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Hey people, I come to offer you this project of the famous and legendary baseball game MVP Baseball 2005. The objective of this project is to take the MVP Baseball to its maximum performance using the emulator "XEMU" which is the best version of MVP and thanks to it to edit the game with graphics, players, accessories, etc. as well as the PC version, but it is not easy to pass this version to the emulator so I show you my progress and I hope you can support me to continue the project. My goal is to make two versions of the game, the 2005 season and the current one, so I sincerely hope you can support the project as it will be for all lovers of this great game that after 20 years, continues to hook us with its entertaining and realistic gameplay.


To achieve this progress, I used some posts from this forum of great creators for the Xbox, so I thank you for your support.


Que tal gente, les vengo a ofrecer este proyecto del famoso y legendario juego de beisbol mvp baseball 2005. El objetivo de este proyecto es llevar el mvp baseball a su maximo rendimiento utilizando el emulador "XEMU" que es la mejor version del mvp y gracias a ello ir editando el juego con graficas, jugadores accesorios, etc. asi como la version de pc, pero no es facil pasar dicha version al emulador asi que les enseño mi avance y espero puedan apoyarme para seguir el proyecto. Mi objetivo es hacer dos versiones del juego, la temporada 2005 y la actual, asi que espero de corazon puedan apoyar el proyecto ya que sera para todos los amantes de este juegazo que despues de 20 años, nos sigue enganchando con su entretenido y realista gameplay.


Para lograr este avance, utilice algunas publicaciones de este foro de grandes creadores para la xbox asi que les agradezco por su apoyo.





Edited by Siltimirin21
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I’m missing something.


I watched that entire video and I don’t see any improvements on Mvp 2005. I looked at everything, pausing multiple times and coming away with nothing special about that video.


Explain to me what I am missing?


We also had someone here not too long ago make a 2005 Total Classics mod.

When you say "I used some posts from this forum of great creators", I am assuming that you mean that you are using mods created by others in your work.  Watching your video, I saw a Fox Sports overlay and a version of Fenway Park released by either SeanO or DennisJames.  If you are going to use the work of others, you need to make sure you give them proper credit.

  On 3/18/2025 at 9:08 PM, Jim825 said:

When you say "I used some posts from this forum of great creators", I am assuming that you mean that you are using mods created by others in your work.  Watching your video, I saw a Fox Sports overlay and a version of Fenway Park released by either SeanO or DennisJames.  If you are going to use the work of others, you need to make sure you give them proper credit.



Cant agree more

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