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MLB 2K 2019 1.0


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Got some updated attires if anyone wants them. I'll add them to downloads tomorrow. Have some for D-backs, Phillies, Cubs, and Braves (almost done with last one, just need to change brightness on socks, and will resize the MLB150 patches on all, just was seeing if I could get it to work)

Here's a screenshot of two (wanted to note D-backs hat since the latest updated uniforms on here for them aren't accurate as far as hats go. 





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milwaukee brewers 


consist of 10 uniforms

01 home,

01 visitor,

08 alternative:

(02 with Brewers chest logo with home and visitor pants),

(02 with Milwaukee chest logo with home and visitor pants),

(01 Retro uniform with logos current),

(02 Old retro uniforms),

(01 Uniform of Sprint Training)


se componen de 10 uniformes

01 hogar,

01 visitante,

08 alternativos: 

( 02 con el logo del pecho Brewers con pantalón de casa y visitante),

(02 con el logo del pecho Milwaukee con pantalón de casa y visitante),

(01 Uniforme retro con logos actual),

(02 Uniformes retro Viejos),

(01 Uniforme de Sprint Training)

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On 7/19/2019 at 6:32 PM, guaro1379 said:

ST. Louis Cardinals

mlb2k12 2019-07-19 21-09-40-278.jpg

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The red hat away is the main away uniform now and the blue hat is alt away. Also you’re missing the home alt that has the blue hat and red bill and cardinal logo on it. See this for reference: 


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That hat is on special occasions, I remind you that I am doing the traditional ones, the ones that use the most and with the lack of sockets on the roster, they do not fit more uniform, according to MLB, the traditional ones are these




Alt Visitor with red cap,

Alt retro house,

Alt Visitor Blue,

Alt home blue cap

01 STL-homej-homec.png

02 STL-roadj-bluec.png

02 STL-roadj-roadc.png

04 STL-creamj-redc.png

05 STL-powderj-redc.png

06 STL-homej-bluec.png


mlb2k12 2019-07-19 21-09-19-305.jpg

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mlb2k12 2019-07-19 21-09-31-248.jpg

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10 hours ago, guaro1379 said:

That hat is on special occasions, I remind you that I am doing the traditional ones, the ones that use the most and with the lack of sockets on the roster, they do not fit more uniform, according to MLB, the traditional ones are these




Alt Visitor with red cap,

Alt retro house,

Alt Visitor Blue,

Alt home blue cap

01 STL-homej-homec.png

02 STL-roadj-bluec.png

02 STL-roadj-roadc.png

04 STL-creamj-redc.png

05 STL-powderj-redc.png

06 STL-homej-bluec.png


mlb2k12 2019-07-19 21-09-19-305.jpg

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mlb2k12 2019-07-19 21-09-31-248.jpg

That is fine, just mentioning, but they use the red hat as the main away now, that was the biggest thing I was pointing out. The blue hat used to be the main away uniform, but isn't now. You can look at their uniform schedule and see that. This is a good source to see that. which tracks the uniforms they've used every game this year. The second image you posted even shows that. Link: https://uniformlineup.com/st-louis/stl-daily-uni-lineups/

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yeah well I'm being guided by the MLB that better source than them


other link


I need to make the white with the blue cap that you say but there is no more slot to place it

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55 minutes ago, guaro1379 said:

yeah well I'm being guided by the MLB that better source than them


other link


I need to make the white with the blue cap that you say but there is no more slot to place it

What mlb source link are you using? Everything I'm looking at says the opposite. Even that link shows that they use the red cap away combo way more, which would indicate that is the primary away uniform. 

EDIT: Also, you can add an extra uniform by editing the roster file and an importing the uniform info via a colorlist text file and just use one of the unused slots. Also, for the uni's on that link, if you look at the records on the right for each uniform, you can see which uni's they use the most, which for away, it is the red cap, which indicates that is their main away. Also, it is their away in MLB The Show 19, too. Blue cap away isn't even in The Show 19, actually. 

EDIT 2: See attached from a screenshot from The Show 19, to further prove this. 


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2 hours ago, xflamexofxhopex said:

What mlb source link are you using? Everything I'm looking at says the opposite. Even that link shows that they use the red cap away combo way more, which would indicate that is the primary away uniform. 

EDIT: Also, you can add an extra uniform by editing the roster file and an importing the uniform info via a colorlist text file and just use one of the unused slots. Also, for the uni's on that link, if you look at the records on the right for each uniform, you can see which uni's they use the most, which for away, it is the red cap, which indicates that is their main away. Also, it is their away in MLB The Show 19, too. Blue cap away isn't even in The Show 19, actually. 

EDIT 2: See attached from a screenshot from The Show 19, to further prove this. 



This has always been a problem when doing uniforms, at least for me, since you can't exactly please everyone. What I would do is just go by percentages, really. If the team deviates from their standard uniform set, I just make it either an alternate (which I kinda don't like to do but since they don't give you any options on the cap, jersey or pants, this is what I would do) or I would make the texture (in this case, it's a hat since the uniform colors wouldn't change) available to import/replace.

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6 minutes ago, Kccitystar said:


This has always been a problem when doing uniforms, at least for me, since you can't exactly please everyone. What I would do is just go by percentages, really. If the team deviates from their standard uniform set, I just make it either an alternate (which I kinda don't like to do but since they don't give you any options on the cap, jersey or pants, this is what I would do) or I would make the texture (in this case, it's a hat since the uniform colors wouldn't change) available to import/replace.

I think they officially changed to the red hat as the main away two years ago. My in-laws are huge cardinals fans and they even corrected me quickly when I thought it was the blue as their main alt. Not that it matters, too much, but if someone says they're following what a team does as far as that part goes and trying to be accurate with it, I do my best to help them follow that. Just by looking at their schedule uniforms this year or the past two years, they use the blue hat away probably 3 times a month at most. It should be a quick switch though. Although the belts for each corresponds to the color of the hat, too, so the belt colors are different in these two uniform cases. Had he said he wanted to deviate and use the away alt as his main alt, I am totally fine with that, but when he said MLB states it's the other way around, but I see everything on every website, saying exactly the opposite, even statistically, I will challenge that, to make sure it is true. 

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5 hours ago, xflamexofxhopex said:

I think they officially changed to the red hat as the main away two years ago. My in-laws are huge cardinals fans and they even corrected me quickly when I thought it was the blue as their main alt. Not that it matters, too much, but if someone says they're following what a team does as far as that part goes and trying to be accurate with it, I do my best to help them follow that. Just by looking at their schedule uniforms this year or the past two years, they use the blue hat away probably 3 times a month at most. It should be a quick switch though. Although the belts for each corresponds to the color of the hat, too, so the belt colors are different in these two uniform cases. Had he said he wanted to deviate and use the away alt as his main alt, I am totally fine with that, but when he said MLB states it's the other way around, but I see everything on every website, saying exactly the opposite, even statistically, I will challenge that, to make sure it is true. 


I think MLB leaves it up to the discretion of the teams how they wish to set their uniforms on the field, however they do need a standard home and road uniform configuration. I get how it can confuse anyone that wants to do uniforms "by the letter".

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