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what is a recommended slider adjustment for making it harder for the cpu and myself to have our pitchers go deeper into the late innings, I don't want to have my starters pitching in the ninth with 65-70% stamina still left, same for the computer, I want it to be very much more life like. can somebody help me with this one?

what is a recommended slider adjustment for making it harder for the cpu and myself to have our pitchers go deeper into the late innings, I don't want to have my starters pitching in the ninth with 65-70% stamina still left, same for the computer, I want it to be very much more life like. can somebody help me with this one?

To make the User and CPU pitchers tire quicker (i.e. not to last as long), you need to bump up the User Pitcher Fatigue and CPU Pitcher Fatigue sliders. The more positive you make them, the faster the pitchers will tire out.

You may also want to adjust your User Pitcher Control slider to make it more negative (i.e. reduce your control). With less control, you will throw more balls, thus raising your pitch count and making your pitcher tire quicker.

Also tied to this is the User Pitch Meter Difficulty slider. Making the pitch meter more difficult (making the slider more negative) will reduce the size of the green zone on the meter. This will also lead you throw more balls and again cause the pitch count to rise.


I've been playing around a bit with the Pro sliders I found on this thread to give the opponents more of a chance against me. I think I got the settings just about right, I just need a little bit of help with something though...

How would I make my opponents hitting better? I've been having too easy of a time keeping my opponents from scoring and from getting hits (and I'm controlling the Tigers obviously...lol). I'd like to keep the games as realistic as possible and not end up sweeping every opponent I get on the schedule. Any suggestions?

I was using perod's sliders until I installed spitoon's walk fix... basically the impression I get is that spitoons mod essencially extends the Pitch Meter Difficulty slider lower than -50. I'd say +50 WITH spitoon's mod seems to be around -25 or so without, so if you end up using that mod (which I highly recommend), you'll have to make some slider adjustments.

Otherwise you'd have absolutely NO sweet spot on the meter.


I've been playing around a bit with the Pro sliders I found on this thread to give the opponents more of a chance against me. I think I got the settings just about right, I just need a little bit of help with something though...

How would I make my opponents hitting better? I've been having too easy of a time keeping my opponents from scoring and from getting hits (and I'm controlling the Tigers obviously...lol). I'd like to keep the games as realistic as possible and not end up sweeping every opponent I get on the schedule. Any suggestions?

You can handle this two different ways. You can either bump up the CPU contact and power numbers (i.e. make them hit better) or you can bump down your pitching numbers (User Pitch Meter Difficulty, User Pitcher Control) to make your it harder for you to pitch (i.e. not as many "good" pitches).

I was using perod's sliders until I installed spitoon's walk fix... basically the impression I get is that spitoons mod essencially extends the Pitch Meter Difficulty slider lower than -50. I'd say +50 WITH spitoon's mod seems to be around -25 or so without, so if you end up using that mod (which I highly recommend), you'll have to make some slider adjustments.

Otherwise you'd have absolutely NO sweet spot on the meter.

Ya, I had this same 'problem' too, however I changed the Pitch meter difficulty to +40, and that made it much better.

You can handle this two different ways. You can either bump up the CPU contact and power numbers (i.e. make them hit better) or you can bump down your pitching numbers (User Pitch Meter Difficulty, User Pitcher Control) to make your it harder for you to pitch (i.e. not as many "good" pitches).

Thanks, Jim! I'll give it a shot! Another problem I've been having, for some reason...I don't know if anybody else is suffering with this this, but I haven't hit a homerun in about 15 straight games now. As matter of fact, I started a new season and I've gone 7 games with 0 HRs. I've turned up the power, but it seems like I'm still only getting singles and the occasional double. Is there anything I can do to increase the frequency of HRs by my team?

Are you still getting walks?

I'm playing at +35 and getting walks... but then again, I'm playing at A and have reorganized my own roster putting the worst pitchers at the lowest level, so I have no idea how it's going to effect AA and up.

Now, I'm not a very coordinated person and have always been bad at twitch/timing games... MVP is no different. At +35 (which I figure is roughly equivilant to setting the slider at -75, if it were possible, without Spitoons walk fix) I'm throwing probably 1 mistake pitch every other inning.

Now, beyond that, I do have some commentary... Playing in this manor creates a dimention of realism that simply does not exist otherwise.

Most MLB pitchers... when I say most I'm excluding excpetional ones, so don't start making Radke arguments against me here... cannot locate a breaking ball with a whole lot of precision.

