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need all giants (A- MLB) affiliates pics for next installmnt


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getting ready to begin the minor league update for the giants farm system as well as the MLB giants themselves. so, what i need is anyone who has some good shots of the farm system unis- especially alternate versions- please post some pics or links here. i know some of you actually live in the affiliate home towns so you may have some info or images that i cannot readily find. also any MLB giants older unis- namely the black and the orange jerseys would be great. thanks in advance.

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I tried to find the SJ Giants unis on their website because I know they have changed their home unis (from yankee pinstripes to sleeveless unis) but they had no pictures up yet. I know they are holding practices today, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at night, but if they don't wear them then, then we'll have a problem because they don't come home until the 21st.

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ok thanks guys, so we are having some uni changes huh? ok well good and bad i guess. good they'll be accurate, bad beacuse i'll have to wait probably. i'll do some searching tomorrow and see what i can dig up. i guess i can start on norwich then in the meantime.

korolyuks, i'm assuming you live in SJ? if you are going to the practice see if you can get a shot of the uni logo. i can pretty much take it from there. maybe another general shot so i can see what they look like overall.

thanks for the input fellas, i'll get these out asap providing i can see some of these new unis. if it means waiting to get it right then i'll wait, and go to the next team until i can find these new uni shots.

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wow thanks for the heads up man, i got a glimpse of fresno's new logo and colors. if i had proceeded as planned w/out this info i would have been totally WAY off base. still can't find images of new uniforms for fresno or san jose though.

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actually, i'm not in san jose, i just know the PR guy for the SJ Giants and he told me they were changing jerseys, the note about the practices was for anyone who would be interested in going.

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oh ok cool, well i guess we'll have to wait a few for some pics, unless he shoots you some. i guess i'll start on the rangers while we wait for some images. i like to do the whole farm system at once, keeps me into it.

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