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Here's what I use.

Difficulty: All-Star

User Pitch Meter Difficulty: -25

Pitch Speed: -1

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 7

User Pitcher Fatigue: -5

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 15

User Pitch Control: -20

CPU Pitch Control: 20

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: -40

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 50

User Batting Contact: 2

CPU Batting Contact: 14

User Batting Power: 1

CPU Batting Power: 16

User Bunting Ability: 10

CPU Bunting Ability: 10

User Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Swing Frequency: -35

User OF Speed (Manual): 0

User OF Speed (MVP): 0

CPU OF Speed: -5

User IF Speed (Manual): 0

User IF Speed (MVP): -1

CPU IF Speed: -3

User Throw Speed: 8

CPU Throw Speed: 4

User Throw Accuracy: 0

CPU Throw Accuracy: 0

User Catch Errors: 0

CPU Catch Errors: 0

User Dive Difficulty: -4

CPU Catch Effort: -5

User Baserunning Speed: 5

CPU Baserunning Speed: 0

User Runner Aggression: 5

CPU Runner Aggression: 3

User Runner Steal Speed: 7

CPU Runner Steal Speed: 0

User Runner Steal Delay: 0

CPU Runner Steal Delay: 0

CPU Steal Rate: 4

Runner Injury Frequency: 15

Pitcher Injury Frequency: 15

Batter Injury Frequency: 15

Fielder Injury Frequency: 15

Pitching MG Difference: 0

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With Pared's sliders, All-Star for PC, I am having a hard time striking the CPU out. Any suggestions? I am used to getting frequent K's but now it's like 1-2 a game!

I just cannot find sliders that suit me! I'm a patient hitter and used to be very good at pitching but now it seems I get rocked for HR's quite a bit!

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I am playing a dynasty using the Boston Red Sox in All Star mode. The following are the slider configs. that I am using.

-- User Pitch Meter Difficulty = -15

-- Pitch Speed = -5

-- CPU Pitcher Ball Rate = 11

-- User Pitcher Fatigue = 6

-- CPU Pitcher Fatigue = 6

-- User Pitch Control = 5

-- CPU Pitch Control = -5

-- User Batting Contact = 5

-- CPU Batting Contact = -3

-- User Batting Power = 5

-- CPU Batting Power = -3

-- User Bunting Ability = 5

-- User Foul Ball Frequency = 50

-- CPU Fould Ball Frequency = 50

-- CPU Swing Frequency = -8

-- CPU Outfielder Speed = 2

-- CPU Throw Speed = -3

-- User Throw Accuracy = 3

-- CPU Throw Accuracy = -3

-- User Catch Errors = 10

-- CPU Catch Errors = 25

-- CPU Catch Effort = -15

-- User Runner Aggression = 5

-- CPU Runner Aggression = -8

-- User Runner Steal Speed = 10

-- CPU Runner Steal Speed = -1

-- Pitcher Injury Frequency = 3

-- Batter Injury Frequency = 3

-- Runner Injury Frequency = 3

-- Fielder Injury Frequency = 3

The value is zero for all other attributes


These are some of the game results hat I have gotten.

Game 1 - Won 4-1

User pitch count / walks = 78/3 (just for my starter) 7 innings. pitched

CPU pitch count / walks = 104/7(just for their starter) 7 innings. pitched

Game 2 - Lost 4-2

User pitch count / walks = 91/1 (6.2 inn.)

CPU pitch count / walks = 93/2 (6.1 inn.)

Game 3 - Won 11-4 in 14 innings

User pitch count / walks = 85/3 (6 inn.)

CPU pitch count / walks = 75/4 (6.1 inn.)

Game 4 - Lost 4-5 in 15 innings

User pitch count / walks = 59/2 (5 inn.)

CPU pitch count / walks = 86/7 (5.2 inn.)

Game 5 - Won 14-0

User pitch count / walks = 80/1 (9 inn.)

CPU pitch count / walks = 33/1 (1.2 inn.)

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i use similar sliders and get pretty good results, its just that i've never had my pitch count get worked well yet, its always like 50-60 around the 7th inning. for cpu pitch counts, its more a matter if your patient while playing and work the count or just swing away at everything.

also, it is extremely helpful for anybody who posts sliders to also post the datafiles (if any) that they use.

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redsox and Mobius, about how many Ks do you get per game?

These are the number of strikeouts I get for the games that I mentioned above. If you would like, I can actually post the box scores (though I don't know how to attach them here - I have the ESPN look that Tywiggins provided us with in his Box score extractor).

Game 1 - Curt Schilling - 7 SO (7 inn)

Game 2 - Tim Wakefield - 6 SO (6.2 inn)

Game 3 - Josh Beckett - 2 SO (6 inn)

Game 4 - David Wells - 5 SO (5 inn)

Game 5 - Matt Clement -8 SO (9 inn)

I have also had a 10 SO game with Josh Beckett as he went 6.1 innings.

