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MLB 2k12 '23 Updates


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I plan to update all the logos of the game, opening day, spring training, and the main menu logo to MLB 2K23.
But the essence of the game, most importantly the 2023 roster, I am not aware that someone is working on it yet. Another part, no less important, is the 2023 schedule, nobody has said anything about that too.

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Unfortunately there are alot of things that need to be updated: every team uniform,especially now that they wear sponsor logo patches. Every stadium has to be updated with accurate advertisement signs, as well as any cosmetic changes such as the new pitch clock for every main scoreboard and the other smaller ones. The pitch clock would also need to somehow be added to every overlay as well. The new Texas Rangers stadium hasnt been done yet for 2k. There just arent enough modders interested in updating this game every season anymore.

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On 4/2/2023 at 3:10 AM, Bostonnico said:

I plan to update all the logos of the game, opening day, spring training, and the main menu logo to MLB 2K23.
But the essence of the game, most importantly the 2023 roster, I am not aware that someone is working on it yet. Another part, no less important, is the 2023 schedule, nobody has said anything about that too.


19 hours ago, scottybilly said:

Unfortunately there are alot of things that need to be updated: every team uniform,especially now that they wear sponsor logo patches. Every stadium has to be updated with accurate advertisement signs, as well as any cosmetic changes such as the new pitch clock for every main scoreboard and the other smaller ones. The pitch clock would also need to somehow be added to every overlay as well. The new Texas Rangers stadium hasnt been done yet for 2k. There just arent enough modders interested in updating this game every season anymore.

This is sadly true. Many are willing to take the mantle, but unfortunately not enough info or in depth tutorials exist to edit these things.


Some things you mention honestly are not too important to implement. Although it would be fun to.

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I have a partial 2023 roster was working on, if you want it. It will say 2k22 but it 23. Had to take a break. Most teams are complete except for the minors. Should be partially compatible with headtrip 47 portraits, I've created alot of players without portraits.Pbroster2k22.ROS

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Evevy one devotes their time to MVP05 and I fail to see why it gets undying support here. Is it easier to mod, even though the game is older than MLB2K 12?  The graphics aren't nearly as good. So what is the fascination with it?  Honest question.

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8 minutes ago, Geechie Dan said:

Evevy one devotes their time to MVP05 and I fail to see why it gets undying support here. The game is older than MLB2K 12, the graphics aren't nearly as good. So what is the fascination with it?  Honest question.


You’re being ridiculous. What’s the name of this website? Quick, take a guess. Mvp 2005 gets undying support here because it DESERVES undying support. Look at the mods for the game, the total conversion mods, the Total Classics series, etc, etc and you will see why it is still popular to this day. Why don’t you try to find out what everyone already knows? It is a great game that can and does hold its own to this day.

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2 minutes ago, Yankee4Life said:


You’re being ridiculous. What’s the name of this website? Quick, take a guess. Mvp 2005 gets undying support here because it DESERVES undying support. Look at the mods for the game, the total conversion mods, the Total Classics series, etc, etc and you will see why it is still popular to this day. Why don’t you try to find out what everyone already knows? It is a great game that can and does hold its own to this day.



I didn't mean to piss in your Cheerios sir, but why doesn't MLB2K 12 deserve the same?  No need for the snarkiness. It was a honest question, jesus....

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9 minutes ago, Geechie Dan said:



I didn't mean to piss in your Cheerios sir, but why doesn't MLB2K 12 deserve the same?  No need for the snarkiness. It was a honest question, jesus....


You did nothing of the sort. Mvp has been around longer and has more mods and modders who have made them. The thing you fail to see is that mods for this game have continued to be made to this day but for some reason mods for 2k12 over the years have really slowed up. Why? I have no idea and if you really want to know you can message every modder who made the mods for that game and ask them why they stopped. Get to work, there are quite a few.

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i know alot of guys who have modded for MLB2K also modded for the NBA2K and FIFA games, and switched to modding for NBA2K and FIFA pretty much exclusively. The fact that those games get a new release every year makes it a no brainer really. And there are far more modding tools constantly being created for those games.

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yea its basically popularity and love for the 05 game, although I love to play mlb 2k12 with friends. Its simple,and we have realistic games. The graphics look good. PLaying on a decent pc can give you maximum graphics, and they are nice.

