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Can Someone please customize a datafile(s) for me


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i would like a custom datafile since i am never satisfied sticking to one, and i suck at customizing my own too confusing :(

i would like these attributes with

**** Cameras of KSMs 2.5(ESPN)(1~5)

*** Trues center batting 4

**** spitoons walk fix (but have the green spot alittle wider not as thin)****stuff not stated for example: removing bat music and foul ball PIP etc, that means I DON'T WANT THAT just the stuff stated :)

this second one with ****Cameras of KSMs 2.5(FOX)(1~5), along with the new batter walk up cameras

*****same as above with the trues and spitoons :)



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i would like a custom datafile since i am never satisfied sticking to one, and i suck at customizing my own too confusing :(

It looks to me like you are at the point where you need to learn how to do this stuff yourself. Get yourself a good text comparing program at:


Learn how to do this and you can change datafiles to your liking every 30 minutes if you want to. It's not that difficult to pick up bits and pieces from other datafiles and mod them together. Good luck and happy modding! :)


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The best way is to learn how to edit the datafile yourself. And ask the modders what changes did they make in the datafile. I use ksm mod and added trues batting cam to the mod and some other stuff. It is really not that hard to mod it yourself. give it shot.

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