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i use similar sliders and get pretty good results, its just that i've never had my pitch count get worked well yet, its always like 50-60 around the 7th inning. for cpu pitch counts, its more a matter if your patient while playing and work the count or just swing away at everything.

also, it is extremely helpful for anybody who posts sliders to also post the datafiles (if any) that they use.

How many hits do you give up per game? Most of the times I try to get the corner calls. For example if a right hander is up to bat I try to pitch him down and away and then to strike him out I go up and in.

Whenever I have the count in my favor 1 ball 2 strikes of 0 balls 2 strikes I always pitch out of the zone. I let the computer chase my pitches until it gets to full count.

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last night i got 4 strikeouts with john lackey and 6 with josh beckett

i'm still working on my sliders...i give up too many hits to the computer that they don't take advantage of so i need to work on that and strikeouts could be up a little more. lately tho, i've been getting pretty good results, like lackey scattered 5 hits through 8 innings of one run ball while striking out 4.

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Thanks Mobius, I've seen it already. My question was not about sliders definition but about options, i.e. "variable stuff" and "cooperstown effect".

I would appreciate the reply. Thanks again.

"variable stuff" is simply the variable stuff that can occur during a baseball game. pitchers and hitters can have bad days, different sized strike zones, etc. cooperstown effect is the effect when you are playing in old time parks such as the old fenway which you unlock that makes the video grainy to simulate old baseball games...variable strike zones is self explanatory, and so is blown calls...hope this helps
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"variable stuff" is simply the variable stuff that can occur during a baseball game. pitchers and hitters can have bad days, different sized strike zones, etc. cooperstown effect is the effect when you are playing in old time parks such as the old fenway which you unlock that makes the video grainy to simulate old baseball games...variable strike zones is self explanatory, and so is blown calls...hope this helps

Thanks man

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Here are some pretty tested all-star sliders I came up with:

User Pitch Meter Difficulty: -40

Pitch Speed: -15

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 12

User Pitcher Fatigue: 12

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: -7

User Pitch Control: -25

CPU Pitch Control: -40

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 0

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 0

User Batting Contact: 5

CPU Batting Contact: 0

User Batting Power: 10

CPU Batting Power: -10

User Bunting Ability: 0

CPU Bunting Ability: 0

User Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Swing Frequency: -25

User OF Speed (Manual): +2

User OF Speed (MVP): +2

CPU OF Speed: +2

User IF Speed (Manual): 0

User IF Speed (MVP): 0

CPU IF Speed: 0

User Throw Speed: 0

CPU Throw Speed: 0

User Throw Accuracy: 0

CPU Throw Accuracy: 0

User Catch Errors: 25

CPU Catch Errors: 40

User Dive Difficulty: 0

CPU Catch Effort: -7

User Baserunning Speed: 0

CPU Baserunning Speed: 0

User Runner Aggression: 0

CPU Runner Aggression: 0

User Runner Steal Speed: 2

CPU Runner Steal Speed: 2

User Runner Steal Delay: -3

CPU Runner Steal Delay: -3

CPU Steal Rate: 7

Runner Injury Frequency: 0

Pitcher Injury Frequency: 0

Batter Injury Frequency: 0

Fielder Injury Frequency: 0

Pitching MG Difficulty: 5

Try these and leave some feedback, good or bad, so I can adjust to what you guys think.

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i'm still having lots of trouble with getting enough strikeouts for me and also me giving up too many hits.

i've been using sliders for user pitching and cpu batting that are similar to the ones on the last post

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i'm still having lots of trouble with getting enough strikeouts for me and also me giving up too many hits.

i've been using sliders for user pitching and cpu batting that are similar to the ones on the last post

maybe you can lower the cpu swing frequency a bit to -20 or so, that might help

I also edited the user batting contact from +25 to +20 and the user batting power from +15 to 0, because I was hitting too many homeruns and not having enough base hits.

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i'm still having lots of trouble with getting enough strikeouts for me and also me giving up too many hits.

i've been using sliders for user pitching and cpu batting that are similar to the ones on the last post

try a datafile tweak in the 05 section, probably the best way to fix it.

I recommend RRodkey's. Or if you're comfortable editing the datafile and know how (please don't ask me how, read the tutorials or faq section) replace with this line:

0x751d920f 40<cpubatter>;0;1 3.00;2 10.0;3 0.40;4 0.10;5;6 90;7 90;8 90;9 70;10 90;11 70;12 80;13 80;14 50;15;16 95.0;17 95.0;18 60.0;19 20.0;20 10.0;21 30.0;22 95.0;23 30.0;24 15.0;25 95.0;26 20.0;27 98.0;28 70.0;29 15.0;30 85.0;31 35.0;32 20.0;33 60.0;34 90.0;35 75.0;36 90.0;37 2#0.000000e+000,3.142857e-001,3.428572e-002#1.000000e+000,8.685714e-001,5.142862e-002#;38 2#0.000000e+000,2.742857e-001,-1.714286e-002#1.000000e+000,9.542857e-001,-5.714297e-003#;39 0.50;