On 4/3/2023 at 8:45 AM, TorontoBJays said:

I have a partial 2023 roster was working on, if you want it. It will say 2k22 but it 23. Had to take a break. Most teams are complete except for the minors. Should be partially compatible with headtrip 47 portraits, I've created alot of players without portraits.Pbroster2k22.ROS

Thanks as always TorontoBjay. Going to take a look at this and see if i can add to it.

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23 hours ago, Yankee4Life said:


You did nothing of the sort. Mvp has been around longer and has more mods and modders who have made them. The thing you fail to see is that mods for this game have continued to be made to this day but for some reason mods for 2k12 over the years have really slowed up. Why? I have no idea and if you really want to know you can message every modder who made the mods for that game and ask them why they stopped. Get to work, there are quite a few.


23 hours ago, Geechie Dan said:

Evevy one devotes their time to MVP05 and I fail to see why it gets undying support here. Is it easier to mod, even though the game is older than MLB2K 12?  The graphics aren't nearly as good. So what is the fascination with it?  Honest question.

I think it's also that MLB 2k12 was just an average game and not really beloved. MVP 2005 is one of the best sports games of all time. I would be interested if someone at least had all the current faces for mlb 2k12. I still mostly play MVP though.

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On 4/3/2023 at 1:43 PM, Geechie Dan said:

Evevy one devotes their time to MVP05 and I fail to see why it gets undying support here. Is it easier to mod, even though the game is older than MLB2K 12?  The graphics aren't nearly as good. So what is the fascination with it?  Honest question.


It's a question with layered answers but I'll do my best here from a modder's point of view:


There's a ridiculous amount of diverse tools available to modify the game. When MVP 2003 came out, and subsequently 2004 and 2005, a majority of EA Sports' games were made with what I think was some form of a unified development workflow, so any tools someone would have developed for another EA or EA Sports title (like NBA Live, FIFA, Need for Speed etc.) would have been fairly compatible with MVP, either directly or through a little bit of reverse engineering by some talented members of the community.


It's what's given the game extremely long legs over the years, and why a vast majority of long time members of this community who've made mods have poured so many man-hours generating content, entirely for free.

2K12 on the other hand does not have that luxury. While the game visually looks better than MVP, the amount of tools that you can utilize to modify things in 2K12 are small and what's worse is that they are not cross compatible (If you modify something like a stadium in RED MC for example, you cannot modify that same file with another utility that can open .iff files).  You're also fairly limited in scope as to what you can modify, so as a modder there's only so much you can generate content for. You can't for example:


  • Change gameplay variables to reflect current baseball trends (i.e. bat-on-ball physics, pitch physics, defensive alignment schemes, custom cameras)
  • Change player progression logic
  • Import new audio for new players
  • Import upscaled textures
  • Adjust stadium textures
  • Adjust global lighting/shading
  • Change in-game text to reflect the year
  • Change season headlines to better reflect events in real life

I mean in recent years, there's been extensive work that's gone into trying to understand the ROS files and what all of the values can represent under REDitor II (which is another roster editing utility), but the limitations of the existing limited tools really cut the legs off of what 2K12 could have been.

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5 hours ago, seskid said:

I think it's also that MLB 2k12 was just an average game and not really beloved. MVP 2005 is one of the best sports games of all time. I would be interested if someone at least had all the current faces for mlb 2k12. I still mostly play MVP though.


I have to agree with you. Now before I explain what I mean since I don't want some people to go half-cocked I am not putting down 2k12. If guys in here like playing it then I see nothing wrong with that. But what I have noticed is basically what you just said. This game did not seem to grab and hold on to users like Mvp has and still does to this. If you think I am wrong, fine. I am not here to debate this. I just stated an opinion.


2 hours ago, Kccitystar said:


It's a question with layered answers but I'll do my best here from a modder's point of view:



2K12 on the other hand does not have that luxury. While the game visually looks better than MVP, the amount of tools that you can utilize to modify things in 2K12 are small and what's worse is that they are not cross compatible (If you modify something like a stadium in RED MC for example, you cannot modify that same file with another utility that can open .iff files).  You're also fairly limited in scope as to what you can modify, so as a modder there's only so much you can generate content for.



