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MLB2K12 2020 Roster Thread


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As a side note, working on this today.  Figured out stats in Redditor and how to get them to appear in game.


This was from a 2019 Franchise, so stats only up to 2018.  Saw you mention a stat free beta possibly coming, so now that I understand this, happy to help with that tedious endeavor.  It'll be pretty cool to have stats up to date with roster as well, wondering if it will affect the commentary, and what they bring up if we have these more fleshed out.  Maybe we will get some more commentary variety.



Major League Baseball 2K12 7_15_2012 12_01_52 AM.png

5 hours ago, jdrogers1969 said:

dont hold you breath if the season was on time we would be near the all star break and nothing but updates wont see anything till the end of season in october or 2021

You are more than welcome to learn roster editing yourself instead of complaining about it.

1 hour ago, jdrogers1969 said:

Hes also been promising a non stat release beta like 2 weeks ago i have done rosters myself and shared them at least when i say a timeframe i stick to it not halfway through the season

Well it isnt your roster man, go ahead if you can do it faster.  No body stopping you.

2 hours ago, jdrogers1969 said:

Hes also been promising a non stat release beta like 2 weeks ago i have done rosters myself and shared them at least when i say a timeframe i stick to it not halfway through the season

I can also move a few guys around, manipulate some attributes and say I did something too. 


2 hours ago, wuilmer26f said:

great job for the 2k20 mlb list .. we will wait for it to come out .. is there any planned release date?

There's a beta roster being tested by several people in the community at the moment with the 2020 schedule and a fix for the Astros as well.


2 hours ago, jdrogers1969 said:

Hes also been promising a non stat release beta like 2 weeks ago 

I'm an admin, so of course, I remember you: You're the same guy who joined in May of 2017 to solely grief about the MLB 2K17 mod some time ago, which was a community effort by members around the world who chose to make time to keep supporting a game that was 5 years old at the time.

8 hours ago, jdrogers1969 said:

I have one with the 2020 schedule in it I made off of 2019 Opening Day Roster 1.2.0 havent gotten the maker of that file to let me release it


This file? A franchise save? That's not a roster, bro. I can't play exhibition games with that.


This entire time and thread is about editing the .ROS file which is the foundation of a franchise save.


If you're talking about using @TheWolfof2K's ODR roster as your base, it deviates a great deal from the original stock roster with 4565 player slots, and the base he used was from an even earlier roster that may or may not be buggy.


The original roster that I've been using as a base is the end of season roster from 2K themselves. It has 3851 slots, which is enough for 400+ free agents and 120+ teams of 25 players including the Greats and ASG teams.

My main beef with a franchise save is that if you quit Franchise mode, 2K12 will just load up the last known roster, so you can't use your Franchise mode roster to play exhibition games, making the .FXG useless. Even if a 2020 Franchise mode file was released, that would just mean that the only way I would have an accurate roster would be through accessing it via a game mode within 2K12. If I wanted to play 2K12 with some buddies on the couch with an updated 2020 roster, I couldn't be able to do that, and that's not fun at all.

You're probably wondering, Well, dang, you can just export your franchise as a .ROS, right? Everything's gonna be OK if we do that!

Not really. if you convert it as a .ROS through REDitor (which would be the logical thing you would want to do if you wanted to use that roster for exhibition games), it would break all of the other functions in the game, like CAP, CAT and Legend teams, because Franchise mode (through simulations I've run to see how the .FXG save works vs a .ROS save) specifically uses all 3851 player slots for gameplay purposes.

4 hours ago, jdrogers1969 said:

Well July is upon us still no roster should be done by July 2021 if we are lucky

You know something? When you are right you are right. I mean you've been complaining about this for awhile now and damn there's no roster. I think that KC guy is watching too many shows on Netflix where instead he should be working on this roster for you and you alone! My apologies!


I'll tell you what. You are going to take a time out from here because the contributions you make in here add up to nothing so that means we won't even know you are gone.


Again, my apologies that a mod that is being worked on for free by a person who has a life and a job and all the responsibilities that go with it. I am sorry that he is not working faster on this for you.

4 hours ago, jdrogers1969 said:

Well July is upon us still no roster should be done by July 2021 if we are lucky

You're joking.

Surely. Right? I mean, you can't be serious with your post, you're being intentionally flippant, right?

On 6/21/2020 at 2:18 PM, jdrogers1969 said:

dont hold you breath if the season was on time we would be near the all star break and nothing but updates wont see anything till the end of season in october or 2021


The importance of a functioning base roster outweighs the wait for it. Patience is a virtue and @Kccitystar is doing what needs to be done to keep this game moving forward. There needs to be a solid foundation to build from and that takes time. Nobody needs your negativity and it already sounds like you have a roster so go play that.

Thanks @Kccitystar for your work on this and I hope those vendors come through for you.

5 hours ago, jdrogers1969 said:

Well July is upon us still no roster should be done by July 2021 if we are lucky


I didn't have to respond, but I will.

I'm honestly not sure what your problem is.  I'm so sorry that you can't start a game with Gerrit Cole in Yankee pinstripes right now. To me, the importance of having a functional base roster that is a benefit to the entire MLB2K12 community far outweighs anybody's inability to wait. I cannot stress this enough.


One of my personal victories in testing out a beta version of this roster is the feedback I got about the Home Run Derby being functional. That made me smile. If you've joined the site in recent years, you would have found that a working roster was a major problem that we tried to tackle every year but to no avail. 

