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Instructions for Asf Importer/Exporter


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I'm trying to use the Asf Importer/Exporter to try to create "the Oakland A's" team name.  I got the "02.dat" file opened and I have already converted the asf's involved to wav files as below.  I was able to convert a wav file back to an asf but when I try to import the asf file back into the dat,, I got an error message that the asf wasn't the same size as the original one.  Could someone please share some more detailed instructions for the app or tell me what I'm doing wrong????  I'm getting there with the team name project but this is NOW standing in my way.






PS:  In addition, I thought that I would try that team audio tutorial.  I went through every phase and then when I was starting to import the mus file back in, it gave me an error message about my new mus files was "such & such" larger than the original so I clicked the button to use mine and I then tried it.  When Kuiper came to the home team there was not even a "peep" of the "Oakland A's".  The tutorial gave NO instructions on changing the hex file or anything...what am I missing???




02.dat1.wav 02.dat2.wav 02.dat3.wav 02.dat4.wav 02.dat5.wav 02.dat6.wav

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey BallFour,


Could you share how that could be done the easiest and best way possible???  How in the world can you get it right down to the exact "jot & tittle" of what's it supposed to be?  I use the AVS Audio Editor to do my player audios & stadium announcements.  I'd REALLY appreciate some help with this because I've spent a number of years trying to grope & claw to find a way to change the Athletics to A's  and then if I could do that, then I can change some of the Minor league teams to some of the oldies like the Charleston Charlies (1971 Pirates AAA), Iowa Oaks (1971 Oakland A's AAA), etc.


Thanks a million!!!



Just now, eskie01 said:

Hey Ball Four,


I'd kinda appreciate an answer on this, please,




Please don't bump your threads or rush anyone in here to provide you with an answer to your question. Ball Four is helpful but he also has a life.

7 hours ago, eskie01 said:

Hey Ball Four,


I'd kinda appreciate an answer on this, please...in your time.




Hey sorry about that. Things have been a bit crazy, as @Yankee4Life suggested. Now that I'm married, I'm starting the process of looking at houses with Mrs. BallFour, and that's an experience and a half.


Anyway, I really wish I had an answer for you. I've tried messing around with this a number of times, but without any success. You opened up the files correctly, so great job there, but that was the extent of my skill and I've hit dead end after dead end with it. I don't know if @Homer is still in the modding business, but he might be able to point you in the right direction. Or hey, if you figure something out, please feel free to share. I've gotten pretty okay at modding, but I'm gonna have to call on the experts here.


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