Through technique they learn to keep the ball down in the zone, but they're not going to look at a target and hit it most of the time. Very few pitchers have mastered the art of locating a curve ball... which is why it is not standard practice to have the catcher call the location of anything save a fastball of some kind... no point in telling a pitcher to throw a curveball away if he can't decide where the heck is going anyways, and making him try and throw it outside is most likely going to result in a wild pitch.

At the level I am currently at, I can only be comfortable making slight adjustments to the location of the pitch from center. You can't go for corners (high away, low away, low in, high in) with any confidence really, you can only hit sections that are abutted by 5 other sections (outside, inside, high, low)... having more adjescent squares means more room for error. This is a more reasonable immitation of what MLB pitchers do with pitches they are less able to locate.

Now, most MLB pitchers CAN locate a fastball... this is fine, because most pitchers in MVP have reasonable control ratings for fastballs and the fact that fastballs are easier to locate seems to be included in the code to some extent.

I'm really enjoying the pitching as is... I'm having a rough time of it, but I'm chalking that up to my own lack of skill unless it persists despite my improvement over time. I figure I'll make some slight slider adjustments once I complete my first month of the season.

SpunGuns Allstar Sliders v.03(Tweaked by Gameguy493)

|| --> Settings <-- ||

All-Star Difficulty

Hot/Cold Zones: OFF

Strike Zone: ON

Pitch Cursor: OFF

Hitters Eye: ON

Hey gameguy493, with these settings are you using a certain datafile or anything.

  • 2 weeks later...

anybody have a very tested cpu vs cpu slider setting?

I am in the process of testing some cpu vs. cpu sliders on the ALL STAR setting. I'm still tweaking them at the moment. When i'm happy with the short term results, I will test them over approx 50-60 games and then post them here. I should be done in about a week.

In the meantime, I would really like to see some other cpu vs. cpu sliders from anyone else who might have them.


Knowing that many factors influence what Sliders one should use even for CPU vs CPU games here are the ones I find provide fairly realistic results with the particular setup I play with:


Datafile: KSMs V0.5

Difficulty: All-Star

Variable Strike Zone: OFF

Variable "Stuff": OFF

Blown Calls: On

Rosters: Early '60s

User Pitch Meter Difficulty: 0

Pitch Speed: 0

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: -19

User Pitcher Fatigue: 0

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 0

User Pitch Control: +10

CPU Pitch Control: +10

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 0

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 0

User Batting Contact: -47

CPU Batting Contact: -47

User Batting Power: -6

CPU Batting Power: -6

User Bunting Ability: -3

CPU Bunting Ability: -3

User Foul Ball Frequency: 14

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 14

CPU Swing Frequency: -36

User OF Speed (Manual): -1

User OF Speed (MVP): -1

CPU OF Speed: -1

User IF Speed (Manual): -2

User IF Speed (MVP): -2

CPU IF Speed: -2

User Throw Speed: -3

CPU Throw Speed: -3

User Throw Accuracy: 0

CPU Throw Accuracy: 0

User Catch Errors: 24

CPU Catch Errors: 24

User Dive Difficulty: -11

CPU Catch Effort: 6

User Baserunning Speed: 1

CPU Baserunning Speed: 1

User Runner Aggression: 0

CPU Runner Aggression: 0

User Runner Steal Speed: 0

CPU Runner Steal Speed: 0

User Runner Steal Delay: -4

CPU Runner Steal Delay: -4

CPU Steal Rate: 6

Runner Injury Frequency: -44

Pitcher Injury Frequency: -28

Batter Injury Frequency: -28

Fielder Injury Frequency: -36

Pitching MG Difference: 0


Knowing that many factors influence what Sliders one should use even for CPU vs CPU games here are the ones I find provide fairly realistic results with the particular setup I play with:

Stecropper, do you get any low scoring games with those settings? I'm trying to run a dynasty where I do the pitching but the CPU hits for me, so the first thing I need is a good CPU vs CPU interface. Once I get that, I can adjust my user pitch sliders. Well, so far all I've gotten are slugfests. Ridiculous slugfests. I've moved both contact and power to -50 and they still whale on the ball. I'm wondering if the key lies in the CPU pitcher ball rate vs control, and/or the CPU hitter swing rate. Right now, I have:

Ball rate: +3

Control: 0 (I reached these settings to eliminate the 12 walks per game)

Swing rate: -20

Any thoughts? Anyone?

Cash #25,

I imagine that is Stormin' Norman you are referring to in your name?

