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Pitcher Attribute Spreadsheet


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Good afternoon,


Started working on a spreadsheet for nailing down details on projected 2020 season pitching staffs and bullpens.  Workbook is organized by division, each player can be clicked and you will be taken to each players page @ Fan Graphs.  Also have links there for each teams depth chart at the same site.  I have started labeling the columns for pitch % and velocity, but have run out of time for the day, I have to go to work.  If anything its currently usable to get a quick reference to current team depth charts, and pitcher stats.  I will eventually add teams projected starting lineups and full depth charts but this is what I got done today.  Let me know if you guys think this would be helpful in the future and I will continue development.




Mlb2k20 Pitcher Attributes Project.xlsx

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After thinking more about exactly what I want to accomplish with this, and realizing I wasnt clear about that initially, besides nailing down tangibles like pitch selection, velocity, and % of use for each pitcher.  Like what those who are working on the 2020 roster are doing with standardizing player ratings from MLB down to A ball, standardize base attributes in control and movement for pitches at those levels as well.  What i am going to experiment with for ratings in control and movement is noted below.  


Control Rating

MLB 80 and above. I dont see a reason to have pitchers in the majors who have a control rating on their pitches below this.  They wouldn't be in the majors if they hadnt demonstrated an ability to throw strikes.

AAA -  71-79. Guys who are getting there, have raw talent but are much more developed mechanically. 

AA -  65- 70 The differences between AA and single A are going to get smaller.  These players have begun to demonstrate greater command and control of their pitches.

A -  60-64 where raw talent resides to begin development.  A guy with a million dollar arm woth control issues may be found here.  


Movement - Command of your pitches, the ability to make the ball do what you want.  This rating can be more subjective and higher attribute rating would go to more elite pitchers, or to guys who are specialists in the bullpens.  You may find players in the lower levels here with amazing command ratings of their go to pitches, but need to be refined in control or further development of their arsenals.  Theres a ton of data to work with here to create something cool in the pitching system of 2k12.  


I did some attribute adjustments to the braves 2019 rotation, simmed 2 months of a season, and got ok results. Will need to play more and work with the BB and K tendancies to refine it to see if i can achieve closer to actual 2019 stats.  


Updates to the spreadsheet will be coming with the ratings used when i get better results.

This is great work, but the hardest part about coming up with ratings/formulas/recipes is that there are a lot of posts and topics that talk about it but it's scattered throughout Operation Sports and on this site itself, so you really gotta dig around to find it. A few guys with expertise on these things are no longer active in the community.

32 minutes ago, Kccitystar said:

This is great work, but the hardest part about coming up with ratings/formulas/recipes is that there are a lot of posts and topics that talk about it but it's scattered throughout Operation Sports and on this site itself, so you really gotta dig around to find it. A few guys with expertise on these things are no longer active in the community.

I believe I can help.


The interesting thing about MLB 2k is that there are no per 9 ratings, so the control and movement ratings need to act as substitues for best results. I've been working on a methodology, based on the research I've done for The Show's ratings I've worked on over the past few years. 

1 hour ago, Kccitystar said:

This is great work, but the hardest part about coming up with ratings/formulas/recipes is that there are a lot of posts and topics that talk about it but it's scattered throughout Operation Sports and on this site itself, so you really gotta dig around to find it. A few guys with expertise on these things are no longer active in the community.

Thanks!  Ive looked at some of that, but not too deeply.  Mostly the general game slider threads.  I'll do some more research tomorrow morning.  I'm no game developer by any means and the hardest part about this is getting the desired effects for sure.  It will take a lot of time and testing, excited to do it though, its an interesting experience.  Love baseball and am very impressed with the work that goes on around here to keep this alive.


45 minutes ago, Cycloniac said:

I believe I can help.


The interesting thing about MLB 2k is that there are no per 9 ratings, so the control and movement ratings need to act as substitues for best results. I've been working on a methodology, based on the research I've done for The Show's ratings I've worked on over the past few years. 

Cool!  If you have a methodology that works and you are willing share it, id be happy to work inside that to acheive a result that gets rid of any double work for anyone.  


My concern was diving into this, establishing those attributes for all those players which takes a lot of time all aspects considered, and then getting insane results due to the way the global sliders work.  I didnt find much on this site concerning those mechanics, but will have to dive into operation sports forums to see if i can get a better understanding there.

19 minutes ago, WacoKid said:

My concern was diving into this, establishing those attributes for all those players which takes a lot of time all aspects considered, and then getting insane results due to the way the global sliders work.  I didnt find much on this site concerning those mechanics, but will have to dive into operation sports forums to see if i can get a better understanding there.

Nice job Waco!


Took your advice and have been doing some reading in their forums on sliders.  So much to dig through, with information scattered around, but did find some very interesting stuff.  So thanks for the tip on that.


Correct me if I am wrong, this is just what I deduced out of the context of the threads I read there, and my experience playing the game.  Global difficulty and gameplay sliders only take affect when you are actually playing the game?   Individual player ratings and attributes would be the decider in a simmed game right?  


Wondering because of all the global slider options and the threads dedicated to their results led me to believe this.  If this is true then making changes to individual putcher attributes would need to work inside a recommended set of gameplay/difficulty sliders to get a consistent result?  I didnt see anywhere that was discussed in the 2k20 project.

Looking at how to come up with a good way to implement pitch movement attributes in game this morning.  I was doing some reading on Pitchf/x and learning how to interpret the charts.  The great thing about this is that it seems like using pitchf/x, we can easily come up with an objective standard that can really help the game engine show the difference in command of pitches between elite pitchers and those who are above, at, or below average in this regard.


Unlike the control rating, the movement rating can be higher regardless at what level(MLB->A ball) the pitcher is playing.  Example, you could have a pitcher in your minor league system, with an exploding slider, having a movement rating of 90+, who is struggling the exhibit ability to throw the pitch or a strike.


Below I attached two charts for example of how I would come up with a movement rating for specific pitch for each player.  These charts were generated from LHP Mike Minor and were pulled from fan graphs. There is one chart for horizontal movement and one for vertical movement.  The charts are very simple.  Positive move away from a RHB, and negative values move into RHB.  It is inverse with LHBs.  Vertical movement is different, all pitches drop due to the effect of gravity.  A postive value here






Based on all that, I would need to find an average rating for movement, which will much lower than the average control rating since this is not tied to which league the player is in.  With the average movement for all pitchers being 0 on the movement plane, I would be inclined to place this as 75-80 in the game scale.  This will allow great ability to differentiate pitchers best weapons from pitches with around average movement.


Added 6 tabs that ranks MLB pitchers by pitch on PitchF/X ratings.  Fully sortable on all columns. 


Mlb2k20 Pitcher Attributes Project 2.0.xlsx


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