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Help With Mods

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While playing MVP2004, I stumbled across this website. I noticed it has a lot of mods for the 2005 version of the game. Is there any way to obtain a copy of MVP2005 and then mod it or are there mods to 2004. All I am really interested in is updating rosters to a newer version where I can play with Trout. Any help would be appreciated



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Right? I was looking at this and it doesn't seem reasonable to pay $175 for the 2005 version. They're probably so overpriced because of the great modding community for the 2005 version. Anyone know if there is a roster update that would work for MVP2004?

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There is a Download section here for MVP2004, but it wasn't really updated very much once MVP2005 came out.  The MVP2005 rosters are not backward compatible, so none of them will work in MVP2004.. 

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1 hour ago, BautistaRules said:

Sounds like I might be out of luck?

 Yeah, you are. Unless you buy Mvp 2005. The 2004 mods stopped when 2005 came out. Every so often there was something but not for many, many years and certainly not an up-to-date roster.

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