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Couple Questions


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*EDIT: I thought i had posted this under Support, but it appears i did not. Move if necessary.



I already searched the internet for the answers to the first 2 questions, but didnt find any satisfactory answers. the other two are opinion based.


What does the * next to some relief pitchers name mean?


What are the black boxes that appear outside the strike zone while batting mean? Ive even had no black boxes on the first pitch, and subsequently, a black box would appear afterwards for the rest of the pitches. 


Why do so many of the sliders here have User Pitching Control so low. The one I'm using now (the oldest, original BSU rosters) has it at 0, which literally makes the pitches go nowhere near your pitch locations. Am i missing something pertinent to pitching that I am not doing? Or perhaps do some people just prefer the unpredictability of their pitches. I had to move mine up to 50 because, to be blunt, I want the pitches to at least go in close proximity to the location leaving room for for timing and fatigue to alter its couse, but the numbers Ive been seeing cause really unpredictable pitches even when you stop at 90% of the max. 


What are people's strategy about Batters Eye on batting. Do people generally leave the black circle unmoved, and then move it with the pitch? Thats usually what i do, but sometimes in the top of the order with power hitters i will move it lower before the pitch hoping to get lucky when I'm at 3-0,3-1. Do people generally not move the circle at all, waiting on their pitch, untill 2 strikes then chase pitches to foul off?


I've been using classic hitting because I'm more oldschool, but I have no philosophical problem with Total control batting and switched back last night and actually think it might be more helpful to me because i always seem to be early in classic, while the slight delay of the joystick causes my timing to be better. Do people mostly use contact swings, reserving power swings for 3-0,3-1 counts? I saw a youtube video where someone (who at least seemed to know what they are talking about) said to use contact swings most of the time, and by most, like all unless its the 9th inning and your down and a HR can tie it or win it.

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I moved the thread to general discussion :)


The black boxes outside the zone are a part of 2K's meta-game when it comes to hitting.

I've read from the dev blog that it's meant to indicate that you or the CPU have been throwing to a certain area often. This lets you know as a hitter where the pitcher is tending to throw during the game, but as a pitcher the CPU will be looking for the ball in those locations too and will probably hit the ball much harder if you continue to pitch in that area. If you mix up the location it should disappear.

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