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Elia's , complete single A, double AA , Triple AAA , Free Agents, MLB Roster


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Full complete rosters, team managers, scouts, coaches, updated team names for every team.


How much would be interested? 


Im thinking about a 1$ or 2$ donation going towards this project for the download. Im taking on this task so the future looks bright for us MLB PC 2k fans.

Donations are one thing,

but donate to download will probably not be received well. Not here, not NLSC not anywhere community patches are created and distributed freely.

You had to know this?


Rosters are not easy to make, time consuming and pretty much takes most of your days off and leisure hours to do.

So, what you are saying is you have a roster with all 3 levels of MiLB already done? Or you plan to work on it?


If i had the game, i would send you a one time donation, like i have to so many in the past.


The game looks great, your work looks great, but i don't have the game and have stopped looking. One day I may stumble into it, and get a copy.

For now, its just MVP for me,

26 minutes ago, Dirtdog said:

Donations are one thing,

but donate to download will probably not be received well. Not here, not NLSC not anywhere community patches are created and distributed freely.

You had to know this?




We have had people in the past try to do this and it was not well received at all.

27 minutes ago, Dirtdog said:


If i had the game, i would send you a one time donation, like i have to so many in the past.



Donating because you want to is one thing. Donating because you have to is another. It should be your choice to do that.

I get that completely. It does seem like im just asking for money. 


But honestly, its just a motivational factor. I have to update over 4800 players, and im halfway there. Then portraits. Also coaches etc. Im doing a complete overahaul that can be a great base for years to come. I love this game and i want to make it a game that people can come to and be proud to still play even though its now 10 years old. 

1 hour ago, eliamvpmod said:

I get that completely. It does seem like im just asking for money. 


But honestly, its just a motivational factor. I have to update over 4800 players, and im halfway there. Then portraits. Also coaches etc. Im doing a complete overahaul that can be a great base for years to come. I love this game and i want to make it a game that people can come to and be proud to still play even though its now 10 years old. 

That's is not a a motivational factor for me

7 hours ago, eliamvpmod said:

I get that completely. It does seem like im just asking for money. 



Yes it sure does. Because that is exactly what you are doing.


7 hours ago, eliamvpmod said:



But honestly, its just a motivational factor. I have to update over 4800 players, and im halfway there. Then portraits. Also coaches etc. Im doing a complete overahaul that can be a great base for years to come. I love this game and i want to make it a game that people can come to and be proud to still play even though its now 10 years old. 


If you feel that you want to do this then please go ahead. If you feel like you have to be paid for this then you will find that you will get no support.


Many years ago before you got here we had a guy work on a mod that took him 3 1/2 YEARS to finish and NOT ONCE did he ask for money from the people in here to  "motivate" him. My advice to you is to quit while you're behind.

47 minutes ago, Yankee4Life said:


Yes it sure does. Because that is exactly what you are doing.



If you feel that you want to do this then please go ahead. If you feel like you have to be paid for this then you will find that you will get no support.


Many years ago before you got here we had a guy work on a mod that took him 3 1/2 YEARS to finish and NOT ONCE did he ask for money from the people in here to  "motivate" him. My advice to you is to quit while you're behind.

Isn't the motivation in a project is when we all have to collaborate in one part? (Creation, Modification, etc.)



Collaboration on mods are great. It would make the task of updating uniforms, stadiums, cyberfaces every season so much easier. However there are fewer people that play the game, and even fewer people that have the time, skill, and motivation to create mods for a decade old game. The idea of creating a thorough, top notch roster file from scratch is just too time consuming and damn near impossible without causing a crash in franchise mode. Just ask Kccitystar. He worked his ass off to overhaul and create a roster from the ground up that had everything everybody would want and he hit a brick wall because of the limitations in the game itself. I count my blessings that he still managed to post a thorough roster spreadsheet that I can use.

It's hard and Time-consuming for make the roster,I agree donation because I did the roster from two years ago.I can help for making portraits ,but I can't make faces.Then,I add many legends for my roster,if you interest,I can give you.

By the way,a  small suggestion ,it may be better that face number and portrait number unify

7 hours ago, scottybilly said:

 top notch roster file from scratch is just too time consuming and damn near impossible without causing a crash in franchise mode.


Like i said I don't have the game.

But this is the sentiment i continue to read over and over.


So, let me get this straight, "nobody" has been able to play a franchise/dynasty/season, because it will crash? Since when and for how long now? This problem has never been fixed, or can be?

Just exhibition?


If so, then the game is broke, in my opinion not even worth the time and effort to keep it updated after 10 years.


Like a beautiful car, looks good on the outside and inside, but the engine is bad, and you can't take it on the highway.


Tell me I am wrong?

Honest question here. MVP is even older than MLB2K12, so why does it receive so much support?  Is it easier to mod? because graphics wise, 2K12 is the more polished game.  I understand it's not about eye candy as much as how a game plays. So Is MVP better in that regard as well?  

