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High Heat 2004 New mod - New roster, portraits & heads file for the 2023 season - Coming soon!!


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I will be releasing 3 versions of the roster sometime this week.



Roster 1- MLB with all teams using the DH.
2023 Opening Day, with a Franchise ready to play version and roster version.

The new 2022/23 rules, I don't like them, but they are what they are.
Some of the new rules are beneficial to this game, most are not.
Like you could never shift with the older games, now the shift is gone, and the older games play just fine again.


Downfall is only 9 position players of the usual 13 on a team will only bat unless they pinch hit, or a player gets injured.

I am trying to do something about lowering the pickoff attempts, increasing steals, i believe the only way to do this is in the manager profile section of the editor.
Which defaults to 0 each time you open the manage section in game; I will have some kind of manual fix and explanation for this with the release.
But these two settings are one of the last two things i am working on.



Roster 2- MLB roster using the old rules, with just the AL teams using the DH.
2023 Opening Day, with a Franchise ready to play version and roster version.


I prefer this version, I will be playing this version, this is a video game after all, a 20-year-old video game that doesn't know about the new rules. Lol.

The reasons I prefer this version, is it allows for all 25 players to play, bench players to get more playing time, gives most starters a day off for rest and catchers will not play every game just like in real baseball.
This roster with a choice of an even or interleague schedule will allow all this to happen.


Downfall is pitchers will bat, but I did do some reading on who the best hitting pitchers were and edited their performance data accordingly.



Roster 3- MILB-AAA (only)
2023 Opening Day. With a single season ready to play version and roster version.

This AAA roster is playable, fully tested in single season mode. Not sure about franchise or career mode, but it may work?

Works great! Not in any way 100% accurate with all players, but the majority of the big name MILB players and top prospects are all included.
I can't vouch for the faces, because very little face editing or testing was done on the faces of the MILB teams.


You will also hear a lot of "and it's Always a special moment...his first Major league At-Bat!" for the first couple of games, but that will end.



I will be releasing these 3 rosters along with the updated portrait.mf & heads.mf files, making this more than just a roster release, but a new 2023 mod of sorts.
Thanks to achilleusrage for his great work on those portraits!!


This release will also contain a stadium and uniform folder, which will contain all of Greenhell's work from 2014-2018, possibly some other great modders works will be in these two categorical folders?
Credit to Greenhell from the old Perfectgame website and anyone else whose stadium or uniform is being used.
Credit to tinpanalley for passing along these files to me back in January, when I was having trouble finding them


I will be including these two folders because during testing I encountered 6 stadium crashes or freezes and 8 uniform crashes. I fixed them all.
How I fixed these will be documented in the official readme that will come with the release.


In future updates, the possibility of some new uniforms (I have already started work on some), maybe a few stadium edits, in game art and more portraits for minor leaguers.



This is just an update,
Downloads to come this week.


These rosters have all been 100% tested, simmed out to the playoffs with no crashes.
Franchise tested.
Career tested.


You will also be able to play not just sim without any crashes, as long as you have the proper rig and operating system.

I have just 2 remaining things to work on, one being completing the line ups for roster 2 and the other is adding in the manager profiles to all 3 rosters, so they stick and will remain as long as you don’t open the manage feature in game.


I will include a readme included will have an explanation of everything I have done to these rosters, detail every change I have made, and a section called optional/suggestions with the best way to get the most out of your franchise or career seasons, moves and changes to make during season. It's a must read,




22 hours ago, sabugo said:

Sounds like a massive amount of work. Congratulations!


I can't believe i actually didn't quit at some points. But it was winter time, so i chugged on.

Everything had to edited manually was the problem.


I started this project on 1-17-23


I worked on it daily, anywhere from 2hrs to 10hrs per day. Everyday,


Now that i am almost finished, i can say it was worth it.



It's almost summer, and i can get my life back now.



I hope everyone will enjoy it

Here is the official readme, read now, save time later.


The download will be available tomorrow here @ MVP Mods.







If you are about to start a Franchise, Career or season, hold off for a couple days please.


I found and corrected a couple of things, that may or may not affect you going forward.
But just to be safe, wait i will have updates to all 4 MLB rosters by tomorrow night the latest.
MILB roster are unaffected.


The rosters that came with the download are all very much playable, but for some reason the computer duplicated 1 player when i was saving and put him on another team.


Now Minnesota has 26 players for some reason. Cunningham doesn't belong.


Player #10,000 Dylan Carlson (Patient Zero) Lol
Who in all my testing never created a problem, so i thought the problem only existed for players over 10k. i was wrong, its players over 9,999.

