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News on the next Full Levels Roster


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Hi everyone, first of all thanks to the people who has been patiently waiting for my roster, my apologies for letting you down this year.


I'm obviously dissapointed that this season went by without me releasing a new roster, but I'm also very happy with the other projects I was able to help with. That being said, I want to list the current state of the roster and my plans with it:


1. Ratings for all players are underway, I have tweaked my rating charts, which took me a bit of time but I'm cool with the results. Also is very good that I can finally work with three consecutive full seasons (2021-2023).

2. 5/30 minor league systems are ready.

3. A 2023 end of the season roster is target to be ready at some point of January/February (for continuity purpose).

4. A 2024 season roster should be done in May, maybe June. (This one is going to be essentially the 2023 roster with all the trades/Free agent stuff).


That's the plan for now, obviously it could change because life could be random at times and free time for hobbies can be limited. Again, my apologies for the waiting, it'll worth it.


I will use this thread for any updates, once again thank you very much for the patience.

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Thanks for the support Y4L and Laro. Omarito let me explain something a little bit: rating the players IS working in the 2024 roster. Rating players takes much more time than moving them around teams. If I start moving them before finish the ratings I will quickly lose the track of which player needs new ratings. So, you can just ignore the 2023 release and wait for 2024 one which is going to be ready at time that I'm estimating anyway.

Really buddy, “failure of 2023” ??? 
That’s a bit harsh 

alfre2jose does some amazing work, his attention to providing as much detail as he can is phenomenal which ends up giving us an outstanding roster set.

We all have lives away from here so if he wasn’t able to put one together for this season almost passed, well, so be it. It’s a huge commitment and I’m glad we have someone here that’s so dedicated to it. 

alfre2hose….keep up the wonderfull work brother.  So very very much appreciated!!!!!


On 10/21/2023 at 4:23 PM, omarito2013 said:

Let's hope so, and not the failure of 2023 without its roster

That was hard


Are you meaning that alfre2jose's work has been a failure this year?


Then you don't have appreciation for the work of others .

I agree with both of you guys. Making a roster is no easy task and with the way alfre2jose makes them we need to not complain that we don’t have the latest one but instead we need to support and thank him for what he does.


The way I see it he is in for a long off season as he tries to keep up with every transaction, trade, free agent signing, etc. Whenever he is set to upload a new roster it is fine by me.


And one more thing. We get rosters for Mvp ‘05. In 2k12 they always struggle to get a working one.


We need to be appreciative and Omarito needs to apologize. Just how I see it.

Thank you guys! Like I said I really loved working with the WBC mod this year... hundreds of new player audios, cant call that a failure at all. I hope it was just something wrong in the translatation, I have a lot of respect for what Omarito does in the mvp community.

Dejo este mensaje para que todos entiendan, nunca quise herir a nadie con mi comentario que todo lo que yo quería expresar el traductor de google parece ser que ofendió a personas. Esto es una comunidad que nadie cobra ni nada por elestilo las personas hacen esfuerzos y suben sus archivos para mejorar el MVP y vuelvo y repito nadie cobra por ese trabajo. Espero que ahora si entienden el español sepan lo que ocurrió.

6 minutes ago, omarito2013 said:

Dejo este mensaje para que todos entiendan, nunca quise herir a nadie con mi comentario que todo lo que yo quería expresar el traductor de google parece ser que ofendió a personas. Esto es una comunidad que nadie cobra ni nada por el estilo las personas hacen esfuerzos y suben sus archivos para mejorar el MVP y vuelvo y repito nadie cobra por ese trabajo. Espero que ahora si entienden el español sepan lo que ocurrió.


I leave this message so that everyone understands, I never wanted to hurt anyone with my comment, everything I wanted to express in Google Translate seems to be that offended some people. This is a community that no one charges or anything like that, people make efforts and upload their files to improve the MVP, I repeat, no one charges for that work. I hope that now if you understand Spanish you know what really happened.


This message reflects that Omarito never had the intention of offending Aldredo's work, he rather appreciates it.


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