. The only reason why I bring this up is I hope Cashman does not go after him. It's all we need right now.

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