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Hey everyone,

I've been playing around with MVPEdit ver. 2006_2.  I've been having an issue when editing a pitcher.  In the ReadMe file it correlates the in-game stats of 20-99 as 0-15 in the program.  When I've edited a pitcher's stat for example, I set their fastball speed to 15 it doesn't correlate in-game as 99 but the speed is set to 15 in game.  Is there a work around for that?  

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For some attributes, you still use values 0 - 99. For pitchers, pitch control, pitch velocity, etc. For batters, power and contact. 

 Other attributes like bunting, fielding, steal aggressiveness, etc. use the 0 - 15 scale.


In your case, you set the fastball speed to 15, so that’s what the game uses.  What you really want to do is set the fastball speed to a value in the 90’s. 

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Are you sure you are editing the proper field?  Here's a screenshot from when I edit pitcher settings in MVPEdit.  You can clearly see that I am able to set Stamina, Pitch Control and Pitch Velocity to values higher than 15.



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I’m pretty sure I’ve set values higher than 15 when using the Global Editing feature.  I’ll try to look at this later. Exactly which field are you trying to set with the Global Editor? I can’t remember if it is called “Fastball velocity” or “Pitch 1 velocity”.

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