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About MVP 2005


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Hello everyone, I want to know how to get the 2005 MVP, but with this year's mods if I can say so, which is the same with the same players who are active in this year, and also that I can play dynasty, because I have an mvp like that same, with all that, but that in game 20 and a little more it stops and does not advance further.

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I think you are saying you have an updated MVP game, but are looking for a new one because you are getting a crash in your dynasty @ game # 20?


If you got all the way to game 20?


Then your mod is working pretty fine.


I would check the team you are playing in game 20 for missing faces with MVPedit, something doesn't match. I would assume one of the players on that team have a face ID but doesn't have a face installed.


If that isn't the problem, it could be the stadium you are going to play in causing the crash


19 games without a crash is very good and probably just something small causing this crash.

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5 hours ago, Dirtdog said:

If that isn't the problem, it could be the stadium you are going to play in causing the crash


19 games without a crash is very good and probably just something small causing this crash.


This may mean he is playing in a stadium in game nineteen that he has not been in yet against a team he has not faced until that time. the stadium or one of the other team's faces could be causing this.

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