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2K12 Audio FIles


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Hi all, was curious if anyone has figured out how to set and edit audio files for players in game? For example, I was just playing around and editing old players to make them into current roster guys - I realize this can cause issues with some things based off some other threads I was reading - and some of the names changed for audio and some did not. For example, I turned Carlos Ruiz into Andrew Knapp of the Phillies. Ruiz has a whole audio set the commentators and PA announce uses, but when I set his name to Andrew Knapp - both audio files that exist in the game - the PA announcer called him Knapp and the commentators stopped talking about him as if he was still Carlos Ruiz. My problem is I can't figure out how to get that to happen for other players. 99% of the time it ends up being more like the following:


I changed Chase Utley into Scott Kingery. PA  said nothing and the commentary did not change. However, I know the name Kingrey (spelled G-R-E-Y instead of G-E-R-Y) is an audio file in the game. Since it is pronounced the same way I wanted to see if I could somehow use the audio file for the wrong spelling without having to spell the name wrong. In Redditor you can see that each audio file has associated ID numbers, so if there were someway to edit a players Audio ID numbers I'm sure you could take a similarly pronounced but differently spelled name  and assign it. I haven't been able to find any info on if this is possible though. 


Anyone have any idea how this works? I want to keep modding the game without having to use 400 create-a-players, but this audio situation is really killing me. Any help at all would be lovely

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I think you'd have to add the first names/last names but have them retain the audio ID. So if an audio ID for "Michael" exists but you want to add "Michel", "Maikol", "Mikel" and "Mykal", you can clone slots on REDitor and just copy the audio ID for that name. Keep in mind that this is a name bank that will be used to generate future players as well within the roster if you use it for Franchise Mode. Great for variance with the more player names you have as well.

Player reference data (so commentary talks about a player's 2011 achievements/milestones) is hardcoded to the roster slot for that player with no real way of editing it (because roster editing tools haven't been developed further since 2013) and through playing extensively I've discovered that the reference data only gets overwritten when you're playing franchise mode as old players retire and new ones reuse those old slots.

The only workaround I was ever able to figure out was to just convert a .fxg that's been simulated into like 2077 or way into the future where every single player from the 2012 talent pool retired and turn it into a .ROS file using REDitor. That's the extent of understanding the roster structure for this game in the past year.

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Interesting... I went in and cloned Kingrey and change the name to Kingery yet the change is not showing up in game. Same audio ID as Kingrey, but Kingery is still showing up in game as a blank name... When I changed the name prior to cloning it worked, but it doesn't appear to be working with the cloned name... I'll keep looking to see what I can find, or if I did something wrong though

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Yeah, unless I cloned the wrong thing in the wrong place, the cloned name-audio tag is not working for me. I went in to redditor, went to last names (where the audio IDs are visible) and cloned Kingrey with the only change being that I flipped the two letters to make it Kingery. This yielded nothing as the created Kingery still was not named when he came up to bat. I tried bringing him up to bat with a version that used to be Chase Utley, a CAP, and a former minor league player that did not have an audible. None yielded anything. I then cloned a different last name slot to see if maybe the issue was with cloning the exact name and confusion in the database. But still nothing. Again, I'll keep investigating further, but I know fairly little about this sort of detailed modding. Learning on the fly rn

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Just as an update:


I have been working on this for a bit, and I cannot make the game recognize different last names that have been cloned in any form unless their criteria exactly matches an already existing name (making the new cloned file irrelevant anyway). I have played around with numerous factors and elements to try and isolate what the specific issue is, but thus far I have not had any success whatsoever unless I change the players last name directly. It does seem that this issue is specific to Last Name audio identifications, however. Cloning the name Michael and altering it's spelling to be Maikel, Mychal, or Mikel will still result in the game recognizing the name as being pronounced Michael. Not sure why this method is working for first names but not last names. I'll keep looking but I think with my limited knowledge of these things and the tools currently available, I'm not sure I will be quite able to figure it all out

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/31/2020 at 12:15 AM, jvavrik97 said:

Just as an update:


I have been working on this for a bit, and I cannot make the game recognize different last names that have been cloned in any form unless their criteria exactly matches an already existing name (making the new cloned file irrelevant anyway). I have played around with numerous factors and elements to try and isolate what the specific issue is, but thus far I have not had any success whatsoever unless I change the players last name directly. It does seem that this issue is specific to Last Name audio identifications, however. Cloning the name Michael and altering it's spelling to be Maikel, Mychal, or Mikel will still result in the game recognizing the name as being pronounced Michael. Not sure why this method is working for first names but not last names. I'll keep looking but I think with my limited knowledge of these things and the tools currently available, I'm not sure I will be quite able to figure it all out


For a long time I wanted to do the same as you, and after seeing this thread and having a little free time these days, I dedicated myself to finding a way to make this work for me and I succeeded.


I was able to get PA to announce Michael Chavis as Michael Chavez without having to change his real last name, I even managed to use audios of names to use as audios of last names.  The trick is to sort very well alphabetically, the real names and last names of the players to be added and then just copy the audio ID you want to use for the name or last name.  in this way the PA will announce your player with a name or last name similar to the real one

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  On 1/13/2021 at 8:45 AM, Bostonnico said:

For a long time I wanted to do the same as you, and after seeing this thread and having a little free time these days, I dedicated myself to finding a way to make this work for me and I succeeded.


I was able to get PA to announce Michael Chavis as Michael Chavez without having to change his real last name, I even managed to use audios of names to use as audios of last names.  The trick is to sort very well alphabetically, the real names and last names of the players to be added and then just copy the audio ID you want to use for the name or last name.  in this way the PA will announce your player with a name or last name similar to the real one


Hey, so thanks for the response! I'm not quite sure what you did to fix this though. I have sorted the last name audio files alphabetically, but the cloned last name slot still does not work. What I have been doing is taking the name I want said audibly, cloning it, and changing the name itself to match the new player. Sorting a bunch of different ways I have not been able to get this to work. No matter which file I edit - be it the last name file that is already in the game, or the new cloned file, I cannot get the game to recognize an alternate spelling for last names. I wonder, if its not too much of an issue, if you could post like... a step by step list of what you did to add a new last name (using pre-existing audio) to the audio banks? Again, I'm fairly new to this, so I apologize for being a bit slow

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@jvavrik97  ok I am going to do an example explained with screenshots, so that you understand it better, please send me the full names of the players you want to use, I think they are Kingery and Kingrey and if you wish also send me your Roster.ros file to make the change  and then I send it to you so you can try it on your MLB2k

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For now let's just say Kingrey to Kingery, yeah. Also here's a roster file I really just use for trying things out. Once I have a better idea how to do this myself, I can go back and figure out any other new names when I get to them. My goal is to start uploading some basic files I have been working on soon, but this just popped and I got stuck figuring it out.


Thanks so much for the help!

Trial and Error.zipFetching info...

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