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I saw this post before but couldn't find it again.... What kind of results are you guys getting that are using this mod? Are steals and walks turning up at a greater rate for you? I have only played one game with it and it felt pretty good to me except at times it felt like my infielders weren't moving on the ball like that had w/o the mod. I'd love to hear your feelings.

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I still haven't seen a steal in maybe 10 games, sometimes it seems harder to find holes in the defense, i'm still getting an ungodly amount of hits and runs, I'm still not getting any walks, still not walking anyone, but i don't know if all that was meant for CPU vs. CPU or Human vs. CPU...I play all my games for the most part. I haven't noticed any differences in my fielding, the guys do throw differently and i've seen the strength added to some throws like while running or throwing across the body. I wish there was a way to make balls not float so much when hit though

As a sidenote, before using this..I had one person steal on me in maybe 100 total games since i've owned MVP

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My values were too high, Rod turned them down in v003, now I think they're a little too low.

Gives us a pretty good idea of where they should be.


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