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Hello all,

Just ran into this site while I was supposed to be working. Lots of cool stuff, especially the xbox controller thing.

Just one main question. If I cant convince my wife to let me get 2005, what mods should I go with for 2004. I tend to sim and play dynasty. Is there a good fix for the seemingly random progression?

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Dude Just hide a 20 one week & another the next! If your working its YOUR Money! She dont have to know Everything! You must be newly Married, Myself ---almost 24 years.. So Ive learned a trick or 2.. Believe me Your wife hides money too.. They all do.. :twisted:

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Dude Just hide a 20 one week & another the next! If your working its YOUR Money! She dont have to know Everything! You must be newly Married, Myself ---almost 24 years.. So Ive learned a trick or 2.. Believe me Your wife hides money too.. They all do.. :twisted:

Yeah, you aren't kidding me there. :roll:

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