Yankee4Life Posted January 1 Share Posted January 1 With the first day of the new year I decided to start up a new section here in the baseball history thread about famous games of the past. The first one to start off this will be the exciting 1951 playoff game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants on October 3rd, 1951. It’s the third and final National League playoff game and the winner gets to go on to face the American League Champion New York Yankees. October 3, 1951: The Giants Win The Pennant! On August 11, 1951, the second-place New York Giants trailed their rivals, the Brooklyn Dodgers, by 13 games. From that point until the end of the season, the Giants won 39 of their final 47 games, an incredible .830 clip. The 154-game season ended with both clubs tied for the top spot in the National League, necessitating a three-game playoff series. After splitting the first two contests, the foes faced off at the Polo Grounds on October 3 for the deciding game. Despite the high stakes, it was a relatively-disappointing crowd that made its way to the ballpark that afternoon. Perhaps it was the threat of rain in the forecast, or maybe the 10-0 drubbing that the Dodgers had inflicted on the Giants the previous day. Whatever the excuse, only 34,320 fans were in attendance. In the ensuing decades, tens of thousands more would claim that they were there. What the no-shows missed was one of the most legendary games in baseball history. The Giants were managed by Leo Durocher, who chose Sal “The Barber” Maglie as his starting pitcher. Maglie had gotten his nickname either because he usually looked like he hadn’t shaved, or because the fearless pitcher liked to welcome batters to the plate with a little chin music. He had won 23 games so far that season, including five against Brooklyn. His mound opponent for Charlie Dressen’s Dodgers was hard-throwing Don Newcombe, who had won 20. The Dodgers drew first blood, when Pee Wee Reese scored on a one-out single by Jackie Robinson in the opening frame. Maglie pitched his way out of further damage, however. In the bottom of the second, the Giants Whitey Lockman singled with one out, bringing up Bobby Thomson, New York’s 27-year-old third baseman, who had been sizzling down the stretch. Earlier, on his way to the ballpark, Thomson had said to himself that it would be great if he could somehow get three hits that day. He got off to a good start in this at-bat, lining one down the left field line. Thinking double all the way, he rounded first with his head down, racing for second. The Dodgers left fielder, Andy Pafko, had a rifle for an arm, and Lockman, not wanting to get thrown out at third, held at second. Pafko threw the ball to shortstop Reese. Thomson was suddenly caught in no-man’s land between first and second, and he was out on Reese’s relay to first baseman Gil Hodges. It was a costly base-running gaffe by Thomson. Instead of runners on first and second with one out, the Giants now had a runner on second with two down. The next batter, Willie Mays, flied out to end the inning. For the moment, Thomson wore the goat horns. In the darkening gloom, the Polo Grounds lights were turned on. In the fifth, Thomson, still wielding a hot bat, doubled to left. His mates, however, were unable to drive him in, and the score stood 1-0 in favor of the Dodgers. It remained that way until the seventh, when Thomson’s deep fly to center scored Monte Irvin from third. In the eighth, the wheels fell off for the Giants and the exhausted Maglie, as the Dodgers scored three runs to take a commanding 4-1 lead before the Barber was replaced by Larry Jansen. Newcombe, meanwhile, was seemingly growing stronger. Then came the bottom of the ninth. Many of the Polo Grounds crowd had already begun making their way to the exit ramps. Alvin Dark singled to open the inning. The next batter, Don Mueller, noticed that Dodger first baseman Gil Hodges was playing close to the bag, as Dark edged his way off first. It was an odd strategy on Hodges’s part; there wasn’t much chance of Dark attempting to steal. The Giants, after all, needed base runners. Mueller hit a slow grounder to Hodges’s right, just out of his reach. Had the first baseman been playing wider of the bag, he may have easily gobbled it up and started a double play. It went as a single to right field, however, with Dark taking third. Monte Irvin, the leading RBI man on the Giants and their best clutch hitter, fouled out to Hodges for the first out. At that point, an announcement was made in the press box that World Series credentials for Brooklyn’s Ebbets Field could be picked up later that evening at the Biltmore Hotel. Lockman, the next hitter, doubled to left, scoring Dark and sending Mueller to third. Mueller slid awkwardly into the bag, injuring his ankle. Thus, in the middle of the mounting excitement, the game was halted for several moments as Mueller was carted off the field, pinch-runner Clint Hartung taking his place. “The corniest possible sort of Hollywood schmaltz,” wrote Red Smith, “stretcher bearers plodding away with an injured Mueller between them, symbolic of the Giants themselves.” Next up, Bobby Thomson. To face him, Dressen brought in Ralph Branca. The Brooklyn righty had been the starter in Game One, giving up a homer to Thomson but pitching well in a 3-1 loss. Gordon McClendon was calling the game on radio for the Liberty Broadcasting System. “Boy, I’m telling you!” he declared. “What they’re going to say about this one I don’t know!” Branca somehow sneaked a fastball down the middle for strike one. “A ball I should have swung at,” Thomson, a fastball hitter, admitted later. At 3:58 pm, Branca’s second pitch, another fastball, came in high and tight. Thomson swung, his uppercut driving the ball deep toward the corner in left. Pafko, dashing toward the high wall, ran out of room. The ball landed in the first row, just above the 315 ft. sign for a three-run home run. Game over. The Polo Grounds shook as the euphoric crowd erupted. Joe King wrote in The Sporting News, “(Thomson’s homer) touched off scenes in this place which never before had been witnessed in connection with the winning of a pennant.” By any measure, and for pure excitement, Thomson’s home run, referred to down the years as “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World,” belongs on the short list of the most legendary in baseball history. Some consider it the most famous blast ever. Much of the mystique surrounding the home run lies in the iconic, delirious radio call by Giants broadcaster Russ Hodges (“The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant!”) Dodger broadcaster Red Barber’s call summed it up: “It is…a home run! And the New York Giants win the National League pennant and the Polo Grounds goes wild!” Gordon McClendon described the home run this way: “Going, going gone! The Giants win the pennant!” Then, after a brief pause, “I don’t know what to say! I just don’t know what to say! It’s the greatest victory in all of baseball history!” Ernie Harwell, calling the game on the Giants television network, simply said “It’s gone!” Felo Ramirez, describing the game in Spanish for Latin-American listeners, cried “Los Gigantes son los campeones!” As Thomson raced around the bases to be greeted at home by a throng of ecstatic teammates, the stunned Dodgers began the long walk off the field. All except Jackie Robinson, who can be seen in a well-known photograph taken from center field looking in toward second base. The photo shows the scrum of players at home plate, with Thomson somewhere in the middle. Branca, head hanging, is walking dejectedly away from the mound. Robinson, standing all alone just beyond second base, his back to the camera, is staring, hands on hips, toward home, in order to make sure that Thomson actually touched the plate. It is one of the classic photos of sport, a poignant juxtaposition of dejection and giddy victory. Bobby Thomson had certainly gotten his three hits. Probably no one in the old ballpark was more delighted at Thomson’s home run than the on-deck hitter, rookie Willie Mays, who later admitted he was terrified at the prospect of having to bat in such a pressure-packed situation. Branca, of course, took the loss, while Jansen, who pitched one inning, got the win, his 23rd of the season. Attending the game that day was the motley quartet of comic actor Jackie Gleason, New York restaurateur Toots Shor, FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover, and crooner Frank Sinatra (who had been given four tickets by Durocher). The group had been drinking all day, and just before Thomson hit his home run, Gleason unceremoniously threw up in the lap of Sinatra, a Giant fan. Said Sinatra later, “The fans are going wild and Thomson comes to bat. Then Gleason throws up all over me! Here’s one of the all-time games and I don’t even get to see Bobby hit that homer! Only Gleason, a Brooklyn fan, would get sick at a time like that!” Not only did the game feature perhaps the most famous home run ever hit, the most famous radio call in sports broadcasting history, and one of the most iconic sports photos, but it resulted in one of the most wonderful leads ever in a newspaper article. The day after the game, Red Smith, writing in the New York Herald-Tribune, opened his story “Miracle of Coogan’s Bluff” with the famous lines: “Now it is done. Now the story ends. And there is no way to tell it. The art of fiction is dead. Reality has strangled invention. Only the utterly impossible, the inexpressibly fantastic, can ever be plausible again.” Please continue for that famous Red Smith article. 