20 minutes ago, LouisvilleLipp said:

Honest question here. MVP is even older than MLB2K12, so why does it receive so much support?  Is it easier to mod? because graphics wise, 2K12 is the more polished game.  I understand it's not about eye candy as much as how a game plays. So Is MVP better in that regard as well?  


I think that is a fair question. I think the main reason why Mvp '05 gets more support is that quality rosters can continually be made for that game, rosters that will work and rosters that are therefore always updated. From what I have read and seen there are roster makers for 2k12 that can probably all agree that it is more difficult to create a really good and stable roster for that game. Something always seems to happen. A crash or some other problem. Not with Mvp and that is the big advantage that game has.


Graphics wise you have to give 2k12 its due. Like you said, a more polished game. But graphics should not be the only thing a game should be based on.

I may be of the unpopular opinion, but asking for donations for doing mods I don't believe is wrong.  Think of it this way.  People had nothing before a modder decided to put his time into making a mod (in rare cases, never even thought of a particular mod being possible).  If you don't donate, you could still get the mod.  If you don't donate but believe it's not right to get the mod without donating, you've lost nothing.  


If you outright charge to get a mod, I think that's completely up to you.  Either way a website, which is typically not the property of the modder, does not have to agree to allow donations and/or charging happen.

I have seen modders use patreon.com for donations/charging.

1 hour ago, Gordo said:

I may be of the unpopular opinion, but asking for donations for doing mods I don't believe is wrong.  Think of it this way.  People had nothing before a modder decided to put his time into making a mod (in rare cases, never even thought of a particular mod being possible).  If you don't donate, you could still get the mod.  If you don't donate but believe it's not right to get the mod without donating, you've lost nothing.  


If you outright charge to get a mod, I think that's completely up to you.  Either way a website, which is typically not the property of the modder, does not have to agree to allow donations and/or charging happen.

I have seen modders use patreon.com for donations/charging.

Exactly. Madden 08 has someone that does rosters photos etc and he charges 5.


I've already supplied a decent roster for this year. Has anyone else done one?


This project i did every mlb team, single a, double a, triple a, and this with 40 man clubs. I've also done portraits for every minor league as well. I went all out to do this. So yes I'm asking for a donation , I might not even get any but right now I'm running on fumes to get it done. 

4 hours ago, LouisvilleLipp said:

Honest question here. MVP is even older than MLB2K12, so why does it receive so much support?  Is it easier to mod? because graphics wise, 2K12 is the more polished game.  I understand it's not about eye candy as much as how a game plays. So Is MVP better in that regard as well?  


For me:

Its the Total classic mods 40+ of them

Legends of the Booth

The MiLB stadiums

Several other Total conversion mods from all over the world



I really don't mind the lack of eye candy stuff that much, but I do wish the crowd in MVP were better done and animated even a little bit.

4 minutes ago, Dirtdog said:

I really don't mind the lack of eye candy stuff that much, but I do wish the crowd in MVP were better done and animated even a little bit.


Or you could just turn the crowds off and pretend it's still covid empty stadiums.

 John Goodman Lol GIF by Roseanne

5 hours ago, Dirtdog said:

So, let me get this straight, "nobody" has been able to play a franchise/dynasty/season, because it will crash? Since when and for how long now? This problem has never been fixed, or can be?

Just exhibition?

when talking about the roster and its problems with the franchises, it is due to the complexity of the roster and how sensitive it is to any bad move.
but it does not mean that you have never been able to play a full season or even more, with a roster that has all the lineups in milb and mlb and its 25 men on the roster, and that each player has correctly assigned his global ID, portrait and cyberface, with only that you can play the seasons you want, without any problem.
I have played many complete seasons with several rosters, which at least have the aforementioned. lineups, roster 25 men each team, portrait, global id, cyberface etc.

7 hours ago, Gordo said:

I may be of the unpopular opinion, but asking for donations for doing mods I don't believe is wrong.  Think of it this way.  People had nothing before a modder decided to put his time into making a mod (in rare cases, never even thought of a particular mod being possible).  If you don't donate, you could still get the mod.  If you don't donate but believe it's not right to get the mod without donating, you've lost nothing.  


If you outright charge to get a mod, I think that's completely up to you.  Either way a website, which is typically not the property of the modder, does not have to agree to allow donations and/or charging happen.

I have seen modders use patreon.com for donations/charging.



You're right, it's an unpopular opinion.


How many times have you and I and thousands of others in here downloaded stadiums, overlays, portraits, conversion mods, etc and it was a free download? This website was founded on mods being able to be downloaded for free.


It makes me wonder what the Total Classics guys like Jim, Dennis, Stecropper, etc could have charged for their work? But they didn't.

It makes me wonder what OTBJoel would have charged for his Legends of the Booth Mod that took 3 1/2 years to make?

It makes me wonder what Fuzzone could have charged for his Mvp Studio Uniform Editor that we all used when Mvp first came out?


