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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey dudes...I'm using MD's datafile and I'm kind of stuck on what kind of adjustments to make. I'm playing on All-Star but am having a hell of a time pitching. I played on Pro and was hitting over .300 with all 9 batters through the first month of the season. So basically that part was a little too easy for me to get realistic results.

Should I adjust the pitching meter in the datafile or make sliders adjustments? Can you suggest some?

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Hey dudes...I'm using MD's datafile and I'm kind of stuck on what kind of adjustments to make. I'm playing on All-Star but am having a hell of a time pitching. I played on Pro and was hitting over .300 with all 9 batters through the first month of the season. So basically that part was a little too easy for me to get realistic results.

Should I adjust the pitching meter in the datafile or make sliders adjustments? Can you suggest some?

This guy is in the process of editing MD's datafile. Might give his thread a read and/or send him PM: http://www.mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=29998.html

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Hey dudes...I'm using MD's datafile and I'm kind of stuck on what kind of adjustments to make. I'm playing on All-Star but am having a hell of a time pitching. I played on Pro and was hitting over .300 with all 9 batters through the first month of the season. So basically that part was a little too easy for me to get realistic results.

Should I adjust the pitching meter in the datafile or make sliders adjustments? Can you suggest some?

I feel you. I know your pain. I've all but completely solved the issue. There are still some moments, but adjust the UPMD (1st slider) to +50 and go down from there if needed. I currently have the User Pitch Control at -1. With those 2 and CPU power and contact at -50, that's a good start.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't get this ****. I'm playing on AllStar and I'm using the sliders posted by REDSOX ,and well I can't do a freaking thing. I can't hit any changups or fastballs. It's not even funny. It seems like I always strike out. I'm so ****ing pissed at this game. Is the CPU pitcher that good, I mean come on, there's just no way. I even tried messing with the cpu pitcher control slider and that hasn't helped me yet. I must either suck at batting or there's definitely something wrong here.

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Can anyone help me out plz. This game, it's just so freaking annoying. Why the **** am I not even able to hit a single pitch. I mean dang, I even lowered the freaking sliders to help me out. It's kind of like I swing the ball and it almost always goes either I swing early or I swing late. I rarely get anything going at all. It's like he swings and misses by a mile.WTF? :headache: I'm as angry as **** at this game. Something needs a fixing. When I switch it back to PRO, it works fine, but as soon as I go to ALLSTAR, well now you know the story, piece of **** game. Either I need some good tips when to swing at certain pitches or maybe I need to fix the sliders. I need some help asap, plz. :attention:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm wondering if anyone knows if the slider's affect the game in manager mode?

If they do, does anyone care to share their slider settings at ANY level (Rookie, Pro, All-Star, MVP) for Manager Mode?

If not, sorry to bother you...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I know this is early since its only been out a few days. But any idea of sliders for 08 mod? Thanks!

I used these sliders last night on Pro Mode. They resulted in me (Rays) having a 3 run lead over the Blue Jays after 4 or 5 innings. Only to have the Blue Jays come back and tie it up. I then took the lead, and they tied it again. I eventually won in the Top of the 9th when I was able to score 2. Of course, I am sure I will need to do some tweaking, but for how the game played last night, I was extremely pleased. The final score was like 8-6.

Pitching Difficulty: +50

CPU Pitch Speed: 3

CPU Pitcher ball rate: +9

User Pitcher Control: -8

CPU Pitcher Control: -10

User Pitcher Fatigue: -35

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: +10

Bullpen fatigue rate: -15

User Batting Contact: +5

CPU Batting Contact: +8

User Batting Power: +3

CPU Batting Power: +2

User Foul Ball Freq: +20

CPU Foul Ball Freq: +20

CPU Swing Frequency: -20

All the things I didn't list are at 0

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maestro23 suggested I post here post here for MVP 1994 sliders. Does anyone care to share the ones they use for the greatest mod of all?

Myself and MissDCole are still looking for some 1994 sliders. I'm sure we'd both really appreciate if anyone could post the sliders they use for the game.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey dudes...I'm using MD's datafile and I'm kind of stuck on what kind of adjustments to make. I'm playing on All-Star but am having a hell of a time pitching. I played on Pro and was hitting over .300 with all 9 batters through the first month of the season. So basically that part was a little too easy for me to get realistic results.

Should I adjust the pitching meter in the datafile or make sliders adjustments? Can you suggest some?

I know I'm responding to an old posting, but I was in the same boat. I was moving up from PRO, but I was getting too many cpu HR's being hit (and not enough by me) no matter what the settings on contact/power. I recently reduced all teams contact by 20 (pitchers by 10) using mvpedit. I like the new feel, but now I'm not getting enough human HR's, but the games are usually a good battle. Believe it or not (on All Star) even with cpu contact/power at -50 and the contact #'s reduced by 20, the cpu still jax them out. I think, for me, I'm onto something with the reduced contact numbers, but maybe I need to change them to -10 globally (and maybe -15 for pitchers or go with a percentage reduction instead.... no way I should get 2 hits in the same game with Blanton against Sheets, lol).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, could you recommend me some good sliders? I'm a beginner and I've been using these sliders so far:

CPU Pitch Speed: -20

CPU Pithcer ball rate: +40

User Pitcher Control: -50

CPU Pitcher Control: -50

User Pitcher Fatigue: -10

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: -10

Bullpen fatigue rate: -10

User Batting Contact: +15

User Batting Power: +30

User Bunt Ability: +10

CPU Bunt Abilitiy: +10

User Foul Ball Freq: +25

CPU Foul Ball Freq: +25

CPU Swing Frequency: -35

User OF Speed: -2

CPU OF Speed: -2

User IF Speed: -2

CPU IF Speed: -2

User Baserunning Speed: +10

CPU Baserunning SPeed: +10

CPU runner agression: +5

but the scores are usually 5-2, 3-1 etc. (I once beat the Phillies 10-0) because hitting seemed to difficult. Thus I tried the nusileidimas's sliders but it didn't really changed the gameplay. I tried dropping the pitchers control and the batting contact. I won the first game 8-1 (Sox-Mariners) and the second was almost scoreless. Then I tried the Klesko's All-Pro sliders (they're shown on the previous page) but the game was too difficult. I downloaded the RRodkey's datafile and that improved the gameplay but it was not perfect to me at all.

It seems I'm good at pitching but not too good at batting. Can you recommend me some sliders? Thanks in advance.

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  • 8 months later...

i'm using KSM DATAFILE and i'm searching good sliders to use with this file. i found solid sliders for all around play, but i can't get any user hr's without using the stick. i hate using the stick couse i like to base hitting purely on timing, but this way i can't hit any hr's. i have power at 50 and i have hit 2 hr's in 7 games :(

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I've been using Kumala's Final datafile for a while now, but am having some trouble finding a good balance for pitching. I like to give up unintentional walks, but I don't want every CPU hit to be a homerun.

What sliders are you using for:

Pitch Meter Difficulty


User Pitch Control?

Thanks a lot in advance folks.

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