1951 Dodger - Giant playoff By Red Smith Now it is done. Now the story ends. And there is no way to tell it. The art of fiction is dead. Reality has strangled invention. Only the utterly impossible, the inexpressibly fantastic, can ever be plausible again. Down on the green and white and earth-brown geometry of the playing field, a drunk tries to break through the ranks of ushers marshaled along the foul lines to keep profane feet off the diamond. The ushers thrust him back and he lunges at them, struggling in the clutch of two or three men. He breaks free, and four or five tackle him. He shakes them off, bursts through the line, runs head-on into a special park cop, who brings him down with a flying tackle. Here comes a whole platoon of ushers. They lift the man and haul him, twisting and kicking, back across the first-base line. Again he shakes loose and crashes the line. He is through. He is away, weaving out toward center field, where cheering thousands are jammed beneath the windows of the Giants’ clubhouse. At heart, our man is a Giant, too. He never gave up. From center field comes burst upon burst of cheering. Pennants are waving, uplifted fists are brandished, hats are flying. Again and again the dark clubhouse windows blaze with the light of photographers’ flash bulbs. Here comes that same drunk out of the mob, back across the green turf to the infield. Coattails flying, he runs the bases, slides into third. Nobody bothers him now. And the story remains to be told, the story of how the Giants won the 1951 pennant in the National League. The tale of their barreling run through August and September and into October. . . . Of the final day of the season, when they won the championship and started home with it from Boston, to hear on the train how the dead, defeated Dodgers had risen from the ashes in the Philadelphia twilight. . . . Of the three-game playoff in which they won, and lost, and were losing again with one out in the ninth inning yesterday when—Oh, why bother? Maybe this is the way to tell it: Bobby Thomson, a young Scot from Staten Island, delivered a timely hit yesterday in the ninth inning of an enjoyable game of baseball before 34,320 witnesses in the Polo Grounds. . . . Or perhaps this is better: “Well!” said Whitey Lockman, standing on second base in the second inning of yesterday’s playoff game between the Giants and Dodgers. “Ah, there,” said Bobby Thomson, pulling into the same station after hitting a ball to left field. “How’ve you been?” “Fancy,” Lockman said, “meeting you here!” “Ooops!” Thomson said. “Sorry.” And the Giants’ first chance for a big inning against Don Newcombe disappeared as they tagged Thomson out. Up in the press section, the voice of Willie Goodrich came over the amplifiers announcing a macabre statistic: “Thomson has now hit safely in fifteen consecutive games.” Just then the floodlights were turned on, enabling the Giants to see and count their runners on each base. It wasn’t funny, though, because it seemed for so long that the Giants weren’t going to get another chance like the one Thomson squandered by trying to take second base with a playmate already there. They couldn’t hit Newcombe, and the Dodgers couldn’t do anything wrong. Sal Maglie’s most splendrous pitching would avail nothing unless New York could match the run Brooklyn had scored in the first inning. The story was winding up, and it wasn’t the happy ending that such a tale demands. Poetic justice was a phrase without meaning. Now it was the seventh inning and Thomson was up, with runners on first and third base, none out. Pitching a shutout in Philadelphia last Saturday night, pitching again in Philadelphia on Sunday, holding the Giants scoreless this far, Newcombe had now gone twenty-one innings without allowing a run. He threw four strikes to Thomson. Two were fouled off out of play. Then he threw a fifth. Thomson’s fly scored Monte Irvin. The score was tied. It was a new ballgame. Wait a moment, though. Here’s Pee Wee Reese hitting safely in the eighth. Here’s Duke Snider singling Reese to third. Here’s Maglie wild-pitching a run home. Here’s Andy Pafko slashing a hit through Thomson for another score. Here’s Billy Cox batting still another home. Where does his hit go? Where else? Through Thomson at third. So it was the Dodgers’ ballgame, 4 to 1, and the Dodgers’ pennant. So all right. Better get started and beat the crowd home. That stuff in the ninth inning? That didn’t mean anything. A single by Al Dark. A single by Don Mueller. Irvin’s pop-up, Lockman’s one-run double. Now the corniest possible sort of Hollywood schmaltz—stretcher-bearers plodding away with an injured Mueller between them, symbolic of the Giants themselves. There went Newcombe and here came Ralph Branca. Who’s at bat? Thomson again? He beat Branca with a home run the other day. Would Charley Dressen order him walked, putting the winning run on base, to pitch to the dead-end kids at the bottom of the batting order? No, Branca’s first pitch was a called strike. The second pitch—well, when Thomson reached first base he turned and looked toward the left-field stands. Then he started jumping straight in the air, again and again. Then he trotted around the bases, taking his time. Ralph Branca turned and started for the clubhouse. The number on his uniform looked huge. Thirteen. Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted January 1 Author Share Posted January 1 This is the greatest game I have ever seen. I can still recall how nervous I was in the ninth inning. October 2nd, 1978: And a shortstop shall lead them. Baseball purists long for the days when baseball games, either regular-season or the World Series, were played under afternoon skies. Before the lure of television money and advertising dollars, baseball was an afternoon game. One with its one pace, no time clock, and moving with the ease of the summer breeze. But owners saw the revenue potential of playing home games, “under the lights.” With the addition of an extra layer of playoffs and the need to televise every postseason game, one will see a handful of games being played in the afternoon. Many may still argue that it is not enough. For it’s one of the simple pleasures of playoff baseball, watching the action in the crisp, cool fall air. There probably is not another region in the United States that better displays nature’s beauty in autumn than the New England states. The foliage is breathtaking and the scenery is magnificent with the yellow, orange, red, and brown leaves as windbreakers make a return appearance from the hall closet. It was within this setting that the New York Yankees traveled to Fenway Park to face their arch-rival Boston Red Sox in a chips-to-the-middle-of- the-table, winner-take-all ballgame. Both teams ended the season with a 99-63 record. New York took the season series, winning nine of 16 games. Boston led the third-place Yankees by 11½ games at the All-Star break and looked to be searching for the “cruise control” switch to coast to a division title. With one month to go in the season, Boston still led the Yankees by 6½ games. The Yankees went head-to-head with Boston seven times in September. The Bronx Bombers took six of seven and pulled ahead of the Bosox by 2½ games on September 17. But Boston had a resurgence, posting a 12-2 record to close the season. Heading into the season’s final game, the Yankees held a one-game advantage. But Cleveland defeated New York, 9-2, while Boston topped Toronto, 5-0. The result was a one-game playoff at Fenway Park. There had only been one other tiebreaker playoff game in American League history. That game, too, was staged at Fenway Park, 30 years earlier on October 4, 1948. Cleveland beat the Red Sox, 8-3, to claim the AL flag. The pitching matchup featured that season’s Cy Young Award winner in the AL, Ron Guidry. “Louisiana Lightning,” as he was called because of his roots in the Bayou State, was 24-3 with a 1.72 ERA. He had started three games against Boston in 1978, going 2-0. Even though Guidry was tabbed with only three days’ rest, he declared that he was ready to go. Red Sox manager Don Zimmer sent Mike Torrez (16-12, 3.92 ERA) to the hill. Torrez signed as a free agent with Boston after pitching half of the year with New York in 1977. He proved to be a valuable asset for the Yankees. He posted two complete-game victories in the ’77 World Series as the Yankees won their first world championship since 1962. Boston broke on top in the bottom of the second inning when Carl Yastrzemski homered to right field off Guidry for a 1-0 lead. The Red Sox did not cash in on an opportunity to increase their lead in the third inning. George Scott doubled to center field. He moved to third base on a sacrifice bunt by Jack Brohamer. But Guidry settled down to retire Rick Burleson and Jerry Remy and escaped the inning unscathed. Other than Mickey Rivers, Torrez was having little trouble with his old teammates. Rivers walked in the first inning and stole second. But he was left stranded. In the top of the third inning, Rivers smacked a two-out double to right field, but again did not score. In the bottom of the sixth, Boston increased its lead to 2-0. Burleson led off with a double to right field. Remy laid down a bunt to third base and Burleson took third. He scored when Jim Rice singled to center field. The Yankees mounted their comeback in the top of the seventh inning. With one away, Chris Chambliss singled to center field. Roy White followed suit with another base hit to center. Yankee manager Bob Lemon sent the left-handed Jim Spencer to pinch-hit for Brian Doyle. Spencer flied out to left field. Bucky Dent came to the plate and sent a Torrez pitch high over the Green Monster to give the visitors a 3-2 lead. The partisan crowd of 32,925 at Fenway fell silent as Dent made the grand tour around the bags. For Dent, the number-nine hitter in the Yankees lineup, it was his fifth home run of the year. New York owner George Steinbrenner was watching the game from the box seats by the Yankees’ third-base dugout with the club president, Al Rosen. “Al called Bucky’s home run just before he hit it,” the Boss said. “ ‘He’s gonna hit one out,’ and sure enough he did. It couldn’t happen to a finer young man.” However, the Yankees were not done. Rivers walked for the second time in the game. Zimmer pulled Torrez from the game and Bob Stanley replaced him. Rivers stole his 25th base of the season, and scored when Thurman Munson doubled to center field. Reggie Jackson led off the eighth inning by once again showing that his “Mr. October” moniker was well deserved. He blasted his 27th home run of the year to right field off Stanley. The Yankees’ lead was now stretched to 5-2. Guidry gave way to Goose Gossage in the bottom of the seventh inning. Goose was still on the mound in the eighth when the Bosox mounted a comeback of their own. Remy led off the frame with a double to right. After Rice flied out, Remy scored when Yastrzemski singled to center field. Carlton Fisk followed with another single to center and Yaz moved up to second base. He scored one batter later when Fred Lynn singled to left field. Lynn’s RBI cut the Yankees’ lead to one, 5-4, headed to the ninth inning. The Yankees were unable to add another run as the action moved to the bottom of the inning. With one out, Burleson walked and Remy singled to right field. Burleson took second on the base hit. He moved to third when Rice flied out to right field. But it was there where Burleson would stay. He was unable to close the final 90 feet needed for a tally when Yastrzemski popped out to Yankees third baseman Graig Nettles in foul ground. It was Gossage’s 27th save of the year. The New York Yankees were the champs of the AL East Division. “Well, I’ll tell you, I was dreaming, dreaming about something like that,” Dent said. “There’s no way you can feel tired now. This is all we’ve been playing for, the playoffs.” “This is the worst feeling I’ve had as a professional,” Remy said. “We have nothing to be ashamed of. The Yankees have a great club and we fought back and took them to the final out in the bottom of the final inning.” “It just wasn’t meant to be, that’s all,” Yastrzemski said. “But I’ll tell you something. Yaz is gonna be on a world champion before he retires from this club. There’s just too much talent on this club not to win it.” The Yankees went on to defeat the Kansas City Royals in four games in the ALCS. Similarly, they defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers in the World Series in six games. For the Bombers, it was their 22nd world championship. For Yastrzemski, his proclamation did not come true. He retired after the 1983 season. The Red Sox did not return to the postseason until three years later, in 1986. 