Rest assured, with a beta out being tested, this is not a dead project at all.

I've updated this thread whenever I find or have found something new, or a quirk that I would have to work around, in order to make sure that when I do release this roster, it is a good roster to work from as a base that isn't the stock end of season 2K12 roster. There's posts in this thread and in others where I've explained in full detail how things in the rosters work the way that they do (like the original in game draft class, PLType slots, the CAT templates in the Uniforms tab and how we've been overwriting those slots, etc.) or why they are arranged a certain way.

Did you know that the game uses Schedule_Old, Older and Cur tabs in REDitor to generate new schedules past the initial schedule in the Schedule_Actual tab?

Did you know that even if you moved Houston to the AL West, the Schedule_Old, Older and Cur tabs all have the 2010, 2011 and 2012 schedules where they're still in the NL Central so you'll run into problems after the first season?
Did you know that PLType 0 slots are meant for the initial draft class in franchise mode and you can tweak this so rookies don't progress at lightning speed or immediately hit a peak age two years after being drafted?
Did you know that we've been overwriting CAP Template slots when we've been releasing additional uniforms that the game didn't originally ship?

Did you know that we need to allocate a specific amount of PLType 1 and 2 slots in order to make sure the game's Create A Player and Create A Team functions properly?

Did you know that you can't assign long/short sleeves to wear under an elbow guard without it resetting to "None"?


Of course not, you wouldn't know these things, as you have clearly invested no time reading up on this project other than complaining about a timeline.


What's been discovered in the past 6 months through REDitor now that it's a free tool (that a large number of the modding community for this game on both X360 and PC paid out of pocket to use years ago) as a whole is a net benefit to the entire community that works on rosters moving forward. There's a lot that we now know about how the roster is structured, and now we have answers as far as why franchise mode breaks, what the "Michael Morse bug" was, etc. I'm thrilled baseball is back and we have guys in the community looking to assist with this project as we speak (thank you!).

I'm sorry that I can't just move players around and change some attributes and call it a day when all we're doing is trying to fix quirks we never got a chance to for a now 8 year old baseball title.




If anyone else is itching for baseball so bad, play MVP, or buy OOTP, The Show, RBI, or even Super Mega Baseball. Lots of options this year.

Nice post my friend but honestly you did not have to explain yourself because the guys following this thread know how difficult this job is and it only takes one person to disrupt things. Keep on doing what you are doing and it will all work out.

7 hours ago, jdrogers1969 said:

Well July is upon us still no roster should be done by July 2021 if we are lucky

So when is YOUR roster set coming out?  If you aren’t patient enough to wait for these rosters, you’re welcome to create your own. Then others can ask YOU why it is taking so long for them to be released. :mad:

Yeah, that guy just wants attention, wanted to respond to him earlier as well, but it just seems to keep him coming back.  Anyways, good things are coming!  Baseball is back, and I'm sure the roster is gonna be amazing and bring functionality never before seen in a roster.

An Update:



There's a beta going around that I've shared among some members on the site that's pretty well done with a semi-accurate list of guys on all 30 clubs, but there is good news:


We're going to be freezing the roster as of 7/1.


What does this mean? Well, it's hard to explain, but I'll be quick:

  • Given the nature of how crazy this season has been, every organization will have a hard lock of 100 players (25 per organization). This is hard coded as the game can only allow 25 guys to a team for the minors.
  • 34 guys will be on the All-Star teams as this has been the default since 2018.
  • There will be guys who will not actively play a single game this season (Luis Severino, Domingo German, Chris Archer, Tyler Beede, Anderson Espinoza, Jeremy Walker, Chris Sale, etc.) so they will not be included in the initial .ROS. I'm currently debating on including them and including all of the proper values indicating they're on the DL with an injury, but I'm not sure how that would work in a .ROS file. I'm sure an FXG (Franchise Mode) could be generated with the players included. This presents a problem though, so I'll ask the community:
    • If I do this and include guys on the injured list or suspended guys on the teams, my main problem is that this affects how accurate the AAA and AA teams can be. For example, in the beta roster, Domingo German (Yankees AAA) is in AAA as the rotation ace (he's the first SP), however he is suspended for the season. His spot in real life is meant for Deivi Garcia (Yankees AA prospect) who was promoted last season to AAA ball. Since there's no room for Deivi in AAA since German is there, he's stuck in AA ball, which isn't exactly accurate to where he's supposed to be this season. Ideally if you want to pick up and play exhibitions with guys who could have played this season, this can be fun.
    • If I remove everyone that won't actively play a game this season, it would be a challenge to re-add them to a player's franchise mode down the line, but the roster will be as true to life as possible reflecting all of the roster moves in time for this year's opening day.
  • Since there will be no Minor League Baseball this year (which makes me a sad modder), the rosters for those affiliates will be frozen with all players that are currently on those teams and a mix of players with upward potential (think 3 star or higher) in the lower leagues (AA and A ball). If some teams in the minors have more than 25 guys, I will not include players that have one star potential or are projected to be utilized the least this season to round out the team at 25.

Let me know what you guys think! We've got a handful of guys helping out with the beta which should tie things together a bit as a community effort.

7 hours ago, scottybilly said:

Can't all the players who have chosen not to play this abbreviated season just be placed in the Free Agent pool? Or will teams automatically sign them eventually in a franchise file?


Teams will sign those players in the FA pool. I feel comfortable omitting them from the roster entirely though.


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