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Narrowed problem down to MVP 2015 Portrait.big file causing problem.


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I've re-stalled the game over an original copy and installed the MVP 2015 PATCH 1 with the Total_Installer_Thingy.


The game gets to just before you would usually see in the original MVP 2005 the controller screen before the game would start and players would enter the field.

However; I see the loading bar get all the way across Kris Davis then it crashes.


I've put the original MVP 2005 Portrait.big file back into the MVP 2015 game and it works, but have blank photos for I guess the missing players.


Any 2015 Portrait.big files that will work.  I used Winmerge to compare the two Portrait.big files MVP 2015 to MVP 2005.

The MVP2015 is packed with .fsh files and the BIGGUI will only let me load so many .fsh files at a time, like 30 or 40.

I was going to try to find the exact file causing the problem, but the BIGGUI file import limit was exhausting.


If there is another fix to use to fix or find the problem in the MVP 2015 Portrait.big any help much appreciated.  


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