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Yankee4Life Posted January 8 Author Share Posted January 8 June 23, 1984: The Sandberg Game The Chicago Cubs were struggling. For the first two months of the season, they were a cute story. Since mid-May, the lovable losers of recent years had spent much of their time in first place in the National League East. Starting on June 6, however, the team lost ten of 16 games. The lowlight was a four-game sweep in Philadelphia in which they were outscored, 33-13. That knocked them out of the top spot, and it looked for a while like things were reverting to form at 1060 West Addison. As the day began on June 23, the Cubs found themselves in third place, a game and a half behind the division-leading Mets. The St. Louis Cardinals were in town, a team that was barely treading water at 34-37. The Cubs sent Steve “Rainbow” Trout to the mound, while the Cardinals countered with virtual-unknown Ralph Citarella, making his first big-league start. It was a nationally televised Saturday afternoon Game of the Week on NBC, with Bob Costas and Tony Kubek doing the honors. Before the contest began, Kubek observed, “The wind…blowing in from right field, so it’ll kill any ball hit to the right field sector. Anything hit to left-center will be…given a little help, if it’s up in the air.” It looked at the outset like the Cubs’ swoon was going to continue. Trout bombed early, and by the time they came to bat in their half of the sixth, they were down 9-3. Suddenly, however, their bats woke up. They scored five runs in that frame, sending Citarella to the showers, to quickly turn a yawner into a tense, exciting one-run game. That is how the score remained until the bottom of the ninth. “This has been one entertaining ball game, folks,” Costas commented, just in case any of the viewers at home didn’t already know it. On the mound for St. Louis was their ace reliever (and former Cy Young Award-winner with the Cubs) Bruce Sutter, who had entered the game in the bottom of the seventh. He had faced four batters so far, and gotten four harmless groundball outs. Leading off for the North Siders was their fine young second baseman Ryne Sandberg, who already had three singles and four RBIs in the game. On a 1-1 count, Sandberg took Sutter downtown, drilling a hanging curve over the left-center-field bleachers, onto Waveland Avenue. The game was tied, to the delight of the frenetic Wrigley Field faithful. The Cubs got the winning run to third base with two out in the person of Gary Matthews, but a groundout ended the inning, sending the game into extras. St. Louis put a quick stop to the buzz going on at the ballpark, by scoring a pair of runs in the top of the tenth. Sutter was still on the mound, and Chicago appeared to have its work cut out as the bottom half of the inning loomed. Two quick ground-ball outs did nothing but deflate any remaining air left in the Cubs’ party balloon. But Bob Dernier walked, and Sutter was left to again face Sandberg. The count went to 1-1, at which point Costas began rapidly reciting to the TV crowd that “our game today was produced by Ken Edmundson, directed by Bucky Gunts, Mike Weisman is the executive producer of NBC Sports, coordinating producer of baseball Harry Coyle. One-one pitch.” Sutter served. Sandberg swung. Kubek belted out a distended “Ooooooh myyy!” Costas was surely more descriptive: “And he hits it to deep left center! Look out! Do you believe it! It’s gone!” Both said nothing for the next 50 seconds. Viewers across the nation watched dumbfounded as 38,079 people suddenly went certifiably insane at Wrigley Field. In the next booth over from Costas and Kubek were Harry Caray, Lou Boudreau, and Milo Hamilton, who had spent the afternoon taking turns describing the game for Chicago’s WGN radio. As Sandberg’s second home run soared toward the bleachers, the three went into a collective fit of frenzy, and Caray’s voice was nearly drowned out in his broadcast partners’ delirious “Oh-hohs!” and “Hey-heeeeys!” “THERE’S A LONG DRIVE,” Caray shouted. “WAY BACK! MIGHT BE OUTTA HERE! IT IS! IT IS! HE DID IT! HE DID IT AGAIN! THE GAME IS TIED! THE GAME IS TIED! HO-LY COW!” It was Caray at his flabbergasted finest. “EVERYONE IS GONE BANANAS! HO-LY COW! WHAT WOULD THE ODDS BE,” Caray asked, his voice betraying his emotion, throwing out the question to anyone with a calculator, “IF I TOLD YOU THAT TWICE SANDBERG WOULD HIT HOME RUNS OFF BRUCE SUTTER?!” Cardinal manager Whitey Herzog kept Sutter in the game. “Here now is Gary Matthews,” Caray noted. “C’MON, YOU GUYS!” But the guys didn’t come on. Matthews grounded out, and the inning was over, much to the relief of Sutter. St. Louis threatened but didn’t score in the 11th. Finally, mercifully, Dave Rucker replaced Sutter to start the Cub half of the inning. Leon Durham led off with a walk, stole second, and advanced to third as catcher Darrell Porter’s throw bounced into center field. Jeff Lahti replaced Rucker on the mound. Keith Moreland and Jody Davis were both intentionally walked to set up a force at any base. “What a ballgame!” Caray exclaimed, apparently still unable to believe what he had witnessed moments before. “Hey! Was that 23-21 game against the Phillies any more exciting?” he asked, referring to a legendary 1979 Wrigley Field game (actually 23-22). “No, nope, no way,” Boudreau and Hamilton stated emphatically. Dave Owen, the last position player available on the Cub bench, came on to pinch-hit. A switch-hitter, he batted left-handed against the righty Lahti. The trouble was, Owen was hitting .133 from the left side. It would not matter this day. Owen drove a single into right field, Durham scored, and just like that, the rollercoaster affair had come to an end. “CUBS WIN!” Caray shouted. “CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN! HO-LY COW! LISTEN TO THE CROWD!” After letting the noise wash over him for a few seconds, Caray declared: “I NEVER SAW A GAME LIKE THIS IN MY LIFE, AND I’VE BEEN AROUND A LONG LIFE! WHAT A VICTORY! WHAT A VICTORY! LISTEN TO THE HAND THE CUBS ARE GETTING!” Costas, on the other hand, chose a more understated description of Owen’s hit. “That’s it!” Moments later, before cutting to a commercial, he would confess, “Can’t remember the last time I saw a better one!” Indeed, neither could many people. It was a thrilling game, an instant classic, highlighted by two unforgettable at-bats involving two future Hall of Fame players in Sutter and Sandberg. It was a coming-out party, both for Sandberg and the Cubs, as their grand performances occurred on a national stage. Back in the days before the proliferation of cable television, NBC’s Game of the Week was so named because it was just that. For just about everyone, it was the only baseball game they could watch during the week, other than their local team’s broadcasts. The victory was a catalyst for the Cubs, who went on to win the division title that year. For Sandberg, it put his name in the public consciousness, and started him on the way to a glorious career in Cub pinstripes. “It is the kind of stuff of which Most Valuable Player seasons are made,” sportswriter Dave Van Dyck proclaimed soon after the game. Indeed, Sandberg was named the NL MVP in 1984. He recalled years later, “It was a one-game thing that elevated my thought of what I was as a player, more of an impact-type of a guy, a game-winning type of a player.” As the decades passed, the contest was elevated to the status of myth, eventually becoming known simply as “The Sandberg Game.” To many Cubs fans, the game became a cultural touchstone. “Fans come up to me all the time and they want to talk about that game,” Sandberg says. “They tell me where they were. They were either driving in a car listening to the game…or they were at the game or watching it on TV. They were calling their relatives, (saying) ‘you’ve got to turn this game on!’” Nearly lost in all the brouhaha was the fact that Willie McGee, star center fielder for the Cardinals, hit for the cycle that day, with six RBIs. For Sutter, it was the low point of perhaps his most brilliant season, as he finished with a career-high 45 saves and a 1.54 ERA. Reflecting back on his days on the diamond, Sandberg admitted, “It was nothing to [Sutter’s] career. It was everything to mine.” Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-712697 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted January 10 Author Share Posted January 10 What an unbelievable game this was. No game is ever out of reach in Fenway Park and this one proved it. Swisher, Teixeira help Yankees rally from 9 runs down to blow out Red Sox BOSTON — Acts like this figured to be tougher for these 2012 Yankees. These Yankees traded their offensive player with the most upside, Jesus Montero, in order to upgrade their starting pitching. And that upgrade, Michael Pineda, experienced a setback in his right shoulder yesterday, and now nobody knows when, or if, Pineda will make his Yankees debut. But the Yankees pulled off their most important, most improbable victory of this young season yesterday, coming back from a nine-run hole to post a 15-9 win over Bobby Valentine’s hapless Red Sox at Fenway Park, because of an early improvement from an unlikely source. Nick Swisher? The guy who seemed to come up so small so often in pressure situations is now thriving in his walk year? The guy who, if the Yankees are serious about cutting payroll, won’t be back next year? “Last year was a super stressful season for me, man,” Swisher said, after he set a new career high with six RBIs. “I am not going to be stressed out like that this year. I’m going to have as much fun as I can and just enjoy it. This is such a great place to play. I’m just enjoying every minute of it.” When Boston’s starting pitcher Felix Doubront put up a zero in the top of the fifth, making the game official, the Yankees trailed by a 7-0 margin, with the Red Sox having knocked out Yankees starting pitcher Freddy Garcia in the second inning. Rookie David Phelps, finally appearing human, allowed two more in the bottom of the fifth. This one looked over, with Boston cruising to a much-needed win. Yet as manager Joe Girardi said later, echoing his mentor Don Zimmer: “In this park, a lot of things can happen.” It was Swisher whose seventh-inning grand slam changed the game, pulling the Yankees within 7-5. His fellow switch-hitter Mark Teixeira added a three-run blast, scaring the daylights out of the Red Sox before they escaped the inning up, 9-8. The Red Sox are a train wreck most of all because of their bullpen, so give Valentine credit for going to his closer, former Yankee Alfredo Aceves, to try to get a six-out save when Franklin Morales gave up a leadoff single to Eduardo Nunez in the eighth. To whom else could Valentine turn? Aceves, however, pitched horribly. He walked Derek Jeter, the other guy in this lineup who has provided an early improvement. And then Swisher slammed a double off the center