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Rookie progression not working with progression mods help!


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I have used both Bill's and Rubber's rookie progression mods and when it tries to progress my rookies all i see is +0's all down the line. I went through a couple of seasons and my rookies dont show anything other than + 0's. I installed it correctly but i dont get why it isnt working. anyone got any idea.

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That mod has been downloaded a ton and I haven't heard of this before, so this is definitely something unusual. Plus the fact that it isn't working with either one of our mods is also very strange.

A few questions:

1. Are other players showing progression and just not rookies? The mod controls all player progression, so if vets are progressing and rookies aren't, then that's just bizarre. I don't even know how that could happen.

2. Are you using these in a new dynasty or an existing dynasty? If it's an existing dynasty, try starting a new one, sim all the games for the first season, then run spring training (that should only take 15-20 minutes) of the second year. Check the player progression screen and see if you get any increases.

Let me know what you find out. This is a very strange one.

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Well, two possibilities. The first is that maybe you put the modified progress.big file in the wrong directory. That would mean the default progress.big is being used. Look in the readme file for the install process if you haven't already. The definitions are being used, though, because players are progressing.

Otherwise, the player progression rate varies greatly from player to player. Speed, in particular, is something that will increase quite a bit for most rookies after the first spring training, because the created players have so little speed that the game would be unplayable in later years without normalizing them. My mod should give you increases up to +7 per year for second year players and beyond, but quite a few are going to be in the +1 to +3 range, with some not improving at all.

The first spring training for rookies, though, you should see some large adjustments.

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