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Is a camera angle like this even possible?


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Yes- I have a fielding view pretty close to this that I use for fieldingview3 in the datafile...Im not at my home computer at the moment and won't get around to it until I'm back in town Sun/Mon- but I'll post it then and you can give it a try- but it IS a fielding view....Can't imagine trying to hit or pitch from this view....LOL.....

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Ok, before anyone tries this view- keep in mind this is a FIELDING VIEW ONLY- and will replace your default Aerial View- so back-up appropriately. This means you will have to BE in aerial view to see it. The camera isn't static and will pan slightly in all directions- I'd like to keep it static but haven't figured how yet- Still- this is pretty good (at least I like it)...Some of the controller variables are a little different than for other camera's- and I'll list the ones I know if there is any interest.

Here's the code:

0xf8876c75 111<FieldingView3>;0 0;1 0;2 0;3 0;4 1;5 0;6 1;7 ;8 ;9 ;10 0;11 1;12 ;13 Hit Vector;14 1;15 0.900;16 0.000;17 0.000;18 1300.000;19 -800.00;20 82.00;21 -800.00;22 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;23 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;24 0.000;25 2#0.000000e+000,8.200000e-001,3.142858e-002#3.141593e+000,9.500000e-001,0.000000e+000#;26 ;27 112.10;28 1;29 80.000;30 150.000;31 300.000;32 3.141;33 0.250;34 0.300;35 ;36 ;37 Ball Shadow;38 Waist;39 ;40 home_dugout_01;41 4.000;42 0.000;43 400.000;44 ;45 Ball;46 Waist;47 0.00;48 ;49 1.0;50 100.00;51 100.00;52 ;53 -0.040;54 0.000;55 0.000;56 1;57 Pitch#Heading#Roll;58 Pitch#Heading#Roll;59 ;60 0.900;61 0.700;62 0.900;63 0.900;64 ;65 79.00;66 0;67 0;68 1.00;69 79.00;70 0.000;71 FOV;72 FOV;73 ;74 0;75 Throw Target;76 100;77 Default;78 0;79 500;80 1.000;81 0;82 ;83 0;84 0.990;85 0.980;86 ;87 0;104 ;105 Default;106 8.0;107 20.000;108 0;126 5.000;127 90.000;88 0.900;89 0.300;90 0.0;91 0.82;92 -0.12;93 2.0;94 1;95 0.00;96 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;97 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;98 0.0;99 0.67;100 0;101 0;102 1;103 ;

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Nomar...you did it!!...the view is AWESOME...now for my FINAL request from you, could you PLEASE experiment with a BATTING VIEW to match this exact angle?...or slightly zoomed in just a little closer but from the same angle and height?

can you try it with any BATTING VIEW other than 4?....I need 4 as my backup default view...maybe you can do it for VIEW 1...the hitters eye view? I hat the default view for that one

can you please try to get this into a batters view too...I know it wont be very functional but I still want to try playing an entire game in this fielding view you made!.....It would feel so retro 80's!!

I love this angle you designed!....gimme the Batting Cam like this please! :)

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Nomar PLEASE create a Batting View for this same exact angle so i can play the whole game in this zoomed back retro view please!......also please list the actual variables for the camera's X, Y, Z, pitch, Heading, ect....they seem to be different modifiers from the Batting Views and the FIelding views

For example, In Batting Cameras X is 15, Y is 16, Z is 17...........in the fielding camera, are different numbers assigned to these X, Y, Z coordinates??.....Im very confused!

can you just make a batting camera identical to your wonderful Ariel cam?

and if you have some bonus time, perhaps add a 2nd camera that is the same pitch, location and height but slightly zoomed in a bit to provide just a little closer action to the batter/pitcher

thanks a million!!....this camera is awesome!!

Nomar, I look forward to hearing from you

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nomar, i tried inserting your values, but i am not getting the full field view like fizzjob shows. the camera keeps zooming, although i have view on aerial. can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong?

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, before anyone tries this view- keep in mind this is a FIELDING VIEW ONLY- and will replace your default Aerial View- so back-up appropriately. This means you will have to BE in aerial view to see it. The camera isn't static and will pan slightly in all directions- I'd like to keep it static but haven't figured how yet- Still- this is pretty good (at least I like it)...Some of the controller variables are a little different than for other camera's- and I'll list the ones I know if there is any interest.

Nomar400, I'm working with the aerial view and I see that you changed quite a few variables that aren't changed with the batting views to get your fielding camera angle (#18,19,20,21,29,51,65,69, and 77). Could you give us any information on what these variables control? I'm most interested in which of these control the field of view for the fielding cameras--#53 doesn't seem to do it for fielding cams. Thanks.

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You're correct- the FOV for the fielding cameras isn't the same as in the tutorials I have seen- but it's been a while since I've played with it. I have a bunch of scribbled notes at home. A lot of the variables you may see changed didn't have the desired effect- and I may not have changed them back to the originals. However, regarding FOV- I know I wrote down somewhere what controls it. Let me look tonight when I get home and get back with you.

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You're correct- the FOV for the fielding cameras isn't the same as in the tutorials I have seen- but it's been a while since I've played with it. I have a bunch of scribbled notes at home. A lot of the variables you may see changed didn't have the desired effect- and I may not have changed them back to the originals. However, regarding FOV- I know I wrote down somewhere what controls it. Let me look tonight when I get home and get back with you.

Nomarhits400, thanks very much. It will save me a ton of time changing individual values and trying to figure out what they do.

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Sorry for taking so long to get back to this- haven't spent much time with MVP lately.