field wall, driving home Nunez and Jeter to give the Yankees a 10-9 lead. Swisher, standing on second base, emitted a joyful holler. “If you come back from nine runs against anybody, it’s a cool thing,” said Teixeira, who homered once from each side of the plate. “But here in Boston, it makes it a little more fun.” “Against the Red Sox, to be able to come back and pull that win off, that’s a big win for us, man,” said Swisher, whose 20 RBIs lead the American League. “That’s a huge momentum shift for us. This team, we never give up.” Swisher started last season horribly, compiling a lowly .639 OPS with just three homers through May 29, before waking up some — and then contributing a characteristically poor postseason. He admits now that he let his contract situation get to him. The Yankees held a $10.25 million option on him for 2012 that they exercised. “That option, I’ve never been through something like that,” Swisher said. “This year, I’ve done all my work in the offseason. I’ve done all the things that I wasn’t ready to do, worked with my sports psychologist, stuff like that. I’m just in a good place. Really just enjoying everything. Whether I go 4-for-4 or 0-for-4, my mental preparation stays the same every day.” The Yankees want to lower their payroll to $189 million by 2014, to save money on the luxury tax, and the only way they can do that while retaining Swisher is by letting either Robinson Cano or Curtis Granderson go. That’s unlikely. So the Yankees will enjoy this unexpected upgrade while it lasts — and that goes double for this Red Sox swan dive. April 21, 2012: Yankees rally from 9 runs down to blow out Red Sox While fans lament the Red Sox collapse of 1978, their 2011 collapse was actually worse. The Sox entered September with a nine-game lead only to lose not only the division, but a wild-card berth as well in what was an epic final day of the 2011 season. There were reports that the Red Sox pitchers had been drinking beer and eating fried chicken in the clubhouse and dugout during games. It had appeared that skipper Terry Francona, who led the Red Sox to two World Series titles and helped break the “Curse of the Bambino,” had lost control of his players. The chicken and beer scandal led to the end of Francona’s tenure in Boston. The front office decided that the new Red Sox manager would need to restore order in the clubhouse, and that Bobby Valentine was the man to do just that. The Red Sox began the 2012 season on the road, where they lost five of their first six games. It seemed that the friendly confines of Fenway Park could be the remedy as they won the first three of four games in their home opening series against the Tampa Bay Rays. After dropping the last game against the Rays, the Red Sox were then swept by the Texas Rangers and their hated rival Yankees came to town for a two-game series. The first game was the 100th anniversary of the opening of Fenway Park and resulted in another Red Sox loss. Red Sox fans could only hope for a different result in the second game. After the the Yankees went down in the top of the first, the Red Sox’ bats heated up quickly against Freddy Garcia, starting with Ryan Sweeney reaching out across the plate to bloop a one-out double down the left-field line. After Garcia got Dustin Pedroia to hit a pop foul for the second out, Adrian Gonzalez just missed a home run; the ball bounced over the short fence in right field, scoring Sweeney and putting the Red Sox on the board. David Ortiz’s double to left scored Gonzalez, giving the Red Sox a 2-0 lead. The Red Sox continued to hammer Garcia in the second, starting with a one-out single by Cody Ross, who took third on a double by Darnell McDonald off the left-field wall. Mike Aviles’s single scored Ross and sent McDonald to third. He scored on Sweeney’s sacrifice fly to right. After swiping second base, Aviles scored on an opposite-field single by Pedroia that ended Garcia’s afternoon. Gonzalez’s flyout to deep center field off reliever Clay Rapada ended the Boston threat with the home team leading 5-0. Boston tacked on two more in the third. Ortiz led off with a single to right field. David Phelps replaced Rapada and hit Kevin Youkilis in the hip with his second pitch. Jarrod Saltalamacchia’s single to right loaded the bases with no outs. McDonald’s sacrifice fly scored Ortiz and Aviles’s single plated Youkilis, extending the Red Sox lead to 7-0. Saltalamacchia led off the bottom of the fifth with a 420-foot double to the deepest part of Fenway Park in center field. Ross’s blast to center cleared the fence and made it 9-0, Red Sox. Red Sox starter Felix Doubront kept the Yankees off the scoreboard for the first five innings and struck out Robinson Cano and Alex Rodriguez to start the sixth. Switch-hitting Mark Teixeira, looking for a fastball from Doubront, deposited a 2-and-1 offering into the seats above the left-field wall, putting the Yankees on the board, 9-1. Valentine replaced an effective Doubront with reliever Vicente Padilla to start the top of the seventh. Andruw Jones struck out looking to lead off the seventh. Russell Martin hit an opposite-field bloop single to right. Eduardo Nuñez reached safely on a weak grounder to third. After Derek Jeter walked, Nick Swisher stepped to the plate with the bases loaded and none out. Swisher entered the 2012 season trying to shake off another poor postseason performance, and was off to a great 2012, which was the final year of his contract after the Yankees exercised their team option. “Last year was a super stressful season for me, man,” Swisher said. “I am not going to be stressed out like that this year. I’m going to have as much fun as I can and just enjoy it. This is such a great place to play. I’m just enjoying every minute of it.” Swisher continued with his hot start by smacking an opposite-field grand slam over the left-field wall, inching the Yankees closer at 9-5. Cano followed up with a double off the wall, ending Padilla’s afternoon. Off Matt Albers, Rodriguez hit a groundball to short that Aviles bobbled, giving the Yankees runners at the corners with none out and Teixeira stepping to the plate. Teixeira, who had homered from the right side of the plate off lefty Doubront in the previous inning, batted from the left side against the righty Albers. With a 2-and-2 count, Teixeira reached out and smacked an outside pitch over the wall for an opposite-field three-run homer, bringing the Yankees within one: 9-8. After scoring seven in the seventh inning, the Yankees weren’t done beating up the Red Sox bullpen. In the eighth lefty Franklin Morales, who retired the Yankees in the seventh in relief of Albers, surrendered a leadoff single to Nuñez, putting the tying run on first. Valentine called on closer Alfredo Aceves for a six-out save. After walking Jeter, Aceves surrendered a sky-high double to Swisher that bounced off the center-field wall, scoring Nunez and Jeter, giving the Yankees a 10-9 lead and Swisher six RBIs for the game. After walking Cano intentionally and then walking Rodriguez to load the bases with none out, Aceves surrendered a line-drive double to Teixeira that bounced over the short wall in the right-field corner. Swisher and Cano scored, Rodriguez went to third, and the Yankees now led 12-9. Like Swisher, Teixeira also had six RBIs. After intentionally walking Curtis Granderson to load the bases again, Aceves was replaced by Justin Thomas. Valentine was met with a chorus of boos when he marched onto the field to lift Aceves; he responded by tipping his cap to the fans. He later said, “I’ve been booed in a couple of countries; a few different stadiums. I don’t want to be booed.” It took only two pitches to get two outs as Raul Ibañez hit into an unassisted double play at first base. But Martin sent the first pitch he saw from Thomas to the center-field wall for a double, scoring Rodriguez and Teixeira and extending the Yankees’ lead to 14-9. Jeter’s single off Junichi Tazawa plated Martin, giving the Yankees a 15-9 lead that would stand as the final score. “You’re down 9-0 and Tex hits what looks like an innocent home run. Then we come back with back-to-back seven-run innings,” Yankees manager Joe Girardi said after the game “I don’t think I’ve ever been a part of that.” “I don’t like to lose. I don’t know anybody who does,” Aviles said. “This wasn’t fun at all. I don’t want to see it if it gets any worse.” While it might not have gotten any worse than this particular game, the Red Sox did do plenty of losing in 2012, 93 games to be exact, and finished in last place. Valentine was fired after the last game of the season. Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-712704 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted January 10 Author Share Posted January 10 This is a game that I have always wanted to see. What a comeback by the Yankees in this one and I would have loved to see Ebbets Field also. World Series Game Four--New York Yankees vs. Brooklyn Dodgers (October 5, 1941) A blue envelope arrived at Ebbets Field via telegraph on Monday, October 6, 1941. Brooklyn Dodgers catcher Mickey Owen’s name was on it, along with the words “Personal Delivery Only.” The sender was a 10-year-old boy, a Dodger fan who scrounged up some coins and begged his mother to help him mail a letter to his favorite player. “My son has worshipped Mickey Owen all year and said he felt Mickey might go to pieces after that mistake he made yesterday if he didn’t get enough encouragement to carry on,” the boy’s mother said. Owen reportedly kept the note in his uniform pocket for Game 5 of the World Series. It wasn’t the catcher’s fault the Yankees beat the Dodgers in the 1941 World Series, but history has already rendered its narrative. Owen’s dropped third strike with two outs in the ninth inning of Game 4 was so dramatic, so ill-timed, and so integral in turning a 2-2 series tie into a 3-1 Yankee lead, no one needs years of perspective to identify a scapegoat. A 10-year-old could figure out who needed a pat on the back before the next game even started. This narrative misses a crucial fact, however. The first eight innings of Game 4 represented the Dodgers at their most dominant in decades. From Kirby Higbe’s first pitch until Hugh Casey threw what might have been the last, the mighty Yankees--winners in four of the previous five World Series--appeared to have met their match in Brooklyn. While the European theater of World War II raged like an inferno, Brooklyn was experiencing its own heat wave. Ebbets Field reached 96 degrees during the afternoon of Game 4, a record for the city on that date but not enough to deter 33,813 fans. It was only a few degrees cooler the day before, when the Bronx Bombers took a two-games-to-one lead in the series. After seven scoreless innings, the Yankees scored twice off Casey to win 2-1. It was the third consecutive one-run game to begin the series. The first postseason game at Ebbets Field in 21 years ended in Dodger defeat. Atley Donald was scheduled to take the ball for the Yankees in Game 4. Brooklyn starter Kirby Higbe spotted him a one-run lead. The Yankees sent six batters