What this does is reduce somewhat the Ai from swinging at every pitch and at the same time make the cpu swing at balls when down in the count. The result: more strikeouts, less cpu hits. (and believe me it works..)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i modded MD's datafile a little to make pitching a little easier and hitting a little easier because i was having a lot of trouble hitting

is the first couple of lines in the datafile all the ones regarding hitting? and if so, what are the defaults and how do i improve my hitting?

thanks everybody

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

MVP Level

User Pitch Meter Difficulty: -25

Pitch Speed: 0

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: -1

User Pitcher Fatigue: -6

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 15

User Pitch Control: -15

CPU Pitch Control: 15

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: -40

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 20

User Batting Contact: 0

CPU Batting Contact: 0

User Batting Power: 2

CPU Batting Power: 7

User Bunting Ability: 15

CPU Bunting Ability: 10

User Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Swing Frequency: -40

User OF Speed (Manual): 0

User OF Speed (MVP): 0

CPU OF Speed: -5

User IF Speed (Manual): 0

User IF Speed (MVP): -1

CPU IF Speed: -3

User Throw Speed: 20

CPU Throw Speed: 15

User Throw Accuracy: 0

CPU Throw Accuracy: 0

User Catch Errors: 0

CPU Catch Errors: 0

User Dive Difficulty: 0

CPU Catch Effort: -2

User Baserunning Speed: 5

CPU Baserunning Speed: 0

User Runner Aggression: 5

CPU Runner Aggression: 2

User Runner Steal Speed: 7

CPU Runner Steal Speed: 0

User Runner Steal Delay: 0

CPU Runner Steal Delay: 0

CPU Steal Rate: 6

Runner Injury Frequency: 15

Pitcher Injury Frequency: 15

Batter Injury Frequency: 15

Fielder Injury Frequency: 15

Pitching MG Difficulty: 0

With my sliders, you should get a fair amount of strikeouts if you throw pitches just outside the strikezone with 2 strikes. I consistently average 1 K per inning with strikeout guys, and average amounts with non strikeout guys. I have Swing Frequency set real low to help with strikeouts as well.

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User Pitch Meter Difficulty: 15

Pitch Speed: +5

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 0

User Pitcher Fatigue: -10

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 0

User Pitch Control: -10

CPU Pitch Control: 0

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: -50

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 50

User Batting Contact: 5

CPU Batting Contact: 10

User Batting Power: 10

CPU Batting Power: 0

User Bunting Ability: 5

CPU Bunting Ability: 0

User Foul Ball Frequency: 0

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 5

CPU Swing Frequency: -5

User OF Speed (Manual): 0

User OF Speed (MVP): 0

CPU OF Speed: 0

User IF Speed (Manual): 0

User IF Speed (MVP): 0

CPU IF Speed: 0

User Throw Speed: 0

CPU Throw Speed: 0

User Throw Accuracy: 0

CPU Throw Accuracy: 0

User Catch Errors: 0

CPU Catch Errors: 0

User Dive Difficulty: 0

CPU Catch Effort: 0

User Baserunning Speed: 0

CPU Baserunning Speed: 0

User Runner Aggression: 0

CPU Runner Aggression: 0

User Runner Steal Speed: 0

CPU Runner Steal Speed: 0

User Runner Steal Delay: -10

CPU Runner Steal Delay: 0

CPU Steal Rate: 0

Runner Injury Frequency: 0

Pitcher Injury Frequency: 0

Batter Injury Frequency: 0

Fielder Injury Frequency: 0

Pitching MG Difficulty: 0

i usually get realistic stats from this. oh yeah, im on mvp.

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  • 4 months later...

Here are some pretty tested all-star sliders I came up with:

User Pitch Meter Difficulty: -40

Pitch Speed: -15

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 12

User Pitcher Fatigue: 12

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: -7

User Pitch Control: -25

CPU Pitch Control: -40

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 0

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 0

User Batting Contact: 5

CPU Batting Contact: 0

User Batting Power: 10

CPU Batting Power: -10

User Bunting Ability: 0

CPU Bunting Ability: 0

User Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Swing Frequency: -25

User OF Speed (Manual): +2

User OF Speed (MVP): +2

CPU OF Speed: +2

User IF Speed (Manual): 0

User IF Speed (MVP): 0

CPU IF Speed: 0

User Throw Speed: 0

CPU Throw Speed: 0

User Throw Accuracy: 0

CPU Throw Accuracy: 0

User Catch Errors: 25

CPU Catch Errors: 40

User Dive Difficulty: 0

CPU Catch Effort: -7

User Baserunning Speed: 0

CPU Baserunning Speed: 0

User Runner Aggression: 0

CPU Runner Aggression: 0

User Runner Steal Speed: 2

CPU Runner Steal Speed: 2

User Runner Steal Delay: -3

CPU Runner Steal Delay: -3

CPU Steal Rate: 7

Runner Injury Frequency: 0

Pitcher Injury Frequency: 0

Batter Injury Frequency: 0

Fielder Injury Frequency: 0

Pitching MG Difficulty: 5

Try these and leave some feedback, good or bad, so I can adjust to what you guys think.

Do these work well on the 07 mod? - Has anyone tried them on it?

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