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Attention Hardcore Braves Fans


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Andy Marte

Kyle Davies

Jeff Francouer

3 names we know are coming up either this year or next year with the Braves. Search on the net for pics of them. Then change their face in the game if you so desire like I did. Marte in the game is a whiteboy. In real life he is hispanic or black. Kinda light skinned. He looks sorta like Mondesi, sometimes like Manny, but has a double chin like Jose Guillen with the Nationals. What did I do? I changed his face to be like Mondesi so that when I bring him up from the minors he won't be a white boy. Davies, I changed him to have the same face as Jason Marquis since Davies has an italian look to him. Francouer, his face is just a normal whiteboy's, nothing too unique so I just chose some other white guys face I can't remember right now. Anyway, the point is this-You can have your rookies look nearly like real life if you want. Wanna change the face? Look in your data/database folder and right click on the attrib.dat file and that is where you can do some changes to faces. Many of you already know how to change these files so I'll stop here and won't give further instructions. If you need further help post here and only ask if you sincerely want to know how you can have Marte looking like he is supposed to and Davies sorta Italian looking and blah blah blah I'll shut up now. Uncle Mo!

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I think I just gave Francouer JD Drew's face which was a mistake. I should have given him Braden Looper's face. Francouer does not sport a gotee.

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ever heard of parkview high school? well it just happens to be where i go to high school and francouer graduated and stared in baseball and football. His mom was my math teacher.

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gracias goodlookin.' wanna play online since you are in georgia? i've played online a few times but i have lag going on. i have a dsl connection. let me know if you wanna get a game going. and by the way, i feel weird calling you goodlookin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ever heard of parkview high school? well it just happens to be where i go to high school and francouer graduated and stared in baseball and football. His mom was my math teacher.

Hey gl,

I went to Brookwood, but graduated way back in '91. Was going to graduate early, but figured I'd take the time to elarn a trade in case times ever got hard and was in the Electronics program at the Vocational Center out back. Moved to Virginia back in '98. it's just kind off wierd to see a name of a school so close to "home." I was just down last weekend, and man, things have changed a ton.

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