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How do you put a cyberface on a created player?


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i've figured out how to add cyberfaces. i've mostly edited ones already in the game. i'm working on updating cyberfaces of the dodgers. you have three files when dealing with cybers: the ord file, the orl file and the fsh file. the first two are the cyber faces 3d files. the latter is the texture ,face.

the problem is adding them to created players because the created player will have a generic face and not a cyber one. the generic face is found in the attrib.big file. you can edit the attribute file to point to a cyber face already made.

check out craig wilson here. his cyber face was put in replace of reggiejacksons. pittsburgh%20facepack.jpg

terminatorkorea just switched the cyber id for craig's to reggie jacksons. the bad thing is that reggies cyber face was edited and replaced . he just switched the numbers. but i'm sure there is gotta be another way to do it.

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Hey Rolie, I'm trying to get a Josh Beckett cyberface done and I have the hair looking OK, but it is not 3D.

How do you get the hair to do like you have Craig Wilson's in those photos?

On mine, Beckett's hair is just plastered down on his neck.

If it has to do with the .ord and .orl files, how do you get them to open? I used ord2o and Oedit wouldn't load the file.

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Maybe u can Replace the crowds faces. Cause I believe Chipper Jones faces is used in the seats of Yankees Stadium. So if U can find the crowd faces in those . big file u can than just replace it with the face U created. And than open textpad and change the # of the player faces that was in the game.

One more thing, Why replace REGGIE Jackson's faces with CWilsion? I was hoping EA add more legend players in the game. If I was editing faces I would replace players faces that are like back up players ,such as Miguel Cairo etc... And this goes to all the faces u want to add , just subtract the crappy players faces with the one U created

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I have the faces that TerminatorKorea did (yeah, I figured out after I posted that those were Korea's faces). They are great. What I am trying to figure out though, is how did he get Craig Wilson's hair, and Kaz Matsui's for that matter, to be in a 3d look.

I have Beckett's hair looking Ok, but as I said in my other post, it looks like it's plastered to the back of his neck. I am trying to figure out how to get some depth to it so that it looks like it is feathered out like his hair really does.

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A ten page turorial my friend that i wish i could write to you. but i'll give you the first page. right now just bare with me i need some yahoo!

Pagina Uno de Diez

ingredients needed:

1. first you you got to love to draw, second u need to call ITT tech. lol j/k , i'm goofy now cuz my dodgers got spanked today.

2. you need a graphic editor , preferably photoshop, i guess you can get away with ms paint or whatever. Use this to edit the fsh files.

3. BigGui to import and export templates of orl and orl files. You need BigGui because Eagraph doesn't export them quite recognizable by the following application

4. Oedit and Ord2o and for good measure O2ord. confused yet? good, these applications are the only ones that can edit Ea's ord and orl files. But, before you can edit them you must convert them both to O files to use with Oedit. That's what Ord2o and O2ord are used for. still confused Go here it has all the stuff to download but some documentation is simply repugnant. as brain would say

Oedit Homepage

5. Optional ingrediant: Fshed to easily alter the fsh file (face) i love this program because I can update the fsh straight from a PhotoShop file, but you need the free import plugin.

Nbalive filez

more later i think i've feeled your head with enough useless knowledge to lose it all on one silly daily double. ?????

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Ok, I got all of that stuff and you nailed the problem. I was exporting the .ord and .orl files with EAGraph. That would explain why I wasn't able to open the .o file in Oedit. I screwed around with the vertices on a couple of stadiums, so I imagine that would be where this is all headed. I will use BigGUI to export the files and see what I can do.

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your a quick one. can't wait to see your stuff. the BigGui is a little tricky, you may run into problems when importing those files into Eagraph. Something about the way it export or compresses them. its all in korean or something. so watchout. Good Luck to you. a lot of trial and error.

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yeah, I'm taking a look at TKorea's Matsui .o file right now. Do you know if there is a way to get a view from the back? It is kind of hard to edit the hair in the back when all you have is a front, side and top view. I can't believe that people actually mod the stadiums doing this. It is hard enough to do a head, much less do an entire stadium.

BTW, I already had all of the stuff is what I meant. I just had to export BigGUI out of TKorea's matsui file so that I could use it. I am going to try to use BigGUI to put the files in. I put in the Mastui cyberface that way and I think I can do it. It will look a lot better if I can get this right and get Beckett's flowing hair coming out of the back of that hat.

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i have same dilema . i just select those vertices but it selects both the right and left and have to deselect the other side, very time consuming. a pain. i just wish zoom didnt' take 30 seconds just to see it right. its better then nothing though, the results are awesome.

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