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MVP Edit troubles...help


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Since the new patch I haven't been able to add any portraits through mvp edit. Does anyone know if EA once again altered the dat files during this patch. Last year RGlass would have to update mvpedit after every patch.

Anyone else run into this trouble? These are new photo number additions, not changing an existing one.

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Since the new patch I haven't been able to add any portraits through mvp edit. Does anyone know if EA once again altered the dat files during this patch. Last year RGlass would have to update mvpedit after every patch.

Anyone else run into this trouble? These are new photo number additions, not changing an existing one.

i am having this same problem and its driving me nuts trying to figure it out. please help!

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Thanks for the reply bugbully.

I have done this a million times in the past (including last year) so it's really driving me crazy.

Ok here's what I do.

After preparing my pictures (portrait and alpha), making sure they are 128 x 128 and the alpha being 8-bit. Keep in mind some of the photos I am using were used last year and worked fine and also worked fine a few weeks ago.

Then I open MVPEdit, go to the player I want to add the photo(s) to and enter in a portrait number (one available), then I click on the portrait box, which prompts you with a spot to select a photo and an alpha. Then I proceed to add each photo to the appropriate box and press "ok". After this no matter which player I pick it says "No picture found".

I also checked the portraits.big file using bigGui to see if it imported anything and it didn't. I have tried reinstalling MVPEdit to no avail as well.

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I had a problem with this also and found that in the options menu if I didnt have the directory "data" highlighted every player I selected had no image found. It was totally driving me crazy until I figured it out. I selected "database" because I wanted to import and export faster. Hopefully its as easy as that for you

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Thanks, but that is not my problem. When I first start out my players show portraits, but as soon as I try to add a new one, bam, now none of them show unless I close and reopen MVPEdit.

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hmmm...let me tell you how I do it - this is in no way the "right" way to do things but here goes. I have a random portrait fsh file on my desktop at all times. When I edited a portrait w/PS, I save it as .psd. The I open the fsh on my desktop w/EA Graph and import the psd. Then I open the fsh w/nfshtool - this automatically creates an a bmp and alpha bmp. Then I import them in w/MVPEdit, as you described above.

I do a lot of things the long way but they work. Let me know

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I edit my portraits then save the first as the portrait, then I use the magic wand tool and paint bucket to create my alpha. I then save the alpha as an 8-bit bmp. Then I import with MVPEdit.

Thanks again.

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