But they didn't.


If he wants to charge, fine. Who can stop him? But here's the catch-22. He's not going to advertise for donations or outright charging on Patreon.com on this website. Mods are free here Gordo. That's how it should be.


5 hours ago, Dirtdog said:


For me:

Its the Total classic mods 40+ of them

Legends of the Booth

The MiLB stadiums

Several other Total conversion mods from all over the world



And you do not even have it all covered. How about uniforms? Overlays? I tell new Mvp users to lose themselves in the downloads when they first get here just so they see what is available.


5 hours ago, Dirtdog said:

I really don't mind the lack of eye candy stuff that much, but I do wish the crowd in MVP were better done and animated even a little bit.


Does that really matter? Not to me. I don't look at the crowd.


6 hours ago, eliamvpmod said:

Exactly. Madden 08 has someone that does rosters photos etc and he charges 5.


It doesn't matter what Madden 08 has done or is doing. If you want to charge for your work go over there and make mods for that game.


6 hours ago, eliamvpmod said:

I've already supplied a decent roster for this year. Has anyone else done one?


I don't know if anyone else has and I don't really care. That's not the point here.

6 hours ago, eliamvpmod said:

This project i did every mlb team, single a, double a, triple a, and this with 40 man clubs. I've also done portraits for every minor league as well. I went all out to do this. So yes I'm asking for a donation , I might not even get any but right now I'm running on fumes to get it done. 


Ask and you shall not receive.


And if you are running on fumes like you say you are then take a break. Walk away from it. No one is telling you to finish it by a certain date and if anyone in here is telling you that just ignore them. Modders mod for the enjoyment of it and not to fill a quota or make something because someone wants something and has no patience to wait.

The roster I am working on is 99.8 complete, all teams including minors. However portraits are not done, using generic faces for newly created players. Will probably be releasing today. I do this because I like to play the game, so I update it, I share because it is a good thing to do, since I also use files from here. Hope the roster is good enough, and soon i will attempt for a 3rd time portraits.

1 hour ago, TorontoBJays said:

The roster I am working on is 99.8 complete, all teams including minors. However portraits are not done, using generic faces for newly created players. Will probably be releasing today. I do this because I like to play the game, so I update it, I share because it is a good thing to do, since I also use files from here. Hope the roster is good enough, and soon i will attempt for a 3rd time portraits.

message me Toronto

Once again, you didn't read exactly what I wrote/said, Yankee4Life, and that's why I really don't care for your commentary on what I'm saying.  I'm speaking to donations in general --- not about what happens specifically on this site.  I haven't responded to you in a long time because I don't find the rebuttals useful or salient.  But I thought I should clarify my statement here for others, lest they think that your one of many diatribes represents me.  It doesn't.   Okay, back to not typically commenting on what you say.

If anyone needs clarification on my opinion, please PM me.  But what I said above stands.  Overall, though, it's really not that big of a deal.  We're not curing cancer here.

32 minutes ago, Gordo said:

Once again, you didn't read exactly what I wrote/said, Yankee4Life, and that's why I really don't care for your commentary on what I'm saying.  I'm speaking to donations in general --- not about what happens specifically on this site.  I haven't responded to you in a long time because I don't find the rebuttals useful or salient.  But I thought I should clarify my statement here for others, lest they think that your one of many diatribes represents me.  It doesn't.   Okay, back to not typically commenting on what you say.

If anyone needs clarification on my opinion, please PM me.  But what I said above stands.  Overall, though, it's really not that big of a deal.  We're not curing cancer here.


I do not understand your insistence on trying to pick a fight with me but that is how it is and nothing I can do about it.


I did read what you wrote and I understood it. Donations in general. I get it. But really all that matters is what happens here on this site. Are you able to understand that or are you too busy now trying to think of another insulting response?


And get off your high horse. You have not responded to me in a long time because I don’t like your politics and I told you that many times and you took it personal. You even take it personal when I bad-mouth Harper and Ohtani. And I will let you in on a little secret. I don’t like them because of who they are and it has absolutely nothing to do with you. The stuff I say about them I wouldn’t say about you, put it that way.


You statement is very clear. But should Mvpmods have to be concerned if site A or site B accept the modders that are there to openly solicit donations?

Now did you understand what I meant? Was this rebuttal useful or salient?


I used to enjoy talking to you and you seem intelligent and I agree with you on some things. But I can survive and sleep well at night knowing that you do not care to respond to my posts. Keep on playing grammar school games.

You know something everyone? I think it has been covered and explained how donations are here. I am not saying that it's a bad thing to throw a few bucks to your favorite modders but the guy who started this wanted them for a "motivational factor" to finish his mod. I kind of think he meant that he was losing interest in finishing this but if he made some money he would continue. This mod probably took a lot of his time and I am sure it was frustrating for him. If you agree with this then send him money via PayPal and in private messages.


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