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Ultimate Roster Project (PC,Xbox,PS2)


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I have one problem w/ all of the rosters out right now. I am a rangers fan and there is a starter named chris young. The rosters out right now have him in AAA and doesnt have all of his real pitches. He is a great young pitcher so hopefullly you have corrected this.

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You know what bby you never cease to amaze me with the way you come up with this stuff im not here to kiss your a$$ or praise you like everyone else im here to give you feedback. Jose Capellan sure does have a 2 seamer but according to you he does not ???? so apparently you know more then he does huh? you rated his curveball way too high as his best pitch is the 4 seamer not the curve. I noticed many of other weird ratings you gave other people as well. So you mean to tell me your logic of making his fastball low and taking away his 2 seamer and then raising his curveball control so you can "hold his stats back" so in other words you pulled these ratings and many others out of your butt? I mean come on you made this guy unhittable already by giving him a 21 mph slower changeup ?#$%

please tell us are these gonna be accurate and true to life or not? :x


I'm going to say this once and for all. Your suggestions are nothing to me. You're a zero! Period. Your presentation skills for suggestions continually amaze me with their audacity. I will never respond to any future posts.

As rude as patiencelessjoe's posts are, they somehow bring up good points. I don't how to find meaning in his rants of ignorance, but I'm determined to turn any posts into info I have learned. Some suggestions on my part.

1. Know what you're talking about first. Use the PM if you have to, before posting. I have been a part of this thread since the "teen" pages and I certainly didn't win llcmac and HypnoxXx over with ignorance. For instance, here are Capellan's MVPEdit #'s AND his corresponding In-Game ratings, the overriding factor in how a pitcher will do in simulation and gameplay.


There is indeed a large gap between his 4-seam and his other pitches, EVEN THOUGH IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE IT INITIALLY. I specifically developed a small Excel worksheet to help me with this translation (which I've already posted 70 pages ago on this thread), and there it is again.

2. If you have a suggestion, make it with a source AND courtesy. If patiencelessjoe had posted this instead, I will be much more responsive.


I think there may be a few things wrong with Capellan. First, I think his change speed is off. I know you didn't edit it, but it seems too slow compared to his fastball. Plus, he throws a 2-seam, even though the BA Prospect Handbook does not mention it. Here is an national online source:


taken from: http://brewers.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mil/news...s&fext=.jsp

If you don't have the time to do this, don't post.

3. Give something other than "homer" posts. If your favorite team is Texas and all your posts are centered on improving the Rangers' ratings, you will eventually be ignored.

4. Use self-deprecating humor. It shows you don't take yourself so seriously and have SOME humility.

5. Understand these are private individuals providing their leisure time for this and other MVPMods projects. Myself specifically, feel free to make fun of the Giants, Barroids, my avatar, my "queer" hometown or California in general, but "When's it coming" or "Hurry it up or I'm going out" posts are equivalent to "Your girlfriend's a ho" to me. In one line they exhibit so much selfishness, that any further posts are dirt.

6. Action speaks louder than words. I've said "Thanks, you're doing a great job" to llcmac and HypnoxXx maybe once or twice. My thanks is expressed by spending hours of my life on these damn pitchers. Just like tomorrow, making your Mom breakfast or doing the dishes says much more than a card could ever say.

Here are a few more AAA corrections:

Find Omaha corrections here:


Find Ottawa corrections here:


Find Pawtucket corrections here:


Find Portland corrections here:


Find Richmond corrections here:


Find Rochester corrections here:


Find Round Rock corrections here:


Find Sacramento corrections here:


I'll finish the last 6 teams or so this weekend some time, but may not post until Monday morning. My weekend is full of Schmitty and Reuter starts (one w/ Mom), poker games and a Sat. night on the town.

Hyp, You are your own man, but please don't feel you have to hold up a release for me to finish a side project. I'm sure we'll always have those who say "It's good enough for me". My position has always been, "You can give an update every day if you want." My work is just for those stalwarts looking for the nearest one can get to a "realistic" roster.

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I have one problem w/ all of the rosters out right now. I am a rangers fan and there is a starter named chris young. The rosters out right now have him in AAA and doesnt have all of his real pitches. He is a great young pitcher so hopefullly you have corrected this.


