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I have read that in attrib.dat is possible to modify information so I started to reasign the audio ID of several players but when I load it in MVP Baseball freezes or makes crash in the loading screen is about the Roster I am preparing for play 2023 season if Our God permits so I am in 2022 season currently, it seems are attrib and another datafiles that are making this please help is urgent......


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Why are you editing the attrib.dat file directly. Editing The rosters with MVPEdit is much easier and much safer. As I’ve said in my responses to your other posts, without knowing exactly what you changed, no one is going to be able to help you.

Also, instead of creating a new post every day with a new issue, why don’t you create a single thread with all your problems and just keep updating that one?

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how you looking, you always want to make backups before using mods, really hate seeing people learn the hard way :( hope you were able to save your franchise mode

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