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High Heat Roster Tools / cracking .hh files


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Hey everyone. I've been working with a programmer with the goal of making a newer version of HHManager  /  DangerZ's editor.


I know that a major obstacle with starting from square one will be cracking those .hh files. I am hoping to be in contact with someone who might be able to help us to not re-invent the wheel.


Does anyone here know anything about this that would be able to share that information? Or know of someone whom I could contact about this?


I realize that my knowledge is next to zero, so my question may sound kind of dumb.


However, my hope is to have a program made that can do what these old programs do with a modern UI, even a drag and drop interface, and then be re-created to be either web-integrated or Mac compatible. I've got a programmer willing to do the work, so I'm trying to save some time.


Thanks for reading! :)

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