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faces tutorial


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greetings my friends..
In this forum I want to make a debate so that we contribute faces for the 2k19 and we know how to make faces to improve the appearance of the game
we need blender tutorials that contribute a lot
if someone can contribute it would be a pleasure

por ejemplo 



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Friends, you have lots of good tutorials on the internet .... Everything else is a matter of talent, perseverance and practice ... It was easier for me because I did about 300 cyberfaces for MVP 2005 game ... Just patience and work ...

wuilmer26f your start is great, keep it up ....

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  • 5 months later...
5 hours ago, wuilmer26f said:

face tutorial 

anyone know how to put a reference image in blender 249.b to shape faces

for example

in that version of blender it is a bit complicated to use the cloning technique to make a cyberface, because .cff file scripts are not compatible with later versions of blender 2.49. if you want to use this new method you must contact @Hanny, he has a video tutorial where he teaches how to use this method in blender 2.49 and it works very well

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