1. You don't tell me what YOU think are Young's pitches.

2. You provide no outside source to back any correction suggestions.

Here is my take on Chris Young via this source:


p. 97

"Young has a four-seam fastball that touches 94 mph, a two-seamer that reaches 92, a slider and two changeups- a straight and a sinking circle"

Here is his pitches in the current roster (where he is on Texas, not AAA-Oklahoma):


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I'm not holding just for you, bby, I'm hoping to receive some more organization tweaks and what not before releasing as well. Besides, you are moving so fast through AAA, I might as well wait. And since Tucson is the last AAA team on the list, I have to wait to start my dynasty anyway heh...

On Capellan, are you changing anything? Am I supposed to give him a 2 seamer now and raise the velocity on his change?

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On Capellan, are you changing anything? Am I supposed to give him a 2 seamer now and raise the velocity on his change?

Here's my new Capellan ratings, until the next Brewers or Braves fan tells me how stupid I am. I also have a little "cart of go-backs", little fixes here and there which include little things like: Zambrano's split, Turnbow's velocity, Frankie Rodriguez's speed on slider, etc. I'll save them up and do a little fix project later.


Are you going to do the AA and A pitch tweaks also?

Yes. There are too many Top Prospects in these levels to ignore.

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To all creators of this hopefully soon to be wonderful roster...

I understand on your part how you feel...because alot of people here come off extremely selfish...but do try to realize that its not their selfishness that should upset you, as much as it is their tact and social graces which are lacking.

While obviously annoying and irritating....many many many people are not only waiting on these rosters, but probably also salivating over them.

I, for example, have had this game since the day it was released, and have yet to start a season, because i am waiting for something (this, and Jacks rosters) to arrive.

So while I am in no way defending people who bug the living hell out of you...(kinda makes you sympathize with Homer Simpson even more with Bart and Lisa in the car, doesnt it?) Just try to realize there are a bunch of people who are anxiety ridden over this...and just dont have the maturity to handle it properly :)

As annoying as it is....people are lining up for your work. Its like 10 year old girls at an N'sync concert!


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I second MichaelJJT's post. People are being a tad selfing demanding the rosters, considering all the work that goes into them. However being one of them who are waiting for the rosters very anxiously, it is a tad frustrating to have a date specified to have the rosters out, then have it delayed. Now, anyone who has done any sort of work relying on other people knows how those delays happen, but just from a frustration side of things when you are waiting to start your game specifically to use these rosters it boils over to the point that people can post rants saying 'gimme gimme', which is unfortunate.

Hopefully llcmac, HypnoxXx bbythepier and all other creators of the rosters see behind the toddler-esqe reactions that it is a form of praise to say that we are relying on your work to even START the game...as the game wouldn't be worth playing without these rosters. I was able to see the rosters to help out with this final stretch, and everyone will be super pleased them, i promiss.

I totally support the idea someone posted saying he will release a base version of the rosters with all of the changes that could be made in that time...then a few weeks later post one with all the infinite tweaks that needed to be made, since alot of those childish-post people will most likely go away after the next version of the rosters is released.

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Here's my new Capellan ratings, until the next Brewers or Braves fan tells me how stupid I am. I also have a little "cart of go-backs", little fixes here and there which include little things like: Zambrano's split, Turnbow's velocity, Frankie Rodriguez's speed on slider, etc. I'll save them up and do a little fix project later.


Yes. There are too many Top Prospects in these levels to ignore.

How fast is his fastball up to? Should be about 97-99 top speed.

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Is there anyway you guys can tweak Jon Garland and Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez? Garland doesn't even seem to have a sinker and that's actually his best pitch. Also, is there anyway to give El Duque a 46 - 52 MPH eephus pitch? He doesn't throw it too often but he does use it at times.

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oh and by the way... can you make nomar garciaparra's durability and injury resistance ratings hmm maybe.... 200? and i know kerry wood doesnt throw is 112 mph heater much... but can you add that in too... oh and by the way... latroy hawkins needs to be upped cause hes 4/7 on save chances this year.... hes got a lidge slider, a big unit fastball, a rivera cutter, and a moyer changeup.... thanks a ton!!!!

:D:D :D

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While you're doing AAA tweaks,I asw Colter Bean pitch in a game against the Angels, the announcer said he threw a fastball, slider, and sinker, but I wouldn't use that if you've got another scouting report on him. His velocities are as follows:

fastball 85 MPH

Slider 76 MPH

change/sink 55 MPH

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Hey guys....Being Mother's day and all....I thought you would all be considerate enough to have this ready for my mom for her big day!!!!

Whats wrong with all of you not thinking about all of our moms and what they want!?!?!?



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