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How do you remove helmets from batters like the MVP 1915 game?


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5 hours ago, cf55 said:

I am working on a 19th century league using 1915 as a base for the game. Some team have only the players hat and no helmet. So, I'm asking how do you remove batting helmets from game play.


We know what you are asking and that's fine. But don't bump your posts.  When the people that know how to do this see this then you'll get an answer but don't try to force one.

So for this mod, you'll be using the original teams from back in 1915. So you'll want the following teams:



  • Boston Red Sox - 010
  • Chicago White Sox - 004
  • Cleveland Indians - 005
  • Detroit Tigers - 006
  • New York Yankees - 011
  • Philadelphia (Oakland) Athletics - 001
  • St. Louis Browns (Baltimore Orioles) - 009
  • Washington Senators (Minnesota Twins) - 008


  • Boston (Atlanta) Braves - 025
  • Brooklyn (Los Angeles) Dodgers - 016
  • Chicago Cubs - 019
  • Cincinnati Reds - 020
  • New York (San Francisco) Giants - 018
  • Philadelphia Phillies - 029
  • Pittsburgh Pirates - 023
  • St. Louis Cardinals - 024

So in the models.big file, these 16 teams will have uniform slots that are something like 010i.fsh, 010j.fsh, 010k.fsh - these are usually the old school throwbacks that won't have helmets. If you need a guide to which team has which uniform slots, there's a file in the downloads section that lists every uniform slot in the game. The "Classic Baggy" is what you're looking for. I've also attached the numbers of the teams in the above list.


If you're just looking for the uniforms in the game, just scroll to the classic uniforms in the uni select screen, where you'll see something like "1903 home" or whatnot.

I apologize to the moderator for any protocol gaff. I wasn’t trying to be pushy. I didn’t think I was clear enough the first time. That said  the info BallFour provided I already discovered. Some one or group created the 1915 mod and in it no batting helmets. How is that done?

3 hours ago, cf55 said:

I apologize to the moderator for any protocol gaff. I wasn’t trying to be pushy. I didn’t think I was clear enough the first time. That said  the info BallFour provided I already discovered. Some one or group created the 1915 mod and in it no batting helmets. How is that done?


Hey, don't worry about it at all. It's not a big deal. I'm just happy that you got an answer.


Dennis James created the 1915 mod and you can also see no batting helmets in the 1919, 1927, 1934, etc mod that Dennis and Jim825 made. Those guys are legends and are two of the nicest and knowledgeable people on this website. Try to send DennisJames71 a message about this.


Good luck.

  • 2 weeks later...

DennisJames71 Reply was as follows I guess to answer your questions regarding the batting helmets is that unfortunately for a number of teams; the batting helmet is hard-coded into the particular team slot and the specific uniform slots (like slots A-N for example).  I’ve always been a stickler for historical accuracy as much as possible and I know that it always bugged me that some teams were “stuck” with batting helmets.  I’ve tried to improve on this problem by creating an Alpha layer/file that’s used with the batting helmet .BMP to essentially “trim” the bottom portion of the helmet so that it looks more like a “hardened” baseball cap.  So it’s basically a visual trick to remove the modern ear flaps for the helmets and I figured years ago, that it was better than doing nothing.


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