to the plate in the top of the first inning, and got their run when Charlie Keller singled in Red Rolfe. In the fourth inning, still leading 1-0, the Yankees loaded the bases with no outs. Keller was forced out at home plate, but Johnny Sturm’s two-out single put the Yankees ahead 3-0. That was the last pitch Higbe would throw, as Larry French was summoned from the bullpen to record the final out of the inning. Donald blanked the Dodgers for three innings. In the bottom of the fourth, Owen and Pete Coscarart drew walks with two outs. Pinch-hitter Jimmy Wasdell drove in both runners with a double, drawing the Dodgers within 3-2. In the fifth, the Yankees loaded the bases again with two outs, and Casey was summoned from the bullpen for the second straight day. Dodgers general manager Larry MacPhail had publicly criticized his 27-year-old pitcher--and even the Dodgers’ bullpen catcher--for not warming up faster in Game 3. Casey must have learned his lesson; he looked plenty warm when Joe Gordon hit a fly ball for the third out. The Yankees didn’t get a runner past first base against Casey until the fateful ninth inning. If not for Owen’s dropped third strike, Pete Reiser would have been remembered as the game’s hero. He certainly earned it. The 1941 season was a career year for several Dodger players and none more than Pistol Pete, who led the National League with a .343 batting average. In his first year as the Dodgers’ everyday center fielder, Reiser finished second to Camilli in voting for the Most Valuable Player award. With Dixie Walker on second base and none out, Reiser hit a two-run home run to right field over the Ebbets Field scoreboard6 to give the Dodgers a 4-3 lead. The way Casey was pitching, the score wasn’t likely to change. Casey was “making a hollow mockery of the vaunted Yankee power,” wrote the Philadelphia Record. “The Yanks had gone into that ninth (inning) a beaten team,” wrote the Boston Post. Sturm and Rolfe grounded out to begin the final inning. Two down, one to go. Casey went to a full count against Henrich and Owen called for a curveball. This proposition wasn’t as simple as it seems. “Casey had two pitches--a fastball and a curve,” Owen told Sports Illustrated in 1991. He continued: But he had two of each. He had a fastball that would either rise or sink. And he threw a big overhand sharp-breaking curve or a hard, quick curve that was a little bit like a slider. When he came into the game in the sixth inning, we both realized that the big curve wasn't working. So whenever I gave him the signal for a curve, he threw the quick one. Then, with the count 3 and 2 on Henrich, I signaled for the curve and Hugh rolled off a big-breaking curve that was probably the best he ever threw in his life. It broke down and in to Henrich, a left-handed batter, just as he swung at it. Years later, Henrich called it “one of the best and craziest curveballs I’ve ever seen.” Owen, however, told Sports Illustrated that he wasn’t expecting that curveball. “I'm expecting the quick curve and couldn't get my glove around to handle the ball when it broke so sharp,” he said. “Then the ball hits the heel of my glove and rolls back toward the stands as the cops were coming out to keep fans off the field.” The public address announcer, Charlie Clark, said the ball nearly reached his seat in front of the backstop: “Mickey came after it with a big vacant stare on his face--disbelief. I got out of his way because he could have bumped right into me, but I felt like kicking it back to him so he could get Henrich going down to first. I could have been famous.” What happened next sealed Owen’s notoriety, but the Yankees deserve credit for rallying. DiMaggio singled. Keller doubled, scoring Henrich and DiMaggio and giving New York a 5-4 lead. Dickey walked. Then Gordon doubled, scoring Keller and Dickey to make it 7-4. Johnny Murphy pitched a scoreless ninth inning. They were the heroes; immediately afterward Owen conceded, “I guess you’ll have to call me the goat of the game.” One out away from a 2-2 tie, the Yankees forged a 3-1 lead in the best-of-seven series. Rather than reviling the catcher, Brooklyn embraced Owen. “I got about 4,000 wires and letters,” he told the Saturday Evening Post. “I had offers of jobs and proposals of marriage. Some girls sent their pictures in bathing suits, and my wife tore them up.” Brooklyn lost Game 5 the next day at Ebbets Field, 3-1, ending the series. With the young fan’s note in his pocket, Owen received a “tremendous ovation” in his first at-bat. The pats on the back kept coming, and the role of 1941 World Series scapegoat followed Owen to the end of his life. Embraced by his city, Owen was able to embrace his role in history. “I would’ve been completely forgotten,” he said years later, “if I hadn’t missed that pitch. Tommy Henrich The Dodgers have just won game four of the 1941 World Series as Tommy Henrich strikes out for the final out of the game. Or has he? As you see here Henrich swung and missed, which would have ended the game, but Dodger catcher Mickey Owen failed to catch the ball and Henrich reached first base. Joe DiMaggio followed with a single and Charlie Keller hit a double to drive in Henrich and DiMaggio and take the lead. Bill Dickey would follow up with a walk and, along with Keller, score on a Joe Gordon double to make the final score 7–4. Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-712713 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted January 17 Author Share Posted January 17 September 30, 1927: Babe Ruth hits record 60th home run Baseball history is filled with accounts of memorable home runs. The Los Angeles Dodgers’ Kirk Gibson, for one, knocked a one-legged homer in Game One of the 1988 World Series against the Oakland A’s. The Pittsburgh Pirates’ Bill Mazeroski hit a dramatic round-tripper in Game Seven of the 1960 fall classic to beat the New York Yankees. Bobby Thomson ripped his “Shot Heard Round the World” in Game Three of the 1951 National League playoffs, leading the New York Giants over the Brooklyn Dodgers. Decades before those epic clouts came another great home run, hit September 30, 1927, at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, New York. Yankees slugger Babe Ruth belted his 60th home run of the season, breaking the record of 59 he set in 1921. While it was a happy day for many given the magnitude of Ruth’s accomplishment, it was also a sad day for some. Baseball said goodbye to one of the greatest pitchers of all-time, Walter Johnson. The legendary Big Train was retiring after 21 seasons with the Washington Senators. On the mound for the Yankees (who were in first place by a whopping 18½ games) that day was right-hander George Pipgras, sporting a record of 10-3. The Senators (who were in third place and trailed the Yankees by 23½ games) countered with left-hander Tom Zachary, who had a record of 8-12. Both lineups were loaded with talent. The Senators featured Sam Rice, Bucky Harris, Goose Goslin, and Joe Judge. Of course, the Yankees boasted a lineup famously referred to as “Murderers’ Row.” Earle Combs led off, followed by Mark Koenig, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Bob Meusel, and Tony Lazzeri in the two-through-six spots. The Yankees had clinched the pennant early in the month and were getting ready to face the Pittsburgh Pirates in Game One of the World Series on October 5. It was a relatively easy first inning for Pipgras as he quickly got a groundout and a fly out. Babe Ganzel singled, but Goslin popped out to Koenig at shortstop for the third out. In the Yankees’ half of the first, Combs flied out to left field and Koenig grounded out. Ruth drew a walk but was stranded after Gehrig’s groundout. Through the first three innings, the game was scoreless. Each team had managed just one hit. Things heated up offensively in the fourth inning. Goslin singled with one out for Washington, advanced to second base on Judge’s groundout to first and scored on Muddy Ruel’s single. Ruel then stole second and went home on Ossie Bluege’s base hit to make the score 2-0. Bluege stole second base but was left stranded when Grant Gillis grounded out. New York came back with a run of its own in the bottom of the fourth. Ruth led off with a single, followed by a base hit from Gehrig. Ruth advanced to third on the hit, while Gehrig went to second on the throw to third. Meusel hit a fly ball that scored Ruth and sent Gehrig to third. Lazzeri lined into a double play to end the frame. Goslin and Judge flied out to begin the Washington sixth. Ruel walked and made it to third after a pickoff attempt by Pipgras and subsequent error by Gehrig. Ossie Bluege walked, but Gillis flied out to end the inning. The Yankees tied the game, 2-2, in the bottom of the sixth inning. Ruth singled to right field with two outs and advanced to second on Gehrig’s single. Meusel followed with an RBI hit to score Ruth. Lazzeri popped out to end the rally. Herb Pennock, the Yankees’ ace left-hander, replaced Pipgras on the mound to open the seventh. He got Zachary to fly out and then gave up a double to Sam Rice. Bucky Harris walked, putting runners on first and second base. Ganzel grounded out, advancing Rice to third and Harris to second. Harris was then picked off second base for the third out. New York went down in order in the bottom of the seventh with Joe Dugan fouling out, Benny Bengough popping out, and Pennock flying out to left field. Pennock, in turn, retired the Senators in order in the eighth. Goslin and Judge grounded out, and Ruel flied out to left field. The game was getting late. Combs grounded out to third base to open the New York eighth. Mark Koenig tripled and up to the plate stepped the Bambino, Babe Ruth. In Ruth’s time with the Yankees, he had hit 366 home runs. Now, he was ready to blast another record-breaker. With his slugging prowess, Ruth had changed the way the game of baseball was played. He broke the single-season home-run mark in three straight seasons, in 1919 (29), 1920 (54), and 1921 (59). Babe had moved into first place on the all-time homer list in 1921 with No. 139. Zachary delivered a low fastball that Ruth sent into the right-field stands for number 60 on the year. It was also number 17 for the month of September and it gave the Yankees a 4-2 lead. Gehrig flied out to right field, and Meusel flied out to center field. The Yankees took their lead into the top of the ninth inning. Pennock got Bluege to fly out to left field, and then Gillis grounded out. The Senators were down to their last out. With Zachary due up, player-manager Bucky Harris sent in Walter Johnson to pinch-hit. The Big Train was a career .235 batter. In what would be Johnson’s last appearance in uniform as a player, he flied out to Ruth in right field. (Johnson had made his last appearance as a pitcher on September 22. He started against the St. Louis Browns and gave up nine hits and six runs in just 3⅓ innings.) Johnson subsequently asked for his release from the Senators. He still had the arm to pitch, but had lost the power generated from his legs. During spring training Johnson had suffered a broken ankle while pitching batting practice. While he somewhat recovered, the injury reduced the power generated from his legs. Despite his arm remaining sound, Johnson realized the end was at hand. “The leg I broke bothers me a lot, and not where it was broken. You see, when the legs are bad and you lose the old ‘zip’ on the ball, you find pitching a lot harder and you find you are not effective.” The Big Train went just 5-6 with a 5.10 ERA in his final season. Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-712787 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted February 7 Author Share Posted February 7 October 12, 1929: A’s stage historic World Series comeback with 10-run inning The Chicago Cubs’ Hack Wilson jogged out to his position in center field to start the home half of the seventh inning. Turning toward the diamond, he again took note of the late afternoon sun, which had descended to a point almost directly above Shibe Park’s double-decked grandstand behind home plate. The dazzling orb’s slanting rays were now aimed straight into his eyes. It had already made trouble for Wilson. Two innings earlier, in this fourth game of the 1929 World Series against the Philadelphia Athletics, he had dropped a fly ball after losing it in the October brightness. But he made a spectacular running, leaping grab of a deep fly off the bat of Joe Boley, the next batter. To many observers, it was one of the finest catches they’d ever seen in a World Series. Then, in the sixth, he had trouble with another ball because of the sun, but was able to corral it. Luckily for the Cubs, Wilson’s struggles had not resulted in any damage. Their starting pitcher, Charlie Root, winner of 19 games in 1929, was cruising, having allowed only three hits. Chicago’s vaunted offense, meanwhile, had taken an 8-0 lead. It simply was not the Athletics’ day. Nine more outs was all Root needed. Nine more outs, and the Series would be tied at two games apiece. Just two days ago, the Series had seemed all but over, the Athletics having won the first two contests at Wrigley Field, including a 13-strikeout gem by seldom-used journeyman Howard Ehmke. Chicago took Game Three, however, in a hostile Shibe Park, behind Guy Bush’s tough pitching. Now, the momentum seemingly had shifted back to manager Joe McCarthy’s Cubs. They had 22-game-winner Pat Malone ready for Game Five, and the final two would be back at Wrigley, where Chicago had been nearly unbeatable that summer, at 52-25. Only the Athletics, at 57-16, had had a better home record in the majors in 1929. Al Simmons, Philadelphia’s slugging left fielder, led off the seventh. On Root’s third offering, “Bucketfoot Al” hit a home run to left that cleared the roof. The shutout was lost, and the home crowd finally had something to cheer about. Root took a new ball from home plate umpire Roy Van Graflan. Jimmie Foxx singled, and Bing Miller hit a fly ball to center. The staggering Wilson lost it in the sun, and it fell in for a single, with Foxx taking second. Singles by Jimmy Dykes and Boley scored Foxx and Miller to make it 8-3. With runners on first and third and nobody out, George Burns pinch hit for pitcher Eddie Rommel. He was quickly dispatched on a pop fly to shortstop Woody English, the runners holding. Max Bishop, who had hit only .232 during the regular season but had also led the league with 128 walks, singled to left, scoring Dykes, sending Boley to third. Suddenly, the Cubs lead had been cut in half. McCarthy headed to the mound, took the ball from a frustrated Root, and waved in lefty Art Nehf from the bullpen to face the left-handed-hitting Mule Haas. In center field, Wilson adjusted his cap and dark sunglasses, the better to peer in against the blinding beams of the sun. At 29, Wilson had led the National League in home runs three of the previous four seasons. Born in the steel mill town of Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, he was the illegitimate son of an alcoholic steelworker and a teenage mother who died when he was seven. Wilson didn’t appear athletic at 5 feet 6 inches tall, 190 pounds, with an 18-inch neck, spindly lower legs, and size 5 1/2 feet that only a ballerina could love. Yet he could hit a baseball a mile. He began his big-league career with the New York Giants. But manager John McGraw, the dinosaur disciple of small ball, wasn’t won over by the top-heavy Wilson, despite his .295 average in a limited role in his rookie year of 1924. The Giants traded him to the Toledo Mud Hens in August of 1925. Following that season, the Cubs, in an unnoticed transaction, acquired Wilson in the Rule 5 draft. Wilson and Jazz-Age Chicago were partners in perfect pitch. In awe of his clouts onto Waveland Avenue, Wrigley Field’s denizens cheered him in the afternoon, and then toasted him late into the night as he made the rounds of the Windy City’s numerous speakeasies. In 1930, his annus mirabilis, Wilson whacked 56 home runs, and established a major-league single-season record with 191 RBIs, one of baseball’s most enduring numbers. 1931 was Wilson’s annus horribilis, with only 13 home runs and 61 RBIs; within three years his career was finished, the fall precipitated by alcohol and riotous living. He gained induction into Cooperstown in 1979, 31 years after his death. But on the late afternoon of October 2, 1929, at the corner of 21st and Lehigh in the City of Brotherly Love, Hack Wilson was about to engage in combat one too many times with Hyperion the sun-god, and end up getting burned. One out, runners on first and third, 8-4 in favor of Chicago. Mule Haas, who had hit 16 home runs in 1929, sent Nehf’s first fastball on a line toward center field. Wilson drifted back. Despite his sunglasses, he again lost the ball in the glare. It soared over his head and rolled to the fence. The desperate outfielder ran the ball down, Boley and Bishop scoring. Haas, defying his nickname, sprinted like lightning around the bases. Wilson heaved a late throw in, and Haas slid into the home dish in a cloud of dust. Safe, declared Van Graflan. The Cubs had blinked, and the score was suddenly Chicago 8, Philadelphia 7, with only one out. The 36-year-old Nehf, winner of 184 games over 15 seasons, walked Mickey Cochrane. McCarthy, for the second time in the inning, marched out to the mound, and Nehf, for the final time in his big-league career, marched off of it. Enter pitcher John Frederick “Sheriff” Blake, who failed to lay down the law. Al Simmons, back in the saddle for the second time that inning, singled to left. Foxx did the same, scoring Cochrane to tie it. McCarthy yanked the badge off Blake and tried his luck with Pat Malone, who plunked Bing Miller with his first pitch. Jimmy Dykes doubled, driving in two more to put the Athletics up by a deuce. The Shibe Park crowd was delirious with delight. Strikeouts by Boley and Burns brought the frame to an end, but the book had already been written. Athletics manager Connie Mack brought in Lefty Grove, winner of 20 in 1929, to start the eighth. He fanned four of the six batters he faced. At 3:42 pm, Rogers Hornsby flied to left for the final out of the game. Wilson was left on one knee in the on-deck circle. What had looked like a 2-2 Series tie had suddenly become a three-games-to-one Athletics lead. Chicago never recovered. They lost the Series the following day in equally heartbreaking fashion, when Philadelphia scored three runs in the bottom of the ninth to wipe out a 2-0 Cubs lead. Declared Mack to his men after Game Four, “I’d just like to be able to express to you the things I feel. But I can’t. I’ll have to let it go at that.” To reporters he gushed, “I’ve never seen anything like that rally. There is nothing in baseball history to compare it with. It was the greatest display of punch and fighting ability I’ve ever seen on a field.” In the dejected Cubs clubhouse, McCarthy mumbled, “You can’t beat the sun, can you?” Then, in an effort to deflect blame from his star center fielder, he pointed out, “The poor kid simply lost the ball in the sun, and he didn’t put the sun there.” Ed Burns of the Chicago Tribune wrote, “The greatest debacle, the most terrific flop in the history of the World Series. We’ve been looking at our score book for an hour now, thinking there must have been some horrible mistake, but ten she is folks.” “Couldn’t see the balls,” Wilson clarified. “I’m a big chump, and nobody’s going to tell me different.” Wilson and his four-year-old son Bobby departed the park together in a taxi. “The devil with them, Daddy,” he remarked. “We’ll get them next year.” Game four hero Mule Haas of the Philadelphia Athletics Hack Wilson lost it in the sun for the Chicago Cubs. 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Yankee4Life Posted March 1 Author Share Posted March 1 October 14, 1976: Chris Chambliss’ home run delivers pennant to the Bronx It had been 12 years since the Yankees participated in the postseason. In 1964 they lost a thrilling seven-game World Series to the St. Louis Cardinals. Up to then they had won the American League pennant in 14 of 16 seasons beginning in 1949. Love the Yankees or hate them, it is unquestionably one of the greatest runs of success in the history of any professional sport. Not many non-Yankees fans felt bad for the team when it hit rock bottom in 1966, finishing last in the 10-team AL standings. After their appearance in the 1964 World Series, the Yankees did not challenge for the flag, and were still stagnant when each league was divided into two divisions in 1969. Baltimore was king of the hill in the AL East Division as the Yankees floundered. The Orioles won five of six division titles from 1969 to 1974, and in that last season the Yankees began to make their comeback. New York finished in second place, two games behind Baltimore. Baltimore thumped the Yankees during the 1976 regular season. But New York posted a winning record in each month of the season. When July ended, the Yankees had a double-digit lead (10½ games) over Baltimore that they never relinquished on their way to winning the division. Kansas City won in the West Division, putting an end to the dominance of the Oakland Athletics, who had won five straight division titles beginning in 1971 and World Series championships each season from 1972 to 1974. At that time the ALCS was played in a best-of-five-games format. The Royals and Yankees each won a game on the road and the series was tied at two wins apiece with the deciding game set for October 14 at Yankee Stadium. Perhaps it was appropriate that a game with so much riding on it was being played in the Bronx. The Yankees had played their home games at Shea Stadium in Queens the previous two seasons as Yankee Stadium underwent a facelift. The weather was clear and chilly, with the temperature in the low 40s. Still, 56,821 spectators braved the cold. The pitching matchup was the Royals’ Dennis Leonard (17-10) vs. the Yankees’ Ed Figueroa. (19-10). Each had led his team in wins, but it was a safe assumption that for the pitching staffs, it would be all hands on deck in a winner-take-all game. In the top of the first inning, George