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Big problem with MLB 2K12, Please, I need help


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Well, I'm going to be fast, basically I was playing MLB 2K12 (I play it all low), I decided to put everything up to take a photo (my PC is bad enough, therefore I am quite lag) well, take the photos and I put everything on low, but I play a game and I notice that now it is more lagged than before, just like when I had it on high


I am sorry for my bad english


Bueno, voy a ser rápido, básicamente estaba jugando al MLB 2K12 (lo juego en todo bajo), decidí poner todo en alto para tomar una fotos (mi pc es bastante mala, por lo tanto me va bastante lag) bueno, tome las fotos y  lo puse todo en bajo, pero juego un partido y noto que ahora va mas lagueado que antes, igual que cuando lo tenia en alto

More details of the problem, I was looking at the task masterand I saw that the game consumes more memory than before, I mean:
before playing: 331 mb or something
now: 441 mb


Más detalles del problema, estaba viendo el administrador de tareas y vi que el juego consume mas memoria que antes osea:
antes jugando: 331 mb o algo asi
ahora: 441 mb


Please, I need help, try to increase and decrease the graphics again and now it is worse, it is more laggy, the problem you perceived, not only happens to me here it also happens to me in other games, I don't know what to do, someone to respond


Por favor, necesito ayuda, intente volver a aumentar y bajar los graficos y ahora es peor, va mas lag, el problema perciste, no solo me pasa aqui tambien me pasa en otros juegos, no se que hacer, que alguien responda

16 minutes ago, Kccitystar said:

Did you change any graphics settings? I don't know how to troubleshoot this.

Yes, I just put everything in high to take a photo, then I put it back in low and it was as if I was in maximum, I went to the task master and I realized in memory it consumed 100 mb more than before, search on google and I can't find the solution, and the worst thing is that it has affected all the games, I don't know what happens


Si, yo simplemente puse todo en alto para tomar una foto, luego lo volví a poner en bajo y estaba como si lo estuviera en máximo, fui al administrador de tareas y me di cuenta en la memoria consumía 100 mb mas que antes, busque en google y no encuentro la solución, y lo peor es que a afectado a todos los juegos, no se que pasa

4 hours ago, PapsZ said:

Yes, I just put everything in high to take a photo, then I put it back in low and it was as if I was in maximum, I went to the task master and I realized in memory it consumed 100 mb more than before, search on google and I can't find the solution, and the worst thing is that it has affected all the games, I don't know what happens


Si, yo simplemente puse todo en alto para tomar una foto, luego lo volví a poner en bajo y estaba como si lo estuviera en máximo, fui al administrador de tareas y me di cuenta en la memoria consumía 100 mb mas que antes, busque en google y no encuentro la solución, y lo peor es que a afectado a todos los juegos, no se que pasa


What video card are you using on your machine?


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