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Ugly Player Faces


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Although EA went out of its way to put every pimple on the player faces, it actually in my opinion has taken a step back from last year with actual face resemblence.

Its a sad day to be a Met fan, i bought the game today and saw how HORRIFIC the faces looked for Cliff Floyd and Jose Reyes and Mike Cameron. The 2004 faces looked much better.

Can u use the 2004 faces? or is it not possible. please somebody out there fix these faces!!!

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yea, vernon wells looks like a SASQUATCH, wtf EA sports!!!

Yeah tell me about it, last year's face looked more like him *sigh* But at least we got some more faces for our fellow blue jays (hudson, johnson...errm..whoever else :lol: )

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They look like they have lepracy unless you zoom in really close. It actually made my stomach churn seeing Tavarez the other day... :oops:

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The guys who did MVP should have let the people who did the player faces for NBA LIVE. Just look at those faces and u'll see how art imitates life.

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It actually made my stomach churn seeing Tavarez the other day...

That might be pretty realistic. He might be the Don Mossi of baseball today - the man who invented winning ugly :p

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it appears that all the darker skinned players don't look too bad, but the lighter the skin tone of the player...the more it looks absolutely terrible..

I think Prior looked alot more like prior in 2004....I dunno..something about the eyes...

Ramirez is interesting....but the jurry's still out on that...I think most of the problem is that his skin looks too gritty

Wood. Lee, Patterson, and Nomar look alright IMO...although they got a little cheap with Nomar's "glove" animation...but that's besides the point

and wtf is with EA and Barrett? I could understand last year not giving him a face, because he really didn't do much up to that point in his carreer..but after last season I'd say he deserves a face...lol

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I agree. It seems as if everyone is surprised every second as their eyes are bulging out. I play as the Mets and the only players that look decent are Piazza, Beltran and Wright but even they look freaked out to all hell. Anyone doing face mods?

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I think honestly that the skins should just be taken through photoshop and lower the brightness and the contrast..

and as for the eyes...they definately need to be taken down a few levels on the brightness scale...

and nobody has teeth that white..lol

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