Yes, I get low scoring games like 2-1, 3-2 very often ..... most are like 5-3, 6-5 and occassionaly 10-2, 12-1, 9-8 etc ..... good variety actually.

So many things have an effect on this stuff. The things I concentrate on are:

1) Use MVPEdit's Team Tendencies (as an example Takes Pitch at 2 will produce a lot of walks and at 0 will produce much less)

2) Use MVPEdit's Team Intensity (I set them all to "1" to get more realistic results - I found that a very weak team with Intensity at "2" often makes miraculous comebacks against much stronger teams with Intensity at "1")

3) The datafile you use has a great bearing on this stuff - obviously. I use KSM's V0.5

4) The Roster's you use certainly make a difference as well.

5) I like to set Variable Stuff to OFF - you still get pitchers getting knocked out early but not as often it seems which is more realistic to my liking

6) I also set Variable Strike Zone to OFF since occassionally that can effect what ever you do way too much to either degree - i.e. more runs or less runs

7) I also found that if you set Pitch Control too much into the positive numbers it produces less walks and more K's but also produces more hits and more home runs --- so that is really a balancing act.

8) I also have noticed that once a Pitcher "Appears" to have lost his stuff (regardless rather he shows Positive during a mound visit) - yank him quickly as I have seldom seen them recover from like 3 or 4 straight hits and or walks combined .......

My overall method is to record all my changes and only make very minor changes only after a minimum of 5 games or so. Of course with you doing the pitching that probably will cause necessary changes as you improve on your pitching ability.

Hope this helps somewhat?

Jistics All-Star Level Sliders V.3

Game Options

Fielding: Manual

Strike Zone: Off

Hot/Cold Zones: Fade

Pitch Cursor: Off

Hitters Eye: On

Catch Circle Assist: On

Variable Strike Zone, 'Stuff', and Blown Calls: On

Vibration: On if you use no cursor/OFF if you use 'Fade' with cursor. ( I prefer On with no cursor)

Gameplay Tuning

User Pitch Meter Difficulty: -37

Pitch Speed: -15

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 11

User Pitcher Fatigue: -17

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 6

User Pitch Control: -50

CPU Pitch Control: -50

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 0

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 0

User Batting Contact: 40

CPU Batting Contact: -11

User Batting Power: 20

CPU Batting Power: -19

User Bunting Ability: 0

CPU Bunting Ability: -14

User Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Swing Frequency: -33

User OF Speed (Manual): 2

CPU OF Speed: -11

User IF Speed (Manual): -4

CPU IF Speed: -13

User Throw Speed: 3

CPU Throw Speed: -8

User Throw Accuracy: 0

CPU Throw Accuracy: -23

User Catch Errors: 15

CPU Catch Errors: 40

User Dive Difficulty: 0

CPU Catch Effort: -15

User Baserunning Speed: 4

CPU Baserunning Speed: -1

User Runner Aggression: 0

CPU Runner Aggression: -10

User Runner Steal Speed: 4

CPU Runner Steal Speed: -8

User Runner Steal Delay: -8

CPU Runner Steal Delay: 5

CPU Steal Rate: 5

Runner Injury Frequency: 0

Pitcher Injury Frequency: 0

Batter Injury Frequency: 0

Fielder Injury Frequency: 0

Pitching MG Difference: 0

Cash #25,

I imagine that is Stormin' Norman you are referring to in your name?

Yes, I get low scoring games like 2-1, 3-2 very often ..... most are like 5-3, 6-5 and occassionaly 10-2, 12-1, 9-8 etc ..... good variety actually.

Yeah, Stormin' Norman. Gives away my age, but I watched him play firstbase for Detroit for 15 years, growing up. Became a firstbaseman myself because of that.

Thanks for the tips. At this point, I'm not using a modded data file and I'm using the Ultimate Rosters. I may turn off the variable stuff, as I couldn't get a starting pitcher past the third inning. I did change CPU swing rate from -20 to -10 and that seems to have made a huge difference. I guess they're hacking at more bad pitches, like real hitters do, but now I'll have to adjust for more walks. Still need to play a few more games, though. If I ever get a good set of sliders, I'll post them here.

I am a newbie in terms of posts made. However, I have been monitoring these boards and utilizing a bunch of the mods so generously supplied by members of the community. I am looking for a description of what each of the sliders do (i.e. - larger number has this effect, smaller number has that effect etc.). I tried to do a search for slider descriptions etc. but was unable to find anything comprehensive. I apologize if this has been posted elsewhere, but thought this was the next best place to post (instead of creating a new thread). Thanks for any help or direction you can provide ...


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