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MLB 2K20 Text Mods


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2 hours ago, bctrackboi11 said:

What files are you editing? 

The english.iff contains alot of it. For example I usually go through and update the news stories for franchise since there are stories about Trout hoping to make the 2012 roster lol . The soundtrack track lists can be changed too. If you check out the 2K17 overlay we did you will get an idea. The others need to be done in reditor in the roster like the team names etc.

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  • 2 months later...

Have you tested if the date you edited through hex editing affects schedule dates, how stats appear and are tracked?  I would like to look into this.  I have career stats for about half the league completed for a project.  Would like to see if these will show and track properly.  Could you possibly send me some of the files you edited so I can test?  Very excited to see what could happen with this.

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8 hours ago, WacoKid said:

Have you tested if the date you edited through hex editing affects schedule dates, how stats appear and are tracked?  I would like to look into this.  I have career stats for about half the league completed for a project.  Would like to see if these will show and track properly.  Could you possibly send me some of the files you edited so I can test?  Very excited to see what could happen with this.

hi bro, greetings
I believe that in the schedule, and the stats this has no effect, it does not change anything. however the one who has the last word is @raidersbball20, he is the expert. 😁😁👍👍

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8 hours ago, WacoKid said:

Have you tested if the date you edited through hex editing affects schedule dates, how stats appear and are tracked?  I would like to look into this.  I have career stats for about half the league completed for a project.  Would like to see if these will show and track properly.  Could you possibly send me some of the files you edited so I can test?  Very excited to see what could happen with this.

This is for all in-game text contained within the english.iff.  It will not in any way effect the schedules and stats.  That's all controlled through the roster file.  I've attached all the in-game text in a zip file.  All the text in that file can be changed and there is a whole lot of it.


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4 hours ago, Bostonnico said:

hi bro, greetings
I believe that in the schedule, and the stats this has no effect, it does not change anything. however the one who has the last word is @raidersbball20, he is the expert. 😁😁👍👍

Might have to update to 2K21 now, And I'll create a new 2K21 Logo using official 2KSports font for project, since won't be ready til next season.


Keep up the great work everyone.

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On 9/16/2020 at 9:33 PM, raidersbball20 said:

This is for all in-game text contained within the english.iff.  It will not in any way effect the schedules and stats.  That's all controlled through the roster file.  I've attached all the in-game text in a zip file.  All the text in that file can be changed and there is a whole lot of it.

2ktext.zip 428.47 kB · 1 download

Cool thank you I will check it out.

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  • 2 months later...

generally the RED MAC is used but the 5.0 edition damages the files when trying to compress them so that they fit into the archive so the hexadecimal tool is used, well at least that happens to me with the RED MC


generalmente se usa el RED MAC pero la edicion 5.0 daña los archivos al tratar de comprimirlos para que entren en el archivo por eso se usa la herramienta hexadecimal, bueno por lo menos a mi me pasa eso con el RED MC

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