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RIP Jay (JoeRudi26)


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I'm very sad today as we lost a great friend and contributor to this site. Jay (JoeRudi26) passed away recently and I am completely shocked and saddened to hear this news today. He was truly a great guy and extremely talented. I'm going to miss him dearly. If you are able, please consider donating to his gofundme below to help with funeral expenses.


Condolences and prayers for the family. RIP my friend.






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A little background on Joe Rudi for those who are unfamiliar with him. He joined here back in 2005 and was a very active member when he was here. He made one mod, a datafile and slider set that was very good.


Jay had a knack for creating some very interesting threads that a lot of people responded in. Back in those days there were a group of us who would talk regularly in the shoutbox and that in turn was the basis of some of these threads. If you have time go in the left field forum and go back a few pages to see examples of what I mean. There’s a lot of them. I miss those threads as I miss him.


After awhile he became a big MLB The Show fan and mostly spent his time playing that but he never forgot Mvp.


He has not been on Mvpmods in a little over three years. I am still in shock and I want to express my condolences to his family. They lost a good person at a very young age.


To my knowledge this is the second passing of one of our members here. About eleven years ago we found out KPrelesnik passed away. R.I.P. to both of them and to all members who have lost family members over the years.

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