Looking at my notes- wish they were arranged better- it looks like I have written that variable 53 in the fielding cams actually pans the camera up and down- and a little bit still accomplishes a lot, but if you find the camera looking into the sky after raising it vertically- variable 20 I believe- this is how to fix it. I believe lowering it pans it down, and vice versa- pretty intuitive I guess.

Also, I have written that variable 65 is FOV - please check to verify. If I recall correctly, if you try and make this number to big, you get the fishbowl effect.

I apologize if these are out of whack- let me know if that's the case and I'll take an hour or so and try to help straighten things out.

...By the way- do you know of anyone who has had any success increasing the foul ball count in this game besides the sliders? I'd really like to have some 4 and 5 foul ball AB's in this game. I sometimes see a two FB atbat- but it seems rare. It seems like it must be in the dtafile somewhere now that we have a slider fo it- but I've looked and cannot find it.

Anyway- hope some of this helps Bill!!!


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I was able to make this the batting cam with the old tune file in High Heat 2K4. I don't understand why this won't work with MVP.

I hate playing from ground level and would love a mod like this just for a change of pace and the fun of it.

Has anybody ever been able to accomplish this awesome panoramic cam mod view? As a fielding view, it isn't enough.

A static fixed batting cam is best. Gives the game a whole new look!

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There are 70+ variables in one camera view. I've been wanting for a while to get a high-level fielding cam with a fixed view to get rid of the "camera swinging." Thanks to Nomarhits400, I can now get the camera where I want it to be, but it's still swinging a bit. However, I'm almost positive that one of those variables must control the extent to which it moves, and I'm going to dig into it later today, I hope. If so, we could have a fixed-angle view for fielding (maybe for batting, too, although I'm not sure about the translation) with a camera that isn't moving.

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I will trade my old High Heat 2K4 tune file that allows these angles with anyone who is able to capture working panoramic batting cam mods for the MVP series.

Since I don't have the patience to go through all the code in the datafile and I know all the work that goes into it, this is a project that should be compensated.

So whoever is able to do this, I will link them up with an old school Tony La Russa video game complete with loads of dream teams I've created over the past fifteen years.

For anyone interested, I'll send pics of my High Heat 04 version of these angles.

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I'm getting close to having a still, high-angle fielding view. I'm tweaking fieldingview3 in the datafile. Here's what I think worked so far...

1) Variables 60,61,62.and 63: I set all these to 1.000 and it stopped the camera from "panning" during plays.

2) If you set variable 15 to 0.00 the camera will not rotate on it's horizontal axis. I.e. it will not switch from a CF view to a "down the line" view.

2a) Var 16 controls the vertical rotation. Set it to 0.00

2b) Set var 18 to 0.00

3) Variable 29 moves the camera closer or farther away from the center of focus. I have this set on 120.00

4)set 19,20,and 21 to 0.00

5) Var 65 is the Field-Of-View.. I set this on 90.00 to get a wide-angle view.

Here are two screens:



Here's the code I have right now:

0xf8876c75 111<FieldingView3>;0 0;1 0;2 0;3 0;4 1;5 0;6 1;7 ;8 ;9 ;10 0;11 1;12 ;13 Hit Vector;14 1;15 0.000;16 0.000;17 75.000;18 0.000;19 0.00;20 0.00;21 0.00;22 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;23 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;24 0.500;25 2#0.000000e+000,8.200000e-001,3.142858e-002#3.141593e+000,9.500000e-001,0.000000e+000#;26 ;27 112.10;28 1;29 120.000;30 0.000;31 300.000;32 3.141;33 0.250;34 0.300;35 ;36 ;37 Ball Shadow;38 Waist;39 ;40 away_dugout_01;41 4.000;42 0.000;43 400.000;44 ;45 Ball;46 Waist;47 0.00;48 ;49 1;50 100.00;51 10.00;52 ;53 0.500;54 0.000;55 0.000;56 1;57 Pitch#Heading#Roll;58 Pitch#Heading#Roll;59 ;60 1.000;61 1.000;62 1.000;63 1.000;64 ;65 90.00;66 0;67 0;68 1.00;69 0.00;70 0.000;71 FOV;72 FOV;73 ;74 0;75 Throw Target;76 100;77 1.000;78 0;79 500;80 1.000;81 0;82 ;83 0;84 0.990;85 0.980;86 ;87 0;104 ;105 Default;106 8.0;107 20.000;108 0;126 5.000;127 90.000;88 0.900;89 0.300;90 0.0;91 0.82;92 -0.12;93 2.0;94 1;95 0.00;96 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;97 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;98 0.0;99 0.67;100 0;101 0;102 1;103 ;

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I forgot to add:

I have not figured out how to change the camera's center of focus. It seems that the camera is angled toward the center field wall, so that when I reduce the FOV to say, 45.00, I end up looking out at the wall. If you know what I'm talking about and have figured out what varible controls it, let me know.

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The angles I requested are for the fixed batting cams 4 behind home plate and 6 behind the pitcher. Doesn't serve much purpose to tweek the fielding ones, which only show brief cuts of the action. For a better idea of what I'm looking for I could send you graphic pics of my High Heat 04 cams. Just give me an E mail address. Thanks for your input, but if it's too hard don't sweat it. The datafile code has too many variables to be set properly. If most players were not fitted with grotesque generic default zombie faces I could play this game from ground level. But 05 is a step down from 04. They made the gameplay easier and screwed up the graphics.

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  • 2 years later...

Actually batting cams that are above the action provide a superior field of view and offer such depth perception that you can judge pitch speeds much better. Overall, panoramic camera angles in general make the game easier like a cheat. :attention:

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