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Question for Modders about unpacking/repacking


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I've been using GFXPAK to work on progress.big and rookie.big. I use EA Graph to uncompress, then use GFXPAK to recompress. It's worked fine.


I'm trying to edit the distribution for player creation for the discipline ratings. In EA graph, the program tells me that discipline.csv is compressed and do I want to decompress it? I say yes. After I edit it, I use GFXPAK. It looks like it works, but when I read the message it says "replaced 0" instead of "replaced 1" like it usually does. So I'm thinking that maybe I need to compress that .csv file first, then use GFXPAK to put it back into rookie.big.

The only GFXPAK command I know (it's pathetic, I know) is the -p command. Does anybody know what command I would use to compress the file BEFORE adding it back to rookie.big? Thanks.

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I wish I could help but I usually work with .fsh and the only way I compress is with nfshtool. I hope you figure this out man, you do some great work :D

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