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In-game Logo Mods


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Hi all,


I was trying to mod some of the in-game logos to keep all major and minor league teams up to date. For example, the Colorado Springs Sky Sox no longer exist, and so I turned them into the Amarillo Sod Poodles. I have been able to change the static logos in the frontend by editing the Logos.iff files (small, medium, and large) but I found in game they displayed the old logos. After reading some threads I found out you actually need to change the logos in the teamuniform_home.iff. When I did this however, it only changed the initially logo. When you pause the game the old logo appears in the box score. I have altered every logo I can find in this file but I can't figure out what I need to alter to swap this final logo. Any thoughts?


Edit: This is for MLB 2k12



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