Brett stroked a two-out double to right field and came home on John Mayberry’s home run. The Royals’ 2-0 lead was short-lived. For the Yankees, Mickey Rivers led off with a triple to left-center and came home on a single by Roy White. White stole second base and went to third on a single to left by Thurman Munson, who took second base on the throw to third. Royals manager Whitey Herzog went to the bullpen, bringing in left-hander Paul Splittorff. The left-handed-swinging Chris Chambliss tied the score with a sacrifice fly to left field. Just as quickly as the Yankees had tied the game, the Royals untied it in the top of the second inning. Cookie Rojas singled to center field with one out and stole second. Freddie Patek struck out, but Buck Martinez singled to right field, scoring Rojas and giving the Royals a 3-2 lead. As if the two clubs were playing a game of “Anything you can do, I can do better,” the Yankees reached Splittorff for two runs in the bottom of the third. Their first three batters reached base: Rivers singled to center, White walked, and Munson hit an RBI single to center. White went to third and scored on Chambliss’s force-play grounder to second. That made it 4-3, Yankees. Marty Pattin relieved Splittorff with two outs in the fourth and Andy Hassler replaced Pattin in the fifth. In the sixth the Yankees added to their lead. Rivers led off with a bunt single and took second on a sacrifice by White. Munson singled to right field to plate Rivers, but the Yankees catcher was thrown out trying to get to second. With two down, Chambliss singled to center field and stole second, then scored when Brett threw away Carlos May’s grounder. The Yankees led 6-3 going into the top of the eighth inning. With the pennant within the New Yorkers’ grasp, their fans were ecstatic. Figueroa was still on the mound; he had blanked Kansas City since the second inning. But when Al Cowens singled to left field to open the eighth, Yankees manager Billy Martin brought in left-hander Grant Jackson. Herzog was pushing buttons in the opposing dugout, and called on right-handed-batting Jim Wohlford to pinch-hit for Tom Poquette. The move worked; Wohlford singled to center. Brett stepped up and smashed a pitch by Jackson over the fence, tying the game, 6-6. Dick Tidrow came on to pitch for the Yankees in the top of the ninth. With two down, the Royals got a single from Martinez and a walk to Cowens. Wohlford slapped a slow grounder to Graig Nettles at third base. Nettles threw to second and umpire Joe Brinkman called Cowens out. TV replays clearly showed that it was a blown call. The Royals would have had the bases loaded and Brett coming to the plate had the correct call been made. Herzog, who did not argue the call, disagreed with Brinkman. But Herzog knew arguing the call would fall on deaf ears, and also did not want to take the chance of getting pelted with the various projectiles that were flying out of the stands. As the bottom of the ninth began, Chris Chambliss was first up against Royals reliever Mark Littell, who had pitched a clean eighth. As Chambliss waited for Littell to finish his warm-ups, Yankees’ public-address announcer Bob Sheppard cautioned the crowd against throwing debris onto the field. The game had already been stopped several times for bottles, firecrackers, beer cans, and rolls of toilet paper thrown from the stands. Chambliss stood by the bat rack, annoyed by the delay. Littell was annoyed, too. With an 8-4 record, 16 saves, and a 2.08 ERA, the 23-year-old possessed a live fastball and a wicked slider. The delay prevented Littell from staying loose and interfered with his rhythm. Finally, at 11:43 P.M., Chambliss stepped into the box and home-plate umpire Art Frantz yelled, “Play ball!” Chambliss was 10-for-20 with 7 RBIs in the series so far. He narrowed his eyes, looking for a fastball from Littell. Littell indeed threw a high, inside fastball. Chambliss reared back, stepped into the pitch, and smashed it over the right-field wall. Chambliss stood momentarily at home plate, watching the ball fly through the autumn air, not sure if it would leave the ballpark. “It felt good,” he said. “I thought it had a chance.” Meanwhile fans poured onto the field. As Chambliss rounded first base, fans ripped second base from the ground. Chambliss touched the base with his right hand and continued to run through the maze of humanity. He fell in the basepath, accidentally knocking a rampaging fan over, then he tagged third and headed home. When fans tried to grab his helmet, Chambliss tucked it under his arm, like a football. Like a fullback looking for a small hole at the line of scrimmage, Chambliss was spun completely around in a circle and powered his way through the throng. He was then escorted to the Yankees clubhouse by two policemen. “I had gone to home plate to congratulate him,” said Yankees coach Dick Howser. “I saw him rounding first, then I lost him. I caught him again between second and third, but he disappeared. I figured eventually he’d make his way around if he followed the green outline.” “Home plate was completely covered with people,” said Chambliss. “I wasn’t sure if I tagged it or not. I came in the clubhouse and all the players were talking about whether I got it. I wasn’t sure, so I went back out.” Graig Nettles urged Chambliss to return to home plate to make it official. “I wanted to make sure there was no way we were going to lose it,” Nettles said. Dressed in a police raincoat to avoid further harassment from the scores of fans still milling around on the field, Chambliss jogged out to home plate, found it had been dug up and removed, replaced by a hole. He touched the hole with umpire Frantz still on the scene, and returned to the champagne party. In a most historic and memorable fashion, Chris Chambliss delivered the first American League pennant to New York in the renovated Yankee Stadium, and the first one for the team since 1964, ending the 12-year drought. It was a dramatic victory for the Yankees, won by a player who prided himself on steady professionalism, not drama. 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Muller_11 Posted March 1 Share Posted March 1 I hope you'll post WS 2001 game 7 soon lol Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-713232 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sabugo Posted March 1 Share Posted March 1 I think you'll need to bang on a trash can so he can hear you. Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-713234 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted March 1 Author Share Posted March 1 35 minutes ago, sabugo said: I think you'll need to bang on a trash can so he can hear you. This comment deserves a standing ovation. Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-713236 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sabugo Posted March 1 Share Posted March 1 😁 Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-713237 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted March 2 Author Share Posted March 2 October 5, 1953: Billy Martin’s walk-off single lifts Yankees to fifth consecutive World Series title Phil Rizzuto can not contain himself as he practically strangles Billy Martin after the 24-year-old hitting hero of the Series' final game fought his way into the Yankee dressing room. Martin, who now has a place in baseball history singled home the winning run in the 9th inning to break a 3-3 tie that swept the Yankees to a record smashing fifth straight World series championship. Martin tied Pepper Martin's series hit record with 12. The New York Yankees entered Game Six of the 1953 World Series against the Brooklyn Dodgers looking to secure a record fifth consecutive World Series title. The Yankees had taken control of the Series by beating Brooklyn 11-7 in Game Five at Ebbets Field to take a three-games-to-two lead. Billy Martin had been the star of the fall classic. The feisty second baseman entered Game Six hitting .526 with four extra-base hits in the Series. Game Six would only add to his October legacy. The Yankees sent Whitey Ford to the mound. Ford had gone 18-6 with a 3.00 ERA during the regular season, but had a disastrous Game Four start just two days earlier, when he lasted only one inning and allowed three earned runs. Brooklyn countered with Carl Erskine, who’d gone 20-6 with a 3.54 ERA during the regular season and was coming off a masterful performance in Game Three, when he allowed two runs in a complete-game win and struck out a World Series-record 14 batters. However, Erskine was taking the mound on only two days’ rest. After Freddy Parent, shortstop for the 1903 Boston Red Sox, threw out the first pitch to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first World Series, the two teams took the field at Yankee Stadium in front of 62,370 fans on a chilly, overcast day. The Yankees wasted no time getting to Erskine. Gene Woodling drew a walk to lead off New York’s half of the first. After Joe Collins struck out, Hank Bauer singled to left. Yogi Berra then brought home the first run of the contest on a liner to right field, “the ball skipping and bouncing along before being deflected into the stands by (Carl) Furillo’s mitt for a ground-rule double as Woodling scored,” wrote Joe Trimble of the New York Daily News. Mickey Mantle was intentionally walked to load the bases for the red-hot Martin, who hit a one-bounce liner to the right of second baseman Jim Gilliam. Gilliam managed to knock it down, but failed to make a play as the ball dribbled away from him. All the runners were safe, as Bauer raced home. Aware that Martin was approaching the record for hits in a single World Series, those in attendance did not take kindly when Gilliam was charged with an error, rather than Martin being awarded a hit. When an “E” was put on the scoreboard, “there was a roar of disapproval from the crowd and virtually every player on the Yankees bench stood and waved derisively at the press box.” “I’ve fielded others like that – and I’ve missed ’em too,” Gilliam said of the misplay. “But I expected to get the ball. It was a low liner that came on a short hop. It hit my glove but it didn’t stick.” The Yankees continued to put pressure on Erskine in the second inning. Phil Rizzuto and Ford each singled to put runners at the corners with no outs. Woodling hit a sacrifice fly to deep left field to bring Rizzuto home for the Yankees’ third run. Collins hit a tapper up the third-base line that Erskine fielded, but he threw over Gil Hodges’ head at first, allowing Ford to go to third and Collins to second. Bauer was then walked to load the bases. Berra stepped to the plate with a chance to break the game wide open. He hit a fly to deep center field that Duke Snider caught, and “the blow was so deep that Duke conceded the run, throwing to second to keep Bauer at first.” But as Gilliam caught the ball, “he heard Campy (catcher Roy Campanella) screaming for a throw.” Gilliam fired home to Campanella who applied the tag on Ford for an inning-ending double play. Ford later explained why he didn’t score on what looked like an easy sacrifice