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BallFour's MVP Baseball 1998


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Finally got the datafile to line up the bullpens properly in Milwaukee County Stadium!!! It was a complete shot in the dark, but I finally managed to get the correct values. Now I just have to get the pitchers in the bullpens rather than off in the void. XD





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I'm just having trouble positioning the pitchers. Like, the cameras are fine, but I can't figure out how to move the pitchers. If anyone else would like to take a crack at it, let me know and I can send you the datafile.

Okay, so I found a bit of a compromise because I've had no luck trying to get the road bullpen where it should be. So instead, since the home bullpen is pretty enormous, I've split it down the middle, so the two teams are effectively sharing a bullpen. It doesn't look awful, and I'd be happy to send the datafile if anyone wants to get OCD with it, but I think I've got a solution that can work nicely. Check it.




  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you BallFour!! I was about to ask this question in the shoutbox daily for about a week, make a few threads about it and send you four or five private messages just to make really and absolutely positively 100% sure that this mod would be compatible on Windows 10, even though I don't have Windows 10. :D :hi:




Olympic Stadium from 1998, complete with accurate ads! I tried to change the roof around to show a daytime sky, but didn't really have much luck. I *did* however import the shadow data from Veterans Stadium, so it looks like they're playing in the open air. 


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