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Owner/Dynasty Mode Extension


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I think it is awesome that everyone is working on a mods for new ballparks but I was curious is it possible to design a mod that would extend the owners mode beyond 30 seasons or the dynasty mode beyond 120 seasons? If someone is really involved with their team especially in owner mode it is sad that a limit is placed on how many seasons that can be completed. Has something already been designed to extend this limitation or is this something that cannot be changed?

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Ok...first, I have no reason to play Owner Mode beyond 30 seasons. Any player that I would be attached to would be well out of the league by then, even a 17 y/o rookie! He would be 47 at the end of owner mode.

Dynasty - why would you want to play out more than 120 years? Most people don't even make it half-way!

Not knocking...just curious why people would want more length? Isn't it long enough?

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I understand your point but another thought is why have a limit at all. If you are going to go 30 seasons or 120 seasons why not just take the limit out all together. When you sim leagues 120 seasons and especially 30 seasons can go by alot quicker than you might think. If I were one of the "few" people who actually went that long in a dynasty or a owner mode it would be a tremendous let down to think after all of that work my game would end abruptly with these limitations. But again the original question is a mod available and if not is it possible for one to be created that if nothing else you were able to pull your league out of the game and reinsert it again?

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the lmit may be due to the games data limitations.

Would it be possible to pull the league file from the game and reset the amount of seasons played while at the same time keeping the league player stats database?

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