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Total Portraits 2008 Thread


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Can you make the Oakland A's, Marlins, and the Phillies portraits with an .exe installer that you did with the rest of them? It makes things a whole lot easier to install.

Just asking please?


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I'm currently working on the Athletics update and am currently missing several players

so if you have any decent quality pictures of these players please post them

2263 Ron Flores

6916 Andrew Beattie

6919 Nick Brannon

6920 Grant Colamarino

6925 Francisco Gomez

6932 Casey Myers

6944 Mike Ziegler

6918 Dallas Braden

6921 Jeff Coleman

2923 Mark Kiger

6927 Shawn Kohn

6929 Matt Lynch

6712 Victor Moreno

6945 Willie Perez

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Hey Hory could you put back up the previous versions of the mariners and the rangers total portraits? There are a few pictures I would like to update. One being Miguel Olivo's, Chan Ho Park's and Randy Winn's pictures. Thanks!

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update -

I've nearly completed the Oakland Athletics update which will feature a few 2x portraits (256x256 rather than 128x128), these look really good if you play at high resolution on a big screen, I do plan on doing most portraits in 2x from now on when possible

And I've almost completed a cubs update with 30+ portraits redone in 2x which I'll upload sometime over the weekend as well

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Re: Astros Total Portaits....

Two more for you Hory...or really, 1.5.

http://www.ericnewsom.com/8022.fsh - Edwin Maysonet, courtesy of a baseball card scan from the guy who runs Astroland.net

And, in the not-so-great-but-better-than-nothing category:

http://www.ericnewsom.com/2773.fsh - Cliff Davis, who I got from this not-so-great scan:


Here are some base pics if you want to add these guys:

119163.jpeg - Brian Bogusevic

Iorg-Eli-105.jpg - Eli Iorg

119192.jpeg - Tommy Manzella


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Fantastic work on the Athletics Hory :wtg:

Any idea what's next after the Cubs update?

Do you have a decent portrait of Jose Cruz in his Dodgers kit? (Subtle Hint Alert) :)

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Hory I have question. Could you repost the previous a's, mariners, padres, and rangers total portraits? There are some pictures in those 4 portrait packs that I need to put in my game. Thanks!

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I am having a problem with the installer on the 1.1+ versions. I had used it for all those Portrait files previously and it worked fine then. But, I had to delete and do a fresh MVP install for Total Classics and forgot to save the portrait file first.

Anyways it gets to the first file in the DOS window and then states that it is complete and shuts it down. It has done this for all the various ones I have tried. I have ZoneAlarm and am using PowerArchiver. I havent had any problems before. What could it be?

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Hey Hory: Would it be alot more easier just to come out with a all one total 30 teams portraits with a exe installier than going to that team by team thing just asking? And when are going to do that one all 30 team total portraits project?

Just asking,


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Hey Hory: Would it be alot more easier just to come out with a all one total 30 teams portraits with a exe installier than going to that team by team thing just asking? And when are going to do that one all 30 team total portraits project?

Just asking,


From Hory's first post in this very thread.

The plan is to do every team's mlb roster first then go over them again to add in minor leaguers.

Once that's done a portrait.big file will be released so all the portraits can be installed in one download, However that is still some time away.

Great work on the Marlins BTW Hory.

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A Chicago Cubs update has been uploaded with plenty of 2x portraits in the set, they probably didn't need updating but hey, I'm biased.

The Phillies update is next.

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If there's any team that didn't need another mod made for it, it's the Yankees, so of course i've just uploaded version 1.4 of NY Yankees Total Portraits

Thanks to MarkB and poonani it includes a somewhat excessive 146 portraits

A few of the star players like Aaron Small :) have been redone with 2x portraits, but be aware that while jeter and a-rod will look twice as good in a 2x portrait, Giambi will be twice as ugly.

The Phillies update should be out in the next couple of days, thanks to bodhiball who is helping me with the portrait making to finish up these last few teams.

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