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Umachines' 2K12 and MVP uniforms feedback thread


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This is Arizona's City Connect Jersey:




And this is Chris Creamer's article:




I like the general idea. Great design. I've never liked most of "Los (english  name)" jerseys, because not a single latin team calls itsef that way. So, they don't feel like spanish for spanish speaking people. Instead, I think Detroit and St. Francisco do it the right way with their "Tigres" and "GIGANTES" jerseys. In my personal opinon, "Cascabeles" sounds better in spanish for this team, but the "S" is great. I'm sure they tested it, and the final  script made it for that snake shaped "S".


The only downside to me is that this jersey color deserves its matching pants. I don't see it looking any good with white pants, and even less with gray pants, as they have said they will wear it. And so light colored caps are not my favorite, BTW.

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With most of MLB uniforms, I take the scripts right from Chris Creamer's site and turn them to vector versions relativeley easy with Corel Draw. But since City Connect uniforms are too new, I have to make my own versions of the scripts, in order to get the big clean vector pictures that are needed for the stitching effect. So, before making any uniform, I have to spend a good time tracing and cleaning this script.





Notice the designer has re-used the snake head and tail rattles from the alternate "D" cap logo. Well, I'm doing the same...

Almost done...




Finding a working color in all light enviroments for these beige uniforms is not easy at all. This is Dodger Stadium. But the shadow at Phoenix stadium does not help this jersey.

I tested matching color pants for this uniform, and I have mixed feelengs about it. At the end, I think this jersey works better with standard white pants, so they made the right decision. But in case you want to try how they would look, I'm sharing that version here:




To try it, just install V4 of my City Connect set first, and overwrite D-Backs uniform with this one:



5 hours ago, bctrackboi11 said:


Great to know, thanks. But the Sea Lions used to wear a teddy bear Logo?

8 hours ago, Umachines said:


Great to know, thanks. But the Sea Lions used to wear a teddy bear Logo?

Yes. Funny story. They bought a set of uniforms from a defunct semi-pro team named the San Francisco Cubs. They didn't remove the bear logo for some reason.

It's always good to know those stories behind baseball.


I'm sharing two versions of the clean "Serpientes" script I made for the uniform, plus the additional art. The second version has the script itself already masked and ready to use:










Remember that the other scripts are in last page

1 hour ago, bctrackboi11 said:

Thanks, again, dude. I just forgot this uniforms, and I've got a picture if it saved weeks ago. But it's better to see the way it actually looked in gameplay.



I'm reviewing some sets. I've made a mistake in several uniforms and I want people to know about it, in order to help me to recognize the teams that need this fix the most:


Several white, gray and light colored jerseys have some stains, mosltly visibles on the sides, above the belt. this is caused by green texture alpha channel. The color base of this picture has to be 50% gray: 128,128,128 in RGB code. well, in some uniforms, I used too high values, like 136,136,136, or even higher. I'm correcting this in Phillies set and uploading the fixed version, like I did with White Sox set some days ago.


The first user who talked to me about this was @Karelaf. He told me about those two teams, But I know there are several more.


So, anybody can tell me about more teams with the same problem, to be able to fix this in all the uniforms that have such a problem.

Well, this is strange. Thanks for the news, BTW. Thre is time to develop somethig from this. Remember I will have to use the same two cap logos and chest scripts for all players. NLT vs ALT with league logos on the caps, or something like that.

I'm reviewing Toronto Blue Jays set. This time I'm making both classic uniforms. But there is change for CL1. This will be "Joe Carter" uniform, as a tribute to one of the greatest WS definitions in history.


Back to the All-Star game uniforms, I'm thinking about adapting these two logos to the uniforms esthetic:




This would be fair, but the uniforms themselves would be ficticial.



The second option I've thought about is using both WS 2020 finalists logos for their respective leagues teams: Not as fair as first option, but closer to the real stuff:



24 minutes ago, scottybilly said:

I wish each all-star player would wear their everyday home uniform, and then an NL/AL all-star cap.

Yeah, That would be the best. But players in MLB 2k12 can only wear the same two uniforms in the match.

A preview of ASG work in progrees uniforms. Very bad desingned uniforms, BTW. The color scheme is a disaster, if there is one. This won't look any good in the game. nor in the real life.




Numbers font and the stars under the numbers themselves are good. But those flowers, the script design, the purple of the patches... 😝

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm updating Red Sox set at this moment and I'm using my early 1900's Cardinals uniform to also update both Classic Boston uniforms. One of them will be the memorable "Cy Young" Red Stockings uniform:





This is known since several days ago. But I wanted to post my thoughts about it. My first impression was not the best. But I feel this will grow in Cleveland fans, mostly beacause of the explanation about the "Guardians" name origin. Nothing will be as good a Chief Wahoo, but it's gone now with the old name. And anythig is definitively better than that tasteless blocky "C". BTW, the Indians identity is very well hidden in all this new look.


Sports is a funny thing in the aspect that if for any unexplained reason they become a winning team in the next few seasons, the Indians name, and all what it means, will be forgotten faster than we think.

  • 1 month later...


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