fly. “I was unable to see Duke Snider complete the catch and left early,” he said of the mishap. “(Third base coach) Frankie Crosetti told me to return and tag up. I did and was an easy out at the plate.” Erskine left the game after the fourth inning, having allowed three runs on six hits and three walks. He was replaced by rookie Bob Milliken, who tossed two shutout innings. The only run Ford allowed came in the sixth inning. Jackie Robinson doubled to left field with one out. He stole third without drawing a throw and came home when Campanella hit a slow groundball to short. After the seventh inning, “in a move as startling as any in his brilliant managerial career,” Casey Stengel removed Ford and replaced him with Allie Reynolds. “A murmur of disapproval from the crowd” met the pitching change. Ford seemed to have been rolling, allowing only one run on six hits and a walk, while striking out seven. “Whitey pitched well,” Stengel said, “but that Bobby Morgan’s fly at the end of the seventh was hit real hard. I didn’t want to take any chances against those good hitters the Dodgers would have coming up in the eighth. I figured Reynolds with a two-run lead would hold it for two innings.” “I felt bad when Casey took me out,” Ford said. “Then I thought, ‘Well, he hasn’t been wrong in five years.’” Reynolds had strained a muscle in his back while starting the Series opener. He’d returned to the mound to record the final two outs of Game Five. As he walked to the mound to try to secure the Yankees’ fifth consecutive championship, the stadium lights turned on. It was only slightly after 3 P.M., “but the raw, cold, overcast weather made it seem like nightfall.” Reynolds surrendered a harmless single to Robinson in the eighth inning. In the ninth, Snider worked a one-out walk to bring Furillo to the plate as the game’s tying run. Furillo drilled a two-run home run to right field, as “the stadium roared in the wildest moment of the Series, the lights went on again in Brooklyn and Dodgers bench-warmers streamed out to shake the hand of the man who had brought them from the jaws of death.” Furillo’s game-tying home run was the 17th homer hit by the two teams in the Series, breaking the record set by the same two teams a year earlier. Reynolds rebounded after Furillo’s big blast to strike out Billy Cox and Clem Labine and send the game to the bottom of the ninth tied, 3-3. Labine, who’d entered the game in the seventh inning, took the mound for the Dodgers in the ninth. He walked Bauer to start the inning, but was able to get Berra to line out to right field for the first out. Mantle then hit what Trimble called “a sleazy little roller to the third base side of the mound” that went for an infield hit. That brought Martin, who’d already doubled in the fifth inning for his 11th hit of the Series, to the plate with runners at first and second. The Series star hit the second pitch he saw back through the box and into center field. Bauer “stormed home from second, as Snider forlornly trotted in and fielded the ball.” “When I was up there, I don’t know exactly what I was thinking, except that I just wanted to get that run home,” an exuberant Martin said. The victory gave the Yankees their 16th World Series championship and record-setting fifth in a row. Many Yankees players believed the team was only getting started. “I don’t see why this ball club shouldn’t keep winning pennants indefinitely,” Rizzuto said. “After all, we’re loaded with young players. I’m the only old guy on the club.” (Rizzuto was 35.) But this Series was all about Martin’s performance. His 12 hits tied Buck Herzog (1912), Shoeless Joe Jackson (1919), Pepper Martin (1931), and Sam Rice (1925) for the most hits in a World Series. Many of his teammates felt he should have had one more hit and broken the record – if the groundball to Gilliam in the first inning had been scored a hit rather than an error. “I never saw such lousy scoring,” Yankees coach Bill Dickey complained. “A hit if I ever saw one. What have you got to do to get one these days? Hit one into the seats? It’s a shame to take that one away from him.” Martin, who batted .257 during the season, finished the series 12-for-24 with two home runs, two triples, one double, one walk, five runs scored, and eight RBIs. Rizzuto, who’d just finished playing in his eighth fall classic, proclaimed that Martin “played the greatest Series I ever saw.” “We got beat by a .250 hitter,” Dodgers manager Chuck Dressen complained. “That little stinker is the best damned ballplayer they got.” “He’d run through a buzz saw to beat you,” Dressen added. “Biggest moment of my life,” an elated Martin said of his Series-winning hit. “I was damn glad to get that 12th hit. The hell with the 13th. We won, didn’t we? That’s all that counts.” Five in a row says the Daily News! Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-713245 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted Sunday at 09:16 PM Author Share Posted Sunday at 09:16 PM June 3, 1932: Lou Gehrig hits four home runs, Tony Lazzeri hits for cycle in Yankees romp It was a game of excess, played on a Friday afternoon in Philadelphia’s Shibe Park. Two teams combined for 104 plate appearances, 77 total bases, and 17 runners left on base. The first-place Yankees were playing the fourth game of a six-game series against the Athletics, who occupied fourth place in the American League, 5 games behind New York. The 5,000 fans at the game saw 33 runs, 36 hits, 9 home runs, 5 triples, 14 walks, 12 strike-outs, and 5 errors. On any other day, Yankees third baseman Tony Lazzeri would have owned the newspaper sports-page headlines. But on this day he was overshadowed by four different baseball events. On a day when Lazzeri hit for a natural cycle (single, double, triple, and home run in that order, the homer being a grand slam), Lou Gehrig amazingly hit four home runs and narrowly missed a fifth. On top of that, Babe Ruth launched his 15th home run of the season, second-best in the major leagues. Jimmie Foxx hit his ML-best 19th homer for Philadelphia. Still more headline-worthy, John McGraw announced that he was retiring from baseball after 29 years as manager of the New York Giants because of a two-year battle with a serious sinus condition. According to the New York Times, “Largely because of Gehrig’s quartet of tremendous smashes the Yankees outstripped the Athletics in a run-making marathon, winning 20 to 13, after twice losing the lead because of determined rallies by the American League champions.” Gehrig joined the Boston Beaneaters’ Bobby Lowe (May 30, 1894) and the Philadelphia Phillies’ Ed Delahanty (July 13, 1896) as the only players to collect four home runs in a game. In the first and fifth innings, Gehrig hit his bombs beyond the fence in left-center field, and in the fourth and seventh, he cleared the wall in right field. With the home run in the fifth inning, Gehrig became “the first man in baseball history to ever hit three home runs in one game for the fourth time.” On top of that, that third home run was a back-to-back-to-back shot, as Earle Combs and Ruth had homered ahead of him. In the top of the ninth inning, Gehrig “pointed a terrific drive which Al Simmons captured only a few steps from the furthest corner of the park.” Estimates put the drive at 460 feet from home plate. (It was 468 feet from home to the deepest part of the ballpark in center field, near the flagpole.) George Earnshaw started for the Athletics and pitched five innings, allowing seven runs (six earned). His counterpart for the Yankees, Johnny Allen, gave up eight runs (four earned) in 3 2/3 innings. Allen was ejected by home-plate umpire Harry Geisel in the fourth inning for “bench jockeying,” the usual phrase used when a player argues balls and strikes from the dugout. The Yankees committed five errors in the contest (Ruth, Gehrig, Frank Crosetti with 2, and Allen). The Yankees used five hurlers and Athletics four, and all nine pitchers in the game allowed at least one run. Jumbo Brown picked up his first win of the season in relief, and Lefty Gomez earned his first save. Reliever Roy Mahaffey took the loss for Philadelphia. Lazzeri stroked five hits in six at-bats. In addition, he stole a base. As of 2015, he was one of only 14 major leaguers to have a natural cycle, and was the only one whose home run was a grand slam. With his five hits, Lazzeri’s average jumped to .357, third-best in the American League. Lazzeri and Gehrig each drove in six runs in the Yankees victory. Every starting position player for New York drove in at least one run. Doc Cramer and Ed Coleman led Philadelphia with three RBIs each. The New Yorkers tied the then-major league record by hitting seven home runs in the game. The Yankees’ 20 runs scored were their highest run total of the season. The 23 hits by New York set a modern record at the time. The game seesawed back and forth. The Yankees scored twice in the first, highlighted by Gehrig’s first home run of the game, a two-run shot. The Athletics responded with two runs in the bottom half of the first, with a Mickey Cochrane home run. Gehrig’s second blast, a solo homer, was part of a two-run fourth inning for New York, but then Allen allowed six Philadelphia tallies in the bottom of the fourth, before he was chased from the game. New York seemed to have batting practice, scoring in each of the final six frames, with two runs in the fourth inning, three in the fifth, two in the sixth, three in the seventh, two in the eighth, and six in the ninth inning, capped by Lazzeri’s grand slam home run to give him the cycle. Gehrig’s missed home run could have meant an even higher score. Philadelphia scored twice in the bottom of the sixth for a short-lived lead, and the A’s added two runs in the eighth and a Jimmie Foxx solo home run in the bottom of the ninth. The final score: New York 20, Philadelphia 13. The next day, the New York Times carried the headline, “Gehrig Ties All-Time Record With Four Straight Home Runs as Yankees Win,” across the top of its sports page on June 4, 1932. However, it then only gave the first column to describing the game, and only a small portion was for Gehrig’s record-tying feat. Five of the eight columns on the front page of the sports section in the New York Times were devoted to John McGraw, who was only 59 years old when he announced his retirement. Joe McCarthy, manager of the Yankees, told reporters, “McGraw must have been pretty sick, for he is not the kind to give up baseball without a reason.” One of Gehrig’s finest offensive performances was apparently minimized by the news of McGraw’s retirement. Incoming Giants skipper Bill Terry was given close to a full column on the sports pages, and even his wife was given a short article, which stated that “Mrs. Bill Terry was a very, very proud young woman today when she heard of her husband’s appointment as manager of the New York Giants.” Quote Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/75002-great-games-of-the-past/#findComment-713487 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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