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Camera/Pitching Mod Problem...


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Ok, I really like "Spitoon and Trues combined datafile mod" that makes pitching much harder, but I alos want to download the new camera mod that allows for easier hitting. The only problem is is that the new mod replaces Spitoon and Trues' mod, and makes pitching normal again. How can I keep the pitching mod and the new camera mod at the same time?

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  Hilltopper3339 said:
Ok, I really like "Spitoon and Trues combined datafile mod" that makes pitching much harder, but I alos want to download the new camera mod that allows for easier hitting. The only problem is is that the new mod replaces Spitoon and Trues' mod, and makes pitching normal again. How can I keep the pitching mod and the new camera mod at the same time?

Looks like you are going to have to become a datafile modder :)

Honestly, that's going to be the best way to get exactly what you want. I've made so many little tweaks to my datafile, combining mine with Trues, pared's, KSM's and a few other things that it's hard to keep track of...with all the different datafiles out there, there is an unlimitied number of combinations, so making your own is the easiest...

Once you get the hang of it, it's just text editing.

Snepp's Site has a detailed tutorial on datafile editing from MVP 2004...the procedure is the same this year except you can't use gfxpak to compress the datafile, you must use EAzip.

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What new batting cam mod do you want exactly? Is it by any chance the 'low and centered' one, a-la High Heat baseball?

I have made several datafiles combining the best of each datafile mod around ;)... I'm currently working in implementing some of the fielding cams from KSM.

Hehehe... the funny thing is that I'm going crazy naming all of these datafiles and keeping them in order.

My favorite one right now is called Trues+Pared2+Spitoon+JasonLCBC-datafile (phew!... I'm thirsty now)... thougn, like I said, I may add some of the fielding cams from KSM.

Let me know if you'd be interested in that one... I'd gladly share it.

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OK... that's 'JasonLCBC' :) (using names is the only way for me to keep track of what's modded in each file).

I'll upload it in my site... give me a couple of minutes and I'll be right back with the link.

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What did you do with it? where did you put it? did you recompress it or what?

I've been playing with that datafile for the past 6 hours (yeah, I haven't sleep today) and it works perfectly... heck, I just downloaded it from my site and extracted it in my data folder to replace the one I already had there and started the game and it loaded perfectly (I made 3 pitches and no crashes).

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The H: Have you modded any of KSM's roaming camera's into that DF as yet? I sure would be interested in it if you have. :D:D:D I'm trying to mod all of these bits and pieces from different DF's together myself, and being the rookie that I am with this stuff, I'M SLOW!! Thanks


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Only his fielding cams, though some of them, I don't quite like yet... but I'm 'studying' his datafiles to make sure that I don't mess up when implementing some of his other ones.

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  The H said:
Hehehe... the funny thing is that I'm going crazy naming all of these datafiles and keeping them in order.

My favorite one right now is called Trues+Pared2+Spitoon+JasonLCBC-datafile (phew!... I'm thirsty now)... thougn, like I said, I may add some of the fielding cams from KSM.

Let me know if you'd be interested in that one... I'd gladly share it.

H - I share your pain on keeping custom datafiles straight. Right now, I'm playing with my Trues_Pared_Spitoon_noReplay_lowBat5_datafile.txt file! :D

I just pulled in Trues' changes to remove the foul ball replays. In case you want this change, here's a link to the thread over at TPG that describes the changes (scroll down and you'll see his changes):


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Thanks... I've already added it to my collection :)... now I have 7 different ones, ranging from a default one to one that covers Trues+Pared2+Spitoon+TruesNoFoulPIP+JasonCLBC+KSMFieldingCams... LOL.

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The H:

Question for ya: While playing with the DF that you were gracious enough to post for me, I noticed that on a couple of CPU double-plays, the infielder animations appeared to be speeded up. Did you tinker with that part of the file? :o I only ask because it was speeded up to the point that it looked a little weird. Love the file (best one I've seen so far) and will definitely continue to play with it. :D Thanks, bud.


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Nope, not tinkering... they only include camera adjustments, muting of the batter walk-up music and removal of the Foul PIP... that's all.

Now, as the fielding views are a direct copy of KSM's datafile, maybe there's some setting there that's causing that (wouldn't surprise me at all since he messed up with a lot of similar stuff).

But don't worry, I'll investigate this a little further today and will post a reply as soon as I find out what's going on.

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