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cpu vs. cpu walk prob?


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if you have problems with not being able to walk people in normal mode, try the cpu vs. cpu. carl pavano just went seven innings with 7 walks and 7 strikeouts. this isn't the only game he's done that in three starts he's averaging over a walk an inning. the last game i brought the cpu ball slider all the way down to -50 in the 5th and he went on to walk two more. i thought it might be a prob with his attributes but all of his pitch control is better than most pitchers so it's gotta be the game itself. i think the game just likes to have baserunners and if they can't hit to get on base then the game will walk them. i've had a few games in which pitchers on both sides have walke 1 or more batters in to score. the programmers of this game must just love to go from one extreme to the next without caring about hitting a middle ground. the only bright spot is that pavano still only has an ERA of 1.62.

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