Because as soon as i started playing my franchise, St Louis ended up with an open spot, and only 24 players and he had disappeared.
This didn't happen when i initially tested this Franchise .sav

So, i deleted him and re-created him again in all 4 of the MLB rosters.


These are just the 2 issues that undoubtedly would have caused some roster issues moving forward.


Easy right, all fixed??
Not so fast, while i was playing, i heard that infamous line about it being JP Realmuto's first major league at bat. I said what? Can't be!


Then i went and checked, and realized i missed something while i was adding in my historical stat lines.


What i didn't realize is when a player already had historical stats,  i just quickly bypassed them, not paying attention to if that stat line was ML or AAA-AA etc.

So, JP did have historical stats, just not the ML type. In turn the game still considered him a rookie.


I am glad i caught this, because that whole rookie thing was one of pet peeves about HH2002.



I realize this is just cosmetic to some, and you could just edit the two things i spoke about earlier in this post and be just fine.

But the updated rosters tomorrow will have all these historical stats lines all fixed as well.


Plus a few more players (39) i thought i should get in historical line, just to be safe.


Hell, i will even create a couple new players, in order to make this a real update.


Canaan Smith-Njigba in San Fransisco
& Jose Hernandez in Pittsburgh.

I went and checked all the rosters again, and this is what i will be editing.

84 players will be a quick historical level change.
39 players i will be getting an adding in new historical line.


Like i said this is just cosmetic for the OCD roster types.



All will be ready tomorrow night.

Sorry to anyone who already started season play, and to the rest i hope you are enjoying the mod.


Thank you,

2 of the 4 roster updates are up for download.



I added a new updated version of the 2023 Opening Day AL DH only roster.  Version 1.5.1.


Fixed some potential crashes, added & fixed historical data for 123 players and created a couple of new players.



The final 2 rosters that needed fixes are up for download.


2023 Opening Day V1.5.1 Full DH Version.


Same fixes as the roster released on Monday, these are for all 30 teams using the DH rule.

  • 2 weeks later...

Happy Memorial Day weekend!!



I am releasing an updated heads.mf file for High Heat 2004.

This heads file is an update to the one that was released with the High Heat 2004 - 2023 updated mod.


These faces will work with every 2023 Opening Day roster that was previous released and all future rosters to come.


Just drop this into your Art/player folder.



The new heads.mf includes:


5 new MLB player faces (See preview included) and names below.


55 fixed, corrected or updated faces.


My focus with this one was correcting and dramatically updating and improving the MILB player faces in the game, but several of the fixes were for MLB players as well.



For now, you will have to do a little easy editing using Danger Z's editor to get some of the faces to correctly show up in the game.

Any future rosters down the road will have these numbers already updated, but for now you will have to manually change the face ID to match these numbers below.


New Players:


Elias Diaz 8364

Edouard Julien 8567

Bo Bichette 8568

Kyle Wright 8569

Luis Arraez 8570


Face ID numbers which need to be changed:


A. Bummer 8458

Zach McKinstry 8445

Brandon Belt 9910

Gavin Biggio 219

Sean Burke 201

Colin Moran 191

Jumbo Diaz 8440

Engelb Vielma 606

Ben Lively 219

Darnell Sweeney 8335

Eric Haase 8566



This update can be found in the High Heat 2004/Miscellaneous here @ MVP Mods



Next to come will be a small 20 or so pack of portraits of some Top prospects still in MILB and a couple of missing players who were not on the 40-man rosters to start the season.




  • 1 month later...

I will be releasing a "final" update for this game sometime in August after the trade deadline, then i am moving on to something else, i am considering an update for High Heat 2003 for next year.


This final update will include an updated heads file with another 20-30 new faces and many more corrections, a new portrait file with several more rookies and MILB players and a after the trade deadline roster with all moves accurate to August 1st as well as a couple of new uniforms.



I am enjoying this game, i am not sure if anyone else is playing?

But i am 53 games (26-27) into season one of my 80 game Tigers franchise, and back loving Heat Heat baseball again.

15 hours ago, Dirtdog said:

I will be releasing a "final" update for this game sometime in August after the trade deadline, then i am moving on to something else, i am considering an update for High Heat 2003 for next year.




Beautiful. High Heat 2003 was one of my favorite games. I play 2002, 2003 and 2004 on my XP laptop.


15 hours ago, Dirtdog said:

I am enjoying this game, i am not sure if anyone else is playing?



I am.


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