As usual you are articulate and you explained your points very well and with a modder's viewpoint it really does explain everything.


i have come away with the belief that it is hard to mod 2k12 just on the fact that I have seen over the years how hard it is to make a roster that will not crash when you reach a certain date. Over and over I have read about this problem. With Mvp that is not the case. Just look at what alfre2jose did. He made us a major and a minor league roster.

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@kccitystar  is quite right, mlb 2k12 doesn't have tools with which one can modify 100 percent, and there are very few tools that are barely compatible to modify something, and they are harder to work with and take up a lot of time. On the other hand, there is mvp 05, which does have a lot of tools with which you can modify the game almost one hundred percent, I think, and that makes the job even easier. those are the big differences between these two video games

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I think too many modders don't make an effort to do a proper tutorial, or at least something to get others going in the right direction.


A good example is stadium editing. This could be a huge motivation for modders to learn and get into it by editing stadiums. Its been done, but I havent found one single tutorial to get a good jump on it.


I can open stadium files and view the art in texture editor, but its so confusing to know where to begin. 


The reason is probably that their are only 1 or 2 modders that have ever done stadiums, so they may not have the time to do tutorials or just dont feel the need to. 


this is not drag on them, since they have done amazing work, but im just stating a fact of what i think could be a reason for not many other modders catching on.

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22 hours ago, eliamvpmod said:

yea its basically popularity and love for the 05 game, although I love to play mlb 2k12 with friends. Its simple,and we have realistic games. The graphics look good. PLaying on a decent pc can give you maximum graphics, and they are nice.

Thanks as always TorontoBjay. Going to take a look at this and see if i can add to it.

I am also working on it again, gonna take awhile longer cause all minor teams will have correct players, and not filled in with retired ones.

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13 minutes ago, TorontoBJays said:

I am also working on it again, gonna take awhile longer cause all minor teams will have correct players, and not filled in with retired ones.

Wow!! A strong job what you are doing man, I congratulate you.
The roster is one of the most complicated things to modify :hi:

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48 minutes ago, TorontoBJays said:

I am also working on it again, gonna take awhile longer cause all minor teams will have correct players, and not filled in with retired ones.

thanks, TorontoBJays


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6 hours ago, eliamvpmod said:

I think too many modders don't make an effort to do a proper tutorial, or at least something to get others going in the right direction.


A good example is stadium editing. This could be a huge motivation for modders to learn and get into it by editing stadiums. Its been done, but I havent found one single tutorial to get a good jump on it.


I can open stadium files and view the art in texture editor, but its so confusing to know where to begin. 


The reason is probably that their are only 1 or 2 modders that have ever done stadiums, so they may not have the time to do tutorials or just dont feel the need to. 


this is not drag on them, since they have done amazing work, but im just stating a fact of what i think could be a reason for not many other modders catching on.


Documentation has always been a weak point within the community and that isn't limited to one game

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A sticking point (for me anyway) is lack of help. It's why I'm still working on my NCAA mod after a couple of years. I've got a full time job, a wife, and 3 kids, and doing a project of any scale alone takes the fun out of it after a while...especially with limited time and resources. 

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On 4/5/2023 at 12:55 PM, bctrackboi11 said:

A sticking point (for me anyway) is lack of help. It's why I'm still working on my NCAA mod after a couple of years. I've got a full time job, a wife, and 3 kids, and doing a project of any scale alone takes the fun out of it after a while...especially with limited time and resources. 

^ i modded my2k12 fully in 2019, was so burned out building the rosters im just getting back into, even then its made me look for mvp instead 😔

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The roster I am working on, is almost complete with all minor league teams updated. However the portraits for the new players are not. Trying to make it so the updated headtrip portraits work. Pretty close to the master list, but not quite as there are alot of new minor league players. Hopefully will be complete and playable within 2 weeks.

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On 4/2/2023 at 3:10 PM, Bostonnico said:

I plan to update all the logos of the game, opening day, spring training, and the main menu logo to MLB 2K23.
But the essence of the game, most importantly the 2023 roster, I am not aware that someone is working on it yet. Another part, no less important, is the 2023 schedule, nobody has said anything about that too.

bro ,I have mde the schedule

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