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with all respect


This is a site for a mod to a pc game that doesn't work on windows 10 that doesn't work on chrome.


"Windows 10 is the most popular Windows desktop operating system, accounting for a market share of around 72 percent as of August 2023."

"As of August 2023, Google’s Chrome is the leading internet browser in the world with a global market share of 63.56%."


I am befuddled. I will couch this comment by saying there is a none zero chance I'm just a big dummy. I'm just frustrated with getting mvp 2005 running, sorry.

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You are trying to get an 18 year-old game to run on Windows 10.  MVP2005 is not the only older game that does not run on Windows 10.  

Read the Windows 10 thread in the forums and you will see that plenty of people have attempted to run the game on Windows 10 with no luck. 

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7 hours ago, brokenedo2 said:

with all respect


This is a site for a mod to a pc game that doesn't work on windows 10 that doesn't work on chrome.




Too bad. As you were told this game came out many years ago back when XP was the system of choice. And I told you how to download mods. Just use Firefox or something else. Not you! Instead you have to point out that Chrome is the leading internet browser in the world with a global market share of 63.56%. Wow. So what? And with that going for them they still have problems downloading things from a gaming website for their users to have. Again, so what? Use another browser like others have who were in your position or don't and keep complaining. With all respect of course.


7 hours ago, brokenedo2 said:


I am befuddled. I will couch this comment by saying there is a none zero chance I'm just a big dummy. I'm just frustrated with getting mvp 2005 running, sorry.



If you are frustrated in getting it to run on Windows 10 then join the group of users who have talked about this in the Windows 10 thread. Search for it and read it.

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aye, you're both right. Just wondering what people are doing? using old pc's? I got it installed on vmware and it runs alright but not great. I kind of remember this game not having the highest fps animations on pc anyways. the res changer worked a treat! do you think VirtualBox works better? or even linux with wine? or some kind of directx wrapper maybe.

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I play the game on a dedicated MVP2005 PC running Windows XP. My company’s IT department was giving away old tower PC’s a few years ago so I grabbed one. I bought a motherboard with AGP slots and a 512 MB graphics card on eBay for less than $100 in total. 

I installed the motherboard, installed Windows XP and then MVP2005 and all of the Total Classics mods. 

The only thing the PC is used for is MVP2005. I don’t connect it to the Internet so I don’t have to worry about viruses, malware or any unwanted apps getting loaded onto it. 

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10 hours ago, Jim825 said:



The only thing the PC is used for is MVP2005. I don’t connect it to the Internet so I don’t have to worry about viruses, malware or any unwanted apps getting loaded onto it. 


I have an XP laptop that does the same thing although I have other games on it too like Larussa, High Heat 2002, 2003 & 2004, Hardball and Old Time Baseball. Keeps me busy so I don't have to think about what is going on now at Yankee Stadium.

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On 9/11/2023 at 11:41 PM, brokenedo2 said:

I click "download this file" and nothing happens on chrome.

I had the same issue downloading some files with chrome, but the problem was solved with Edge, it'll still ask you if you want to keep the files because they're "potentially dangerous" tho, I guess it's because of the weird and old dates that the files have in the description.

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