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i did not hack the site!!!!!


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i did not hack the site, so if you were told by kccitystar, mooseknuckle or anyone else, then they are sadly mistaken and that is harassment, the real problem was site overload as said by an mvp mods staff member. thanks.

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If someone is pulling your leg, then you better give them props because they did a great job.

There's been a ton of people on here in the evenings every night since the game was released. Haven't any of you noticed that?

Ok, back to whatever you were doing.

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If someone is pulling your leg, then you better give them props because they did a great job.

There's been a ton of people on here in the evenings every night since the game was released. Haven't any of you noticed that?

Ok, back to whatever you were doing.

no y4l they were spreading a rumor that i hacked the site, and i kept getting instant messages telling me how much i was an asshole for doing this so on and so forth.

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