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OK, now I'm using the pitch cursor on "fade" and the game is much more realistic. More BB and more pitches thrown.

However, even with the pitch meter difficulty at +50 I can't get strikes and it's too hard to play against the cpu.

daflyboys, sorry to bother you again, but what do I have to change on the datafile to get the green bar on the pitch meter a little bigger? It's too small.


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Maybe it's 92 PitchLocGreen, or 116 MeterStartGreen, 124 MeterBackgroundGreen, 128 OutlineGreen, 141 PerfectAccuracyGreen, 147 LineColorGreen, 152 AccuracyGreen, or even 156 MeterGreen?

I downloaded MD's datafiles lines (excel format), and DFCompUtil, but I don't know what values should I put. And since you and I are using the same datafile, and thought I'd ask you :)

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If you have the utility to look into .big files, you might be able to find what is in the original datafile.big searching the same strings, no?

I may be onto something.

I opened the datafile.big with BigGUI or whatever it's called, and exported the datafile.txt to my desktop.

All I got to do is search in this exported datafile.txt the values and copy and change that value. Is that right?

But I have no idea what's the value that corresponds to the green bar on the pitch meter. I think the size of the pitch meter is good, but the green bar should be bigger.

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I need to leave now, but i'll read that thread for sure. I was searching for thread that would help, but all the links directed me to the homepage of mvpmods.

Later tonight or early tomorrow I'll reply this thread here.

Thanks for you help daflyboys!

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I'm gonna bother you once again, daflyboys.

So, I read the thread you posted before, I opened the datafile.txt with DFCompUtil and bigGUI, changed the values on 'perfectaccuracygreen' from 127 (I think) to 185 or 200 but nothing changed.

It seems that the datafile ins't replacing the values, because the green bar in the pitch meter remains too small.

What am I doing wrong here?

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I don't know as I haven't changed this myself. At first I didn't like the smaller meter, but came to love it. It could be that you didn't save/recompress correctly? Also, why not go with the max value posted in that other thread: 255.

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I just changed the value to 255 and no difference. I tried with those programs but couldn't increase the green bar.

Heck, I guess I'll have to adjust myself to that hard pitch meter. Wish me luck!

Thanks for helping me out!

P.S.: I'm gonna start playing with those sliders you posted here, almost exactly identical, so maybe I'll fall in love with the pitch meter just like you did :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

One thing that has been bothering me a lot is the type of errors the CPU is making. If I hit a line drive to the outfield, and clearly that's going to be a double, and somehow the CPU outfielder mess up the catch, I don't even get credited with a base hit!? It's like I reached the base because of his error, while in fact and was almost getting to 2nd base or sometimes heading to third base.

Is this a game bug, or is it my datafile?

I'm using Jim825_combo_datafile_v5.


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One thing that has been bothering me a lot is the type of errors the CPU is making. If I hit a line drive to the outfield, and clearly that's going to be a double, and somehow the CPU outfielder mess up the catch, I don't even get credited with a base hit!? It's like I reached the base because of his error, while in fact and was almost getting to 2nd base or sometimes heading to third base.

Is this a game bug, or is it my datafile?

I'm using Jim825_combo_datafile_v5.


Game bug as far as I know.

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  • 1 year later...

Finally, I find the original slider thread !

I'm a long user of MD's datafile, but I don't find a slider which is good for me... I use MD's Pro slider (http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=16795&st=120), I had 2 good seasons, but my third (with manual defensive for the first time...) looks more difficult : TOO MANY HITS AND HOME RUNS !!! About 20 hits and 5 HR's for the CPU in the last 3 games vs the D'Backs and the Reds. The orginal CPU Batting Contact and Power are -6 and 22, i decrease to -22 (contact) and 5 (power), no change, too many hits and HR's, very frustrating.

So if you have many PRO sliders you like, post them ! :)

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So if you have many PRO sliders you like, post them ! :)

You might wanna give these a try.


I posted these about a year ago. Sliders are obviously exclusive to one's playing style, but they worked out great for me and was an extremely good challenge.

Hope they work out for ya!

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  • 3 months later...

Currently working on a CPU v CPU slider set. Using a modified MD's datafile and the BaseUp! Rosters. In my first experiment, I was able to capture an amazing Bosox/Whitesox finish. Thought it was so good that I captured the key moments from the 9th inning on. The stats by the end of the 9th were very respectable though, so I believe I'm on the right track. I have the video edited, just need to render and UL it somewhere. Used a bunch of Dire Straits songs. It's tough to find 10 mins. worth of music to stretch.

Stay tuned.

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  • 2 years later...

I know there's not a unique answer, but what's your favorite datafile/slider combo on All-Star level ?

I played a lot of season on Pro Mode and very often won the title, so I decided to play on All-Star mode... I haven't win a single exhibition game since 8 or 10 games, no way ! I tried with "Jim825's combo datafile mod v5.0" and "Pareids All-Star Slider", I decrease the CPU contact and power to -50 (!!!), I lost again against the Red Sox (with the Orioles) with 20 (!!) hits for Boston !! Not a single K, they swung at every pitch. I tried a lot of datafile (MD's, Trues...) and slider I fund on this web site or OperationsSports, there's no way, I lost, lost, lost... Very frustrating, I find the difference of difficulty between Pro and All-Star level is very, very high !

Thx for your help

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I know there's not a unique answer, but what's your favorite datafile/slider combo on All-Star level ?

This question has been asked for almost as long as this site has been around and I will tell you the same thing I have told others before you. A datafile that one person might prefer can be the same datafile that the next person doesn't care for. This is something that you have to find out for yourself by trying different ones and then settling on one that you like the best.

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This question has been asked for almost as long as this site has been around and I will tell you the same thing I have told others before you. A datafile that one person might prefer can be the same datafile that the next person doesn't care for. This is something that you have to find out for yourself by trying different ones and then settling on one that you like the best.

I did wait this answer :-) I know, it's just the frustration to win a lot games on Pro Mode and not a single on All Star ! :-)

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I did wait this answer :-) I know, it's just the frustration to win a lot games on Pro Mode and not a single on All Star ! :-)

That's all I can tell you. There are a lot of pages of datafiles to choose